Douluo: General Wuhun Thunderbolt is so good at cooking

Chapter 30 030: Robbery at the Gate of Shrek Academy (Part 1)

"General, when my husband said come on, do you mean to put more fuel in?"

Ying looked at General Thunder and Lightning on the side with confusion. She didn't quite understand.

She didn't quite understand many things outside of combat.

General Thunder looked up at Ying, who was still savoring the taste of colorful meatballs.

After thinking for a while, General Thunder nodded and said: "Shadow, it should be, maybe. After all, there was no oil at all in the dishes you cooked before."

After hearing this, Ying nodded thoughtfully.

"alright, I got it!"

Sora didn't know what he would face because of his words of cheer and encouragement.

The sky was clear and cloudless.

Kong and Dugu Yan walked side by side on the country road, talking and laughing under the scorching sun.

He took out two glasses of cold drinks from the storage soul guide and handed one to Dugu Yan.

Dugu Yan took the cold drink and held it in her arms with both hands. She was already used to it.

Although he was not an ice soul master, Kong could always bring out a cold drink. At first, Dugu Yan really didn't understand, but after she got used to it, she didn't bother to ask.

What a simple thing for Sora, just put the jade bottle containing the drink into the ice spring, take it out instantly, the cold drink is ready, and then put it into the storage soul guide, where it can be stored for a period of time.

"Song, with just this cold drink, if you go to Tiandou Royal Academy, even the princess will be fascinated by you."

Dugu Yan took a sip of the cold drink and smiled.

What she said was not a joke, there is currently no such thing on Douluo Continent.

Every time I drink it, my heart feels cold and my heart is flying...

"It's not that exaggerated. It's just an ordinary cold drink."

Kong waved his hand and said.

Not long after, the two came to a small village, where there was a long queue.

Most of them were a middle-aged man with a teenager who was almost ten years old.

Of course, there are also parents.

Kong took a moment to look at the long queue, and he had to admire Flanders' ability to deceive!

"Mom, why don't we listen to the teacher and go to an intermediate college? This place is too shabby."

A young man frowned and said to his mother beside him.

What about Shrek Academy? He wondered if his mother had been deceived.

He had never heard of Shrek Academy when he was in junior college, and the teachers also never mentioned the existence of such an academy.

Besides, seeing is believing. For such a shabby college... it’s wrong to call it a college. It’s obviously just an ordinary village!

"Baby, you're here, just take a look."

The mother also frowned. She was very confused. If she graduated from these academies, could she really become a noble of the Tiandou Empire?

Fortunately, these civilians don't know the specific situation. If they knew what kind of benefits the Tiandou Empire provided to the powerful people above the Soul Sect, they wouldn't be fooled.

After graduating from Shrek Academy, one must first reach level 40 before the age of twenty and become a powerful person at the Soul Sect level.

For a strong person who has reached the Soul Sect level before the age of twenty, if he wants to join the Tiandou Empire and serve the Tiandou Empire, as long as the royal family is not stupid, they will directly give him a title to win over such a genius.

Flanders' statement that he could become an Imperial Viscount after graduating from Shrek Academy was not a lie.

"That powerful Soul Saint said that after graduating from Shrek Academy, he can become the Viscount of the Empire..."

It is understandable that this mother hopes that her son will succeed. After all, she is born as a commoner, and it is normal for her to want to become a noble master.

"Dad, I went to an intermediate college with my talent. I will definitely be taken seriously by the college. This Shrek College doesn't seem to have any resources at all..."

These children generally become soul masters when they are twelve or thirteen years old, so they are naturally a little different from ordinary children.

The father thought for a while, finally gritted his teeth and left with his son.

The child is right, even if Shrek Academy has a future, does he look like he has the resources to practice?

For the sake of his child's future, he had to consider this issue. In the end, he had no choice but to take the child away.

Kong and Dugu Yan stood at the back. Some people in front wavered and left, and some wanted to try their luck.

“Once you register, no matter whether you enroll or not, the registration fee will not be refunded!”

"You should have known this before you came here..."

Shrek's first famous scene appears!

Li Yusong said with an indifferent expression.

Your golden soul coins are put in the box, they belong to Shrek Academy!

Want to return the gold soul coins? Don’t even think about it!

"I didn't say this before I came here! Besides, my son awakened his martial spirit relatively late. He only awakened his martial spirit when he was almost seven years old. Now he has just graduated from the junior college and is already a great soul master..."

Not all children awaken their martial arts spirits when they turn six years old.

Because some children are under six years old, only five and a half years old, or two months shy of turning six years old, they can only awaken in the next year.

This also resulted in some children who were clearly not downgraded and turned thirteen not long after graduating from junior college.

"Hmph, no need to say more! Rules are rules!"

Li Yusong slapped the broken table in front of him and said angrily.

Before Li Yusong could say anything more, Kong, who was being held by Dugu Yan's arm, walked towards this side.

When they saw Kong and Dugu Yan, the expressions of Tang San, Xiao Wu, Zhu Zhuqing, Dai Mubai and others couldn't help but change.

"Boy, you can't jump in line..."

Li Yusong yelled at Kong, but Kong didn't take him seriously at all.

"Uncle, what are the attributes of your son's martial spirit?"

After hearing Kong's words, the father and son who were still struggling with the registration fee were slightly startled. The father said subconsciously: "This young master has a fire attribute. My son's martial spirit is a fire wolf, a very powerful beast martial spirit! "

Speaking of this, that is his pride!

The father looked proud.

He thought Kong was dressed in an unusual way and must be a nobleman!

"Fire attribute?"

Kong touched his chin and said, "It's a little difficult."

Thunder Academy only recruits students with thunder attributes, and there are a small number of students with other attributes. For these few students, the premise is that you must be a member of the Blue Lightning Tyrant Dragon Sect.

The father and son were slightly startled. What did this young master mean?

Fire attribute, difficult to deal with?

They were a little confused.

"Let's see if your son is willing to join the Blue Lightning Tyrant Dragon Sect and become an outer disciple. Then you can send your son to Thunder Academy."

As soon as Sora said these words, the scene was very strange and extremely quiet!

Especially those children, their eyes are shining with gold!

Blue Lightning Overlord Dragon Sect, this is one of the top three sects, the best beast spirit sect in the world!

"Yes, he is willing!"

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