"If you can't hold on to these two moves, then leave your body here!"

Yu Yuanzhen said expressionlessly, for him, this seemed to be a very small thing.

"Holy Dragon Sect? Hey, either change your name or die!"

If the Holy Dragon Sect is not suppressed today, in the future, cats and dogs will all say that they are some kind of dragon or something...

Don't lose Long Wuhun's face!

"you you……"

Tuoba Xi's eyes widened and he almost spit out a mouthful of blood.

This Yu Yuanzhen really doesn't take their Holy Dragon Sect, the leader of the Holy Dragon Sect, seriously at all!

This is too crazy!

Two rounds?

Even if it is a Titled Douluo above level ninety-five, who dares to say that he can directly defeat an eighty-nine-level peak Soul Douluo in two rounds?

Crazy, too arrogant!

"Yu Yuanzhen, don't bully others too much!"

Tuoba Xi said through gritted teeth.

He is only a hair away from being a Titled Douluo. In five to ten years at most, he will definitely be able to break through to the Titled Douluo realm.

At that time, why not call Wuhun the White-armored Holy Dragon?

The sect is called the Holy Dragon Sect, so what?

Now, he is just ahead of schedule!

"Too much bullying?"


Yu Yuanzhen smiled heartily and stopped more than 20 meters away from Tuoba Xi.

The smile also solidified at this time. He suddenly stretched out his right hand and grasped it in the air. Tuoba Xi's expression suddenly changed when he was more than 20 meters away.

As if a ruthless hand was grabbing his throat, his body slowly left the ground at this moment.

Tuoba Xi's eyes widened with a look of disbelief on his face. At this moment, the way he looked at Yu Yuanzhen changed slightly.

If someone asks you to change your name, just change it!

Why resist?

At this moment, Tuoba Xi regretted it!

He wanted to say something, but couldn't. He could only struggle in mid-air.


The whole place was quiet!

This move is simply terrifying!

How much powerful soul power is required to do this?

He didn't even release his martial spirit!


The members of the Holy Dragon Sect were confused. Their sect master had no power to resist in front of the other party!

They are not fools and do not dare to act rashly.

Yu Yuanzhen took care of Tuoba Xi so easily. Was it effortless to take care of them?

Is it even necessary to think about it?

"Spare...spare my life..."

Tuoba Xi said with some difficulty, his desire for life made him say this.

Yu Yuanzhen smiled contemptuously and then let go of his hand.

Tuoba Xi's body also fell from the air to the ground.

After the disaster, he didn't dare to have any resentment at all, at least not in front of Yu Yuanzhen.

Yu Yuanzhen took one step forward, and the blue electric Tyrannosaurus Dragon spirit instantly possessed him. In just an instant, he turned into a dragon man.

The moment his soul ring appeared, the whole place was excited again.


The first soul ring actually turned into a black ten-thousand-year soul ring!


The second soul ring also turned into a black ten-thousand-year soul ring!

"Impossible! How is it possible!"

"Master Jade is not a twin martial soul. How could his first soul ring become ten thousand years old!"

"And, and..."

Black, black, black...

Red, red, red.

Six black and three red, nine soul rings appeared on Yu Yuanzhen's body.

Yu Yuanzhen is different from Tang San in the original work. When he arrived at Poseidon Island, he was already a peerless powerhouse at level ninety-nine.

Moreover, it is still the realm of demigods.

The rewards obtained were naturally somewhat different from Tang San's.

After Tang San completed the divine test, he received a soul power level reward and a god-given soul ring reward.

However, Yu Yuanzhen is different.

He doesn't need a soul ring.

As for the soul power reward, he has already reached level ninety-nine, and is only one step away from becoming a god.

Naturally, soul power rewards cannot be given.

Poseidon thought for a moment before starting with the soul ring.

Reward more soul ring years!

Anyway, with Yu Yuanzhen's body, he can bear it.

Only then did Yu Yuanzhen's soul ring change from the standard configuration to six black and three red.

This is just the completion of the seventh test. If he completes the eighth test, his sixth soul ring may also become a hundred thousand year soul ring.

Everyone swallowed and stared at Yu Yuanzhen in disbelief!

This overwhelming power only made them feel a chill on their backs, and cold sweat kept falling from their foreheads.


"It's so scary!"

Yu Yuanzhen looked at Tuoba Xi indifferently and said: "Yu Yuanzhen, the master of the Blue Electric Tyrannosaurus Rex, martial spirit: Blue Electric Tyrannosaurus."

"Level ninety-nine attack type, demigod!"

Having said this, Yu Yuanzhen's forehead flashed with blue light, and an aqua blue trident appeared in his right hand.

"Demi god……"


Golden Crocodile Douluo murmured with a confused expression.

Demigod, regarding this level, there are some vague guesses in the Spirit Hall.

Between level ninety-nine and level one hundred, it can be subdivided into several smaller stages.

The pseudo-demigod is a strong man who has just entered the ninety-ninth level.

Although Qian Daoliu has reached level ninety-nine for many, many years, he only reached this level because of the divine examination. It is too difficult to continue to advance to the realm of demigod!

Of course, Sendaoliu who uses divine power can also reach this realm, but his own cultivation has not reached this realm.

Demigod is a level above pseudo-demigod.

After reaching the level of demigod, one aspect of the body or soul (mental power) reaches the "god level"!

At least 50% of the soul power is converted into divine power.

Only then can he be called a demigod!

The quasi-god, body, and soul have all broken through, reaching the so-called "god level", and at least ninety percent of his soul power has been transformed into divine power.

The transformation is 99%, and it is called the pinnacle of quasi-gods!

After that, it is completely transformed into divine power and can become a god.

Of course, this is a god without the status of a deity.

It is also the weakest existence in the God Realm.

If you inherit the position of a god, you can reach heaven in one step!

In the Pope's Palace, Bibi Dong's expression changed.

This Yu Yuanzhen actually walked in front of her!

"Rakshasa, whose inheritance does this Jade Yuan Zhen get?"

Bibi Dong said with a solemn expression.

"The pinnacle of the first-level gods, the inheritance of Poseidon, the God of the Sea."

The Rakshasa God said bluntly.

"The pinnacle of a first-level god?"

Bibi Dong's expression became more solemn. If she remembered correctly, the Rakshasa God was also a being of this level.

"Compared with you, who is stronger and who is weaker?"

As soon as these words came out, the Rakshasa God was a little unhappy, but he still replied: "The talent of Poseidon, the God of the Sea, is amazing, and he is a rare talent for managing the world."

"In just a few hundred years... (God Realm) has reached the peak of the first-level gods."

"Compared with him, this god is equally powerful."

"I master the law of killing. If we fight, I will be the winner in the end."

You can win, but it will be miserable...

Poseidon's strength is still worthy of recognition...

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