I don’t know how many years have passed since I was practicing in seclusion. Three years passed by in a flash. Sora, who originally planned to break through to level 90 before leaving seclusion, has now reached level 99, the pinnacle of the world.

"I am invincible, it's time to speak up!"

The corners of Kong's mouth raised slightly, level ninety-nine?

Which peerless Douluo can possess nine god-level "soul rings"?

Yes, after breaking through to level ninety-nine, the lifespan of all Sora's soul rings has reached a million years!

At this moment, he accepted the inheritance of Douluo Thunder God...

This was something that Kong himself had never thought of. He never expected that the soul ring he obtained from the Thunder Hell Vine would be able to directly acquire the inheritance of the "Thunder God" after a million years of evolution.

In other words, if Sora is willing, he can directly use the god status of Douluo Thunder God to break through to level 100!


When Kong left the Pure Land of Isshin, God Shura's eyes lit up in the God Realm, and he said what was going on, the inheritor had not been seen for "three days".

One day in the God Realm, one year in Douluo!

When Kong appeared again, he had actually reached the pinnacle of the human world and could break through to level 100 at any time!

As long as he is willing to inherit the position of god!

In the past three years, the Douluo Continent as a whole has not changed much, but there seems to be some turmoil in Wuhun City and Tiandou City.

Fortunately, before going into retreat, Kong informed the people around him that he was going into retreat and it might take some time.

Otherwise, if he had been in seclusion for so long, everyone would have thought that he had broken through the hundredth level and ascended...


When Sora walked down the stairs, the hotel owner and chef looked confused.

His master is really powerful, three years, three years, he has been in seclusion for three years!

"I didn't expect you to have such a good fortune, you are already level sixty-three, right?"

"I recognize you as a registered disciple."

Sora smiled and nodded and said.

He really didn't expect that this chef would have such a good fortune once he had an epiphany. If he hadn't been too old, he might have become a god!

After hearing this, the chef was stunned for a moment, and then his eyes turned red. Did the master approve of him?

You know, Kong had never said to accept him as a disciple before, even if it was a registered disciple...

He was about to kneel down and salute Sora, but was stopped by an invisible force.

"Your piety can only be for your cooking skills, so you can skip these vulgar etiquette!"

Sora shook his head and refused the chef's salute.

"Yes, master!"

"I have something else to do, so I'm leaving now. I'll check your cooking skills when I come back next time!"

"Master, walk slowly!"

After Dang Kong left the hotel, the chef was still a little confused and had not recovered.

Kong, I really accepted him as a registered disciple!

At this moment, something in the chef seemed to be dissipating and something condensing.

His soul power level has broken through again, and it's not as simple as one or two levels!

"Piety and love for cooking..."

The scene changed, and Sora arrived alone on the streets of Tiandou City.

Dugu Yan and Ye Lingling, they had returned to Blue Lightning Tyrannosaurus long before the retreat in Kong, and they were also practicing in retreat.

After briefly feeling the atmosphere in Tiandou City, a chilling air came to my face.

This kind of aura proves that there is no peace in Tiandou City.

It just looks calm on the surface.

"Xue'er should be about to take action!"

The current Qian Renxue is different from the original work, and does not adopt the mode of boiling the frog in warm water.

In the original work, if Bibi Dong had not ordered her to speed up the process, she would not necessarily have failed.

Now, Bibi Dong didn't give the order, but Qian Renxue couldn't bear it anymore, and directly told the story that the progress was more than two years ahead of schedule based on the original work!

Among them, there are reasons for being free.

Qian Renxue was afraid that Kong would become a god, but she was still making trouble in Tiandou City!

Time waits for no one!

"Master Kong, Miss, please invite me!"

It was She Long again, he was already numb at this time, and now he couldn't understand Kong's cultivation at all!

"You wait here for me every day?"

"Yes, the lady ordered."

She Long nodded. He had also waited for three years!

"Let's go, how's the progress of that matter?"

Sora asked as he spoke.

After hearing this, She Long was stunned for a moment, then quickly reacted and said: "If Master Kong has not come out of seclusion in the past two days, I probably won't wait here anymore."

Without speaking directly, She Long's meaning was very simple. He was preparing to take action in the past two days. Qian Renxue did not have many manpower, so he, a titled Douluo, would definitely go to the war.

"It seems that I came out of seclusion at the right time."

Sora nodded. If he failed then, he would be able to make a flat push.

Time passed, and Kong and She Long soon arrived at the Prince's Mansion. At this time, he did not see Qian Renxue.

After almost a quarter of an hour, Qian Renxue came to the study.

When Qian Renxue saw Kong, she immediately flew into Kong's arms.

"How come you guys have been in seclusion for so many years? You're just like Grandpa and the others!"

Qian Renxue said with some resentment.

Qian Daoliu and others, for the sake of self-cultivation, they retreated for several years, which was very normal.

But what about Sora?

It’s been three years since this guy disappeared!

After rubbing Qian Renxue's long golden hair, Kong said softly: "Xue'er, I'm sorry, I forgot the time in retreat."

"What level are you at now? Have you been titled Douluo?"

Qian Renxue was not unreasonable. With just a simple apology, she was instantly relieved!

This is the love brain, just coax it and it will be fine!

When Kong was in seclusion, he was at level eighty-six. Now three years have passed. With his qualifications, it shouldn't be a problem to break through to a titled Douluo, right?


Kong nodded, level ninety-nine, also a titled Douluo, that’s right!

As long as he doesn't break through level 100, even if he becomes a quasi-god, he can still be said to be a titled Douluo.

Level ninety-nine is roughly divided into three stages.

Quasi-demigod, demi-god, quasi-god.

Qian Daoliu and Bo Saixi are both at the quasi-demigod level. If they mobilize their divine power, they can reach the demigod level.

Tang Chen, after undergoing the Eight Shura Exams, his strength reached the level of a demigod.

At this time, Kong was different, he had reached the pinnacle of quasi-god!

That is the pinnacle that level ninety-nine can reach.

Even the Beast God Ditian and the Deep Sea Demonic Whale King are not in a state that they can achieve now.

To put it bluntly, it is just one step away from reaching the god level.

Moreover, if Sora is willing to merge with the divine status, he can step into the god level at any time!

Whether it is the position of Douluo Thunder God or Shura God.

"Haha, my man is amazing!"

"That woman, her eyes...ahem."

"This is quite embarrassing, so I'd better not say anything about it."

Qian Renxue was halfway through speaking and quickly moved away. After all, that woman was her mother.

"By the way, Sora, I'm going to force the palace directly in two days..."

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