Douluo: General Wuhun Thunderbolt is so good at cooking

Chapter 318 318: This old boy is on the road!

Sora knew the progress of Yu Yuanzhen.

As for why you ask so much, isn't this just to let the old man "show off"?

The Nine Poseidon Tests were still too easy for Yu Yuanzhen.

"Poseidon knows how to follow the process."

Kong thought to himself.

Rong Nian Bing, the God of Emotions who was passed down to Huo Yuhao, knows how to adapt better than Poseidong!

What assessment?

absolutely not!

Gift artifacts and god status. After reaching level ninety-nine, you will directly become a god.

Here at Poseidon, because there is faith on Douluo Planet, we have to go through a process.

This is also for the benefit of the new Poseidon, letting believers know that Poseidon has been replaced.

Those who can obtain the inheritance of the position of gods are almost impossible to fail.

Unless other gods interfere or become an outcast.

After listening to Yu Yuanzhen's "interesting stories" about Poseidon Island and chatting for a few more words, the grandfather and grandson ended the conversation.

At this time, several elders had no idea that their young sect master had also come to Wuhun City.

The next day, outside the Pope's Palace.

Unlike the Continental Advanced Soul Master Academy Elite Competition, there are no spectators here.

In other words, apart from the contestants, there are almost no spectators.

The golden generation of Wuhun Palace watched silently.

The Elephant Armor Sect was the first to enter.

Hu Yanzhen walked at the front of the team, supported by four members of the Xiangjia Sect.

He looked confident and took great strides.

The four members of the Elephant Sect are as tall as four hills, with golden or silver helmets resembling elephant heads on their heads.

There is no armor or anything like that on him.

In the eyes of the members of the Elephant Armor Sect, the so-called armor is not as high as their own defense. It is just an extra load and is useless.

Following closely behind him was Tuoba Xi, the leader of the Holy Dragon Sect. He was dressed in white armor and had a serious look on his face. Surrounded by the disciples of the sect, he moved forward steadily.

As the Contra Sect entered the scene first, Ning Fengzhi and others looked at each other and finally decided to give up their C position to the Blue Lightning Tyrant Dragon Sect.

There is no way, who makes the Blue Lightning Tyrant Dragon Sect more powerful now?

Fortunately, because of Kong, the relationship between the Qibao Glazed Sect and the Blue Lightning Tyrant Dragon Sect has been quite good over the years.

There is no problem in saying that they are of the same spirit.

As for Haotian Sect...

Who is that?

Finally, Yu Yuanzhen and others entered the stage. Not to mention full of momentum, just the aura of a strong man already made Hu Yanzhen and others break out in cold sweat.

"So strong!"

"This Yu Yuan Zhen, there is absolutely no way he is only level ninety-five!!!"

The last time Yu Yuanzhen showed his strength was at level ninety-five. This happened almost twenty years ago.

It is completely normal for Titled Douluo, especially Titled Douluo above level 95, to be unable to break through for decades.

When Yu Yuanzhen picked up the empty one, thunder rolled in the sky, like the wrath of a god...

As a result, he broke through to level ninety-six.

On the contrary, not many people know about the news of his breakthrough...

Not to mention the ninety-eight, ninety-nine, demigods...

"Master Jade is the master of the Blue Lightning Tyrant Dragon Sect, and his grandson is the God King of Thunder."

"Is it possible for a bastard like you to call him by his first name?"

"Don't let me meet you, otherwise..."

As soon as these words came out, the people around were shocked!

It's not like they were shocked that someone would lick like that...

But because the person who said this was actually Hu Yanzhen!

Good guy!

Isn’t this leader of the Elephant Armor Sect arrogant?

How could he "talk" so well?

Hu Yanzhen is not a fool. What's wrong with him being a little arrogant when he treats people weaker than himself?

You can't do this to those who are stronger than yourself.

If you can avoid offending, try not to offend.

He also has some brains.

In the original work, in order to firmly sit on the throne of the three sects, Hu Yanzhen personally invited the patriarch of the Guoyu clan to join the Elephant Armor Sect, joining forces and promising the position of deputy sect leader!

How could such a person have no brain?

He just doesn't like to use his brains towards weak people.

During the battle at Jialing Pass, perhaps he got the position of head of the three upper sects, which made him swell, and he dared to use his head to receive the Poseidon Trident...

"Damn it! Why didn't we say this first!"

Hu Yanzhen said this first, which could make Yu Yuanzhen and others have a good impression of him.

Even if you can't get any obvious benefits, you will be gentler when fighting.

As expected, Yu Luomian and others took a deep look at Hu Yanzhen, and then nodded.

This old boy is on the road!

Seeing this, Hu Yanzhen smiled, although it was a bit ugly.

If the other party is strong enough, what's wrong with being a licking dog?

As long as the other party is willing to look at you one more time and give you a little benefit when he is in a good mood, Hu Yanzhen might be able to break through to the realm he dreams of, a titled Douluo!

Others were still a little confused about the soul power levels of Yu Luomian and others, but Hu Yanzhen was certain that this group of people were all titled Douluo!

Including Yu Yuanzhen, there are seven in total!

There are so many titled Douluo, but their sect doesn’t have one or two titled Douluo left behind?

It’s definitely impossible!

It’s scary to think about it!

It is indeed a sect with the emergence of gods. One person attains enlightenment, and chickens and dogs ascend to heaven.

The person who was pointed at and scolded by Hu Yanzhen was also a strong man at the Contra level, and he was also the leader of a sect.

However, the size of their sect is not comparable to that of the Elephant Armor Sect, let alone the Blue Lightning Tyrant Dragon Sect.

At this moment, he also knew that he had said the wrong thing and was picked up by Hu Yanzhen.

Everyone was talking about Yu Yuanzhen, Yu Yuanzhen in private. Now, in front of others, he didn't react for a moment!

This is also normal. Since he is used to shouting and has a high status, almost no one dares to correct this problem.

Even if it is Hu Yanzhen and others, they usually shout Yu Yuan Zhen, Yu Yuan Zhen, how could they call Yu Sect Master!


After a long time, the sect leader breathed a sigh of relief.

Yu Yuanzhen didn't seem to care about this matter.

This made him relax a lot.

What made everyone a little confused was that the organizer, that is, the Wuhun Palace, the Pope did not appear.

On the contrary, almost all the worshipers who usually don't see people came out!

Not only the worshipers, but also the elders of Wuhun Palace, except those who are performing tasks, all of them are here!

It is also very simple to distinguish between elders and offerings.

Those wearing golden armor or golden robes are the elders.

On the contrary, the worshipers are relatively low-key. They wear white robes with patterns corresponding to their martial arts tattooed on them.

These people are just worshipers!


Everyone took a breath. Not only did they underestimate the Blue Lightning Tyrant Dragon Sect, but they also underestimated the Spirit Hall!

A total of seven worshippers!

There are also seven or eight elders!

The background of Wuhun Palace is really terrifying...

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