Douluo: General Wuhun Thunderbolt is so good at cooking

Chapter 29 029: Shadow Treasure’s food is so terrifying!

Almost an hour passed before Sora appeared where he was before disappearing.

As soon as he appeared, he found Yu Long Wu lying on the ground.

"Elder Long Wu, what are you doing?"

Hearing this voice, Yu Longwu's somewhat dead eyes suddenly became bright!

"Young Master, you, you are..."

Seeing Kong again, Yulongwu stuttered a bit when he spoke, disappeared without any fluctuations, and came back without any fluctuations. He couldn't understand this at all!


Seeing this, Sora suddenly realized!

It turned out that when he was running to the Pure Land to make his wife happy, he didn't notice the elder who was secretly protecting him. He disappeared out of thin air. It's strange that the other party wasn't in a hurry!

"Sorry, Elder Long Wu, I just went..."

Before he finished speaking, Yu Longwu waved his hand and said quickly: "Young Master, I understand, I understand! You don't need to say more, be careful that walls have ears."

Tang Hao: "..."

Such a magical thing, when Yulongwu saw Kong again, he roughly guessed what it was.

I realized it instantly!

There are some things that can't be said casually. This is a secret. Even if Sora is willing to tell him, he can't listen too much!

Just know that the space is not gone!

If something like this happens again, he won't panic.

Seeing that Yulongwu seemed to understand, Kong was stunned for a while, not knowing what to say.

After a long time, Yulongwu saw a bowl in Kong's hand. It was not the bowl when Kong disappeared, nor was it the food that Kong had cooked.

There is a dark mass in the bowl, I don’t know what it is.

The two looked at each other and were speechless for a moment.

"Young Master, what is this?"

Finally, Yulongwu spoke and pointed at the bowl in his empty hand. He always felt that this thing was not simple!

Maybe it came from heaven...

Kong's mouth twitched, what should I say about this?

After thinking for a moment, Kong said: "This is food, do you smell the aroma?"

Jade Dragon Five: No aroma, just a burnt smell and earthy aroma.

However, this may be the food Kong brought back from the sky for them to eat!

Thinking about it this way, Jade Dragon Five instantly felt quite fragrant!


Tang Hao: "..."

Tang Hao secretly looked at Kong and Yulong Wu as if they were fools. What was going on with these two people?

"Elder Long Wu, you have worked tirelessly to protect me. You can take this thing and eat it."

Sora said with sincerity.

You know, even General Thunder and Lightning’s wife wouldn’t dare to eat this stuff!

I don’t know if Yulongwu can still be saved after eating it.

"Young master, this, this is not good..."

Yu Longwu was extremely happy, but also a little embarrassed. He had not made any achievements...

"You really don't want it?"

After hearing this, how could Yu Long Wu dare to refuse? If he refused again, Kong would directly give this thing to Yu Yuanyuan...

Thinking of this, Yulongwu didn't refuse. He directly took the bowl in his empty hand, grabbed the black stuff with his hand, and ate it.

"Thank you, young master!"

After saying this, Yulong Wu returned the bowl to Kong.

"No, no need..."

Kong quickly shook his head and began to observe the changes in Yulong Wu.

Jade Dragon Five: "???"

What's the expression on the young master's face?

When he ate the dark "god" just now, he only felt like he was eating scorched earth, with no other taste.

However, in such a short period of time, he discovered that there was a magical force acting on his limbs.

The next moment, Yulongwu sat cross-legged and began to refine and absorb this power.

Sora was not surprised to see this.

After all, in the Pure Land of One Heart, only those fairy grasses and magical medicines can be used by Yingbao's wife.

Kong knew the value of these magical medicines, but Yingbao's wife made them casually, and he didn't feel bad at all.

Compared with my wife, what do these things mean?

A piece of fairy grass can make a monster, but what does that have to do with him?

Tang Hao was also curious about what Jade Dragon Five ate and why his soul power fluctuated so strongly, as if he was about to upgrade.

Time passed, and after almost half an hour, a powerful wave of soul power erupted, and Jade Dragon Five's soul power level was raised from level 84 to level 85!

He opened his eyes with a look of shock.

The next moment, Yu Longwu's expression changed and became a little distorted...

Logically speaking, he shouldn't be like this for a strong Contra-level warrior! The feeling of turmoil in the stomach made Yulongwu feel bad all over!

"Young Master, I will come back as soon as I go!"

Yu Longwu gritted his teeth, and after saying this, he walked towards the grass on the side...


Are the side effects so powerful?

Fortunately, he didn’t eat it!

If it were ordinary food, he would just eat it. With his strong physique, he would only feel uncomfortable at most.

But I don’t know what kind of fairy grass or medicine this thing is, so I don’t dare to eat it at all!

One mistake can cost you three lives!

Even Contra couldn't bear it, let alone him...


Kong took a deep breath and thought to himself: We should prepare some ordinary ingredients for Shadow Treasure!


Hearing this sound, Kong subconsciously retreated a hundred meters!

After a while, Yulongwu appeared in front of him in a cold sweat. Before he could say anything, Yulongwu's expression changed, and the cold sweat on his forehead remained like raindrops.

"Young Master, I..."

Before he finished speaking, Yulong Wu ran away again...

After a while...

Who knows what Yulong Wu’s eyes looked like when he saw Kong the next day.

His soul power level has indeed increased by one level, but if there is such food again, he will never eat it!

Absolutely not!

It’s so scary!

Even Contra-level cultivation cannot withstand it!

Kong is numb, Ying Bao is going to use food to murder her husband! Fortunately, he didn't eat it and gave it to the loyal Elder Long Wu!

Fortunately, the fifth elder Jade Dragon finally calmed down.

Tang Hao was originally a little interested in that dark thing. After seeing the fate of Yulong Wu, his whole body trembled and he lost interest in an instant.

In Tang Hao's opinion, this kind of thing is harmful but useless. The reason for increasing the soul power by one level is because this elder of the Blue Lightning Tyrant Dragon Sect named Yulong Wu has been stuck at level 84 for many years.

This thing is just an introduction, allowing him to successfully break through. However, this side effect is too terrifying.

In the early morning, Kong was a little confused after not sleeping all night. After thinking about it, he decided to raid Soto City first!

Although the Blue Lightning Tyrant Dragon Sect is not the richest sect, it does not lack gold soul coins. As the young sect leader, Kong also has no shortage of gold soul coins.

After buying a lot of ingredients, desserts, and food, and sending them all to the Pure Land, Sora breathed a sigh of relief and returned to the Rose Hotel.

Let’s go and watch the show!

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