"Keep going, keep going!"

Shura crossed his arms as if watching Poseidon's performance.

I even call you Brother Shura to save your face...

If everyone hadn't come from the same plane, He wouldn't even bother to remind Poseidon. As a result, this guy is still a vulgar god!


Poseidong was speechless for a moment and didn't know what to say.

Suddenly, his eyes lit up.

"Brother Shura, you know, little brother, I have always had a regret and want to make up for it."

"If you want to leave, you have to pass on the position of god."

"The inheritor I am interested in now has extremely high talent. After he inherits my divine throne, he will definitely step into the realm of the God King within a hundred years at most!"

"Isn't it a pity for such a good young man to inherit the throne of those lower gods?"

"Are you right?"

When Poseidon first spoke, Shura's face was expressionless. The more he listened, the more something was wrong! His face also became darker!

This Poseidon not only wants to rob people, but also says that he, God Shura, is a lower god!

What's the difference between it and opening it up to the face?

"Brother Shura, please tell me which god is going to pass on the god's throne to Kong. I'll go talk to him!"

Poseidon said confidently.

In the God Realm, there are only five gods who dare to say that they can beat him, Poseidon.

They are good, evil, destruction, life, and Shura.

Yes, including the Shura God in front of me.

He, Poseidon, is not bad. The gap between him and God Shura now is only one level!

This is the gap between the peak level one god and the god king.

In the God Realm at this time, there were nominally two powerful men at the level of God Kings, one good and one evil.

However, except for these two powerful God Kings, the cultivation levels of Destruction, Life, and Shura have all reached the level of God Kings. However, they are not called God Kings, but law enforcers of the God Realm.

Apart from these five, Poseidon is not afraid of any gods if he fights alone!

Seeing Shura's dark face and silence, Poseidon quickly said: "Brother Shura, just tell me, we can't let such a seedling go to waste!"

"Aren't you trying to act stupid with me?"

"Brother, why did you say this?"

Poseidon was stunned. When did he need to pretend to be stupid?

"He is my successor!"


After hearing this, Poseidon's mind was filled with questions, and his expression became very strange, which could be described as distorted.

No wonder, no wonder Shura ran so fast!

Before he could say a few words to Kong, the other party had already arrived at the scene!

This speed is terrifying.

Well, it turns out he is the inheritor of Shura...

"Shura, I was finally moved for once, you made me lose so completely! I will fight you!"

"Where is this god's harpoon? Come!"

Shura: "..."

Looking at the crazy Poseidon, Shura frowned. It seemed that he hadn't taken action for too long!

The screen returned to Sora's side.

Poseidon's soul seemed to have fallen into a deep sleep, and he suddenly became silent, which left Kong speechless.

He shook his head and put the Poseidon's Heart into the storage soul guide to see when this guy would wake up.

At that time, we will "discuss" with him whether Yu Yuanzhen "can" inherit the Poseidon inheritance.

"Should" is okay, right?

If that doesn't work, you'll have to talk to Poseidon when you go to the God Realm.

"Sora, what happened to you just now?"

Qian Renxue asked doubtfully, something was wrong with Kong's state just now. She wandered in front of him for a long time, but she didn't see any movement from him.

"It's nothing. I talked with the spirit of Poseidon. He wants to pass on the position of Poseidon to me."

Kong waved his hand and said with an indifferent expression.

Poseidon, among the first-level gods, is not considered "poor". Look at the treatment of the two inheritors of the gods, Bibi Dong and Qian Renxue, and look at the treatment of Tang San in the original work. It is simply incomparable!

Bibi Dong, apart from the position of god, the Rakshasa God has given her nothing...

Even the Rakshasa artifact was transformed from Bibi Dong's own soul bone.

Qian Renxue is a little better, as she has the divine costumes and artifacts left by the God of Angels, as well as the final details of the Spirit Hall.

Where is Tang San?

The life of the soul ring is increased, the god-given soul ring, the divine weapon, the dual god status, and even the Poseidon soul takes three shots!

Tang San's great-grandfather helped him complete the first eight tests of Shura's nine tests... Help!

During the decisive battle, Poseidon and Shura were killed in person! Resurrection of Tang San...

They are all inheritors of gods, and the first two are just like the ones they picked up.

After hearing this, Qian Renxue blinked, her beautiful eyes filled with doubts.

Isn't Kong the inheritor of the gods?

Why did Poseidon still want to pass on the position of god to him?

However, Qian Renxue did not ask any more questions.

"Kong, after I finish the affairs of Tiandou Empire, I will return to Wuhun City and try to see if I can accept the inheritance of my ancestors."

"If I succeed, then we can really be together forever."

Qian Renxue said with true feelings.

It’s not that everyone hates love brains, it’s because that person is not interested in you!


Kong nodded, but he didn't say anything like asking Qian Renxue to wait for him to become a god.

By the time Qian Renxue takes over the divine examination, he should have already broken through to the divine level, right?

"Don't go back tonight, okay?"

"Would this be a little disturbing?"

As if she had made up her mind, Qian Renxue quickly waved her hands and said without blushing, "I won't disturb you, Sora. I'll take you to the secret room. I have a project to talk to you about!"

"Hey~what project?"

"A project worth several hundred million gold soul coins!"

Time passed, and the next day, when Kong walked out of the Prince's Mansion, his face was full of weirdness.

Isn't this really hereditary?

Secret room?

What a secret room!

What a project worth several hundred million gold soul coins!

Could this be a craft passed down from the ancestors of thousands of families?

Qian Daoliu: "..."

Shaking his head, Kong returned to the hotel alone and began to "retreat and practice".

Real retreat practice!

I will never leave the realm until I reach the realm of Titled Douluo!

Since then, a wealthy street kid has disappeared from the streets of Tiandou City. As Kong retreats into seclusion, the news about him has gradually become less and less, and has gradually evolved into a "legend"!

Legend: A young man less than fifteen years old faced the golden generation of Wuhun Palace alone. With the strength of Contra, the young man defeated the golden generation of Wuhun Palace with "very difficult" and gained victory for the empire. The first champion of the continent's elite soul master academy competition!

As for the young man's name, it was gradually forgotten. Only one word was remembered, and that was: Kong!

Time flies...

In the blink of an eye, it was three years later.


His mind was filled with questions. He had only been in seclusion for three years. How could he have become a legend?

At this time, Sora had completely grown into a young man, with long golden hair neatly draped over his shoulders.

"I promised to leave seclusion at level 90, but it turned out to be 90..." (End of Chapter)

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