Douluo: General Wuhun Thunderbolt is so good at cooking

Chapter 319 319: How dare you call yourself the Holy Dragon!

At Wuhun Hall, everyone looked at Yu Yuanzhen and others, and their expressions changed faster than turning over a book!

"I can't see Yu Yuan Zhen clearly. As for Yu Luo Mian, he should have reached level ninety-four!"

"Three of them should have just broken through. Their auras are unstable, but they are very powerful."

"Those two, I remember, should be called Yu Long Wu and Yu Yuanyuan. Their soul power levels are ninety-three and ninety-four."

"Damn it, the Blue Lightning Tyrant Dragon Sect is so hidden!"

Fortunately, because of Kong and Qian Renxue, Bibi Dong gave up the idea of ​​targeting the Blue Lightning Tyrant Dragon Sect.

Otherwise, even if they send five titled Douluo to target Yu Yuanzhen, without offerings, they will definitely suffer heavy losses!

What is certain is that the Blue Lightning Tyrant Dragon Sect has at least seven or eight titled Douluo!


There is another god...

"Brother, this Yu Yuanzhen..."

Golden Crocodile Douluo's voice was trembling, and there was a hint of disbelief in his eyes.

For some reason, he always felt that Yu Yuan Zhen gave him a sense of oppression, even more than Qian Daoliu!

"You are right. He has indeed reached this point. He has even gone further than me."

Qian Daoliu looked at the mark on Yu Yuanzhen's forehead and fell into deep thought.

He couldn't say that he was familiar with this mark, but he knew what it represented.

This is the inheritor of the gods!

The divine inheritor of Poseidon!

"Bo Saixi..."

Qian Daoliu murmured and regained his concentration.

Has Bo Saixi finally found the person she was waiting for?

What a pity, this person is not Tang Chen after all...

"It's time to go to Poseidon Island for a walk and catch up with old friends."

Yu Yuanzhen obtained the Poseidon inheritance, which meant that Bo Saixi was almost certain to die, especially during the Ninth Examination of the Poseidon.

It is very likely that Bo Saixi will be one step ahead of him and embark on this road of sacrifice.

"This is your in-laws' family, don't offend them."

"I have some matters that require me to leave Wuhun Palace. I will return within two months."

In the confused eyes of Jin Crocodile and others, Qian Daoliu left calmly.


"No, brother, what's going on?"

They were still shocked by Yu Yuanzhen's cultivation. Why did Qian Daoliu say a few words and then turn around and leave?

You know, Qian Daoliu hasn't left Wuhun Hall for a long time. The last time he left was when Qian Xunji died, and he went to find Tang Hao for "revenge."

"Don't think too much. Brother naturally has his reasons for leaving. It's only two months. Even if a powerful enemy comes to attack, we are not just a decoration!"

Golden Crocodile Douluo spoke out after being in a daze for a moment.

Qian Daoliu is not here, he is the biggest here, and his words are still very effective.


Everyone thought about it carefully, Golden Crocodile Douluo's words made sense!

They are all level ninety-six or even ninety-seven strong men. If they swarm them, Qiandaoliu may not be their opponent.

What's the point of having Qian Daoliu, an opponent they can't beat together, matter?

The rules of the sect competition are very simple, just like the rules of the Continental Advanced Soul Master Academy Elite Competition Qualifiers, except that this is an individual battle, not a team battle.

The winner gets one point, and the loser does not deduct points. The three sects with the highest points in the end are the upper three sects, followed by the fourth to seventh sects in terms of points, the lower four sects.

"Blue Lightning Tyrant Dragon Sect versus Holy Dragon Sect!"

"The Elephant Armor Sect versus the Fire Leopard Sect!"

"Seven Treasures Glazed Sect versus Fengjian Sect!"

After the draw of the first round, Tuoba Xi looked very ugly. He was off to a bad start!

In the first round of the first round, I met the strongest Blue Lightning Tyrant Dragon Sect!

How the hell are you going to fight this?

However, it's no good if he doesn't succeed. As the leader of the Holy Dragon Sect, if he just admits defeat in the first game, he will be stabbed in the back.

"I hope it won't be Yu Yuanzhen himself who comes on stage..."

Tuoba Xi thought to himself, and then walked towards the middle of the ring.

On the side of Yu Yuanzhen, Yu Luomian and others, everyone looked at each other, who should come on?

When dealing with a Contra, it actually doesn't make any difference who plays.

Holy Dragon Sect?

How dare a mere Earth Dragon Martial Spirit take such a name!

Even more arrogant than their Blue Lightning Tyrant Dragon Sect!

"Brother, do you want me to come?"

Before Yu Yuanzhen could speak, the elders on the side became anxious.

"Second Master, how do you need to take action personally to deal with such a bastard? How about I do it?"

"I have just broken through to Titled Douluo. I need a decent opponent to stabilize my strength. Second Master, please don't argue with me on this matter. Let me do it..."

"Yes, I have just made a breakthrough..."

Everyone said quickly.

After breaking through to Titled Douluo, he hasn't made a move yet!

Shouldn't they be allowed to practice?


At this moment, Yu Yuanzhen coughed twice and said: "I think the first game needs some sense of ceremony, and it is most appropriate for the clan leader to play."


Everyone's minds are full of questions. Does Yu Yuanzhen mean that he will play by himself?

Good guy, really a good guy!

However, they really had no way to refute Yu Yuanzhen's "excuse". In the first game, of course they had to show the momentum of their Blue Lightning Tyrant Dragon Sect.

It is naturally the most appropriate for the sect leader to take the stage.

Thinking of this, everyone had no idea.

Seeing this, Yu Yuanzhen nodded happily and then walked towards the ring.

In the ring, everyone in Tuobaxi was numb!

I was really afraid of what would happen. In the first game, Yu Yuanzhen really played first.

"Tuoba Xi, the leader of the Holy Dragon Sect, martial spirit: White-armored Earth Dragon, level 89 attack-type spirit Douluo. Please enlighten me!"

Tuoba Xi did not dare to be careless and completed the possession of the martial spirit in an instant, and then said to Yu Yuanzhen.

At this moment, eight soul rings, two yellow, two purple, and four black, rose from his feet.

Yu Yuanzhen's expression remained unchanged, as if he didn't feel the pressure from the White-armored Earth Dragon Spirit at all, and walked straight towards Tuoba Xi.

"I would like to know how you, a mere white-armored earth dragon spirit, dare to call yourself the Holy Dragon Sect."

Yu Yuanzhen said indifferently, as if he was talking about something trivial.

As soon as these words came out, everyone was stunned, but they didn't know what to say.

Indeed, the Blue Lightning Tyrant Dragon Sect is still there. How dare this mere white-armored dragon sect call itself the Holy Dragon Sect?

The white-armored earth dragon martial spirit is actually not weak, even if it is just an earth dragon, it is a dragon-type martial spirit after all, so how can it be weak.

Unfortunately, in front of the Blue Electric Tyrannosaurus Rex Spirit, the White-armored Earth Dragon Spirit was surprisingly weak.

After hearing this, Tuoba Xi's face turned very ugly. What did Yu Yuanzhen mean?

What is the name of his Holy Dragon Sect? Does it need to be approved by the Blue Lightning Tyrant Dragon Sect?

He's so powerful, he's not bullying people like that! ?

"Tuoba Xi, I am not bullying you. If you can persist in two moves in my hands, I have no control over what you want to be called!"

"But, if you can't persist in these two moves..."

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