Douluo: General Wuhun Thunderbolt is so good at cooking

Chapter 34 034: This play is so wonderful!

When a soul master does not use his martial soul and soul power, his soul power fluctuates vaguely. Unless the level gap is huge, it is difficult to see the specific level.

Although Dugu Yan did not release her martial soul or soul power, her soul power fluctuations were still discovered by Zhao Wuji.

Zhao Wuji can roughly know Dugu Yan's soul power level, which is around level 50.

Looking at Dugu Yan's appearance, he is about eighteen or nineteen years old. Zhao Wuji has never seen such a young soul sect or soul king!

"Little girl, what are you doing?"

Zhao Wuji stood up and asked.

As for Kong, he was ignored by Zhao Wuji.

Dugu Yan's age shows that she was not recruited by admissions. Anyone over 12 years old will not be admitted. This is not just a talk. The rules are the rules. Unless she is a peerless genius, Shrek Academy may make exceptions.

Obviously, Dugu Yan is such a genius!

"Come in and take a look."

Dugu Yan said indifferently.

She just came to watch the show with Kong, and after learning that Shrek Academy was a liar academy, she didn't like it at all.

"have a look?"

Zhao Wuji nodded thoughtfully, then sat back on the recliner and closed his eyes to rest.

This girl, maybe who tricked her in to see the "teaching quality". Later, he, Zhao Wuji, will show off and use his strong strength to tell her the "teaching quality" of Shrek Academy!

Kong looked at Zhao Wuji's expression, then looked at Tang San and others, and began to mourn Tang San and others and Zhao Wuji in his heart.

It won’t be easy for both parties!

Without the Dragon Beard Needle, Tang San couldn't break through Zhao Wuji's defense. What would happen to him?

Sora was already looking forward to it.

When Tang San and Xiao Wu saw Kong and Dugu Yan approaching, their expressions changed.

Xiao Wu thought the other party was here to catch her, but in the end, they didn't even look at her.

"That Contra, isn't he blind?"

Xiao Wu secretly thought that she was still taking a chance and thought that Yu Yuanyuan was blind!

This is why when she knew she was going to Tiandou Royal Academy or even Wuhun City, she dared to go!

It was just a fluke, thinking that as long as she was careful, no one would find her.

"Hmph, what a Contra!"

"It seems that Contra shouldn't be able to discover his secret."

Xiao Wu thought for a while and could only use this excuse to pretend. After all, it was just her conjecture that Contra could see through a hundred thousand year transformed soul beast. There is no real 100,000-year-old soul beast that has been tried...

Thinking of this, Xiao Wu felt much better.

Tang San simply hates Kong and Dugu Yan, but he, Tang San, is upright, pure and pure, a gentleman!

Dugu Yan actually made him kneel down to beg for mercy, told him to get out of the Rose Hotel, and even robbed him of Tang San's house!

In this way, how could Tang San not hate him!

Kneeling to the sky and kneeling to his parents, this woman would actually humiliate him like this, if he didn't kill her. He, Tang San, is a son of man in vain!

"Just wait!"

Tang San thought without changing his expression.

Now is not the time to be exposed. It would be the same thing to wait for him to seek revenge after he reaches level 50, or level 60, or if that doesn't work, he reaches the title of Douluo.

Isn't this the case with Tang San in the original work? At level 60, it was my father Tang Hao's fault. At level 90, my father Tang Hao was not at fault, it was all you who were wrong!

Tang San was quite good at forbearing.

"You don't have much time."

Zhao Wuji closed his eyes and reminded.

He said that the test would start after a stick of incense, but it would not change just because two people came to watch.

If you say one stick of incense, just one stick of incense!

A rough and deep voice sounded, and Tang San and the others came to their senses, yes, time is running out.

"Let's make a long story short and introduce ourselves first."

Tang San spoke first.

It was Dai Mubai who was introducing Zhao Wuki before, and then Ning Rongrong said Zhao Wuki's name. Everyone was shocked and shocked...

Then, Kong and Duguyan came, and they hadn't introduced themselves yet.

"My name is Tang San, Martial Spirit: Blue Silver Grass, level 29 control-type great spirit master."

"Xiao Wu, Martial Spirit: Soft Bone Rabbit, a level 29 great attack spirit master."

After listening to Tang San and Xiao Wu's introduction, Ning Rongrong and Zhu Zhuqing introduced themselves without saying much.

"Ning Rongrong, Martial Spirit: Seven Treasures Glazed Pagoda, level 26 auxiliary great spirit master."

"Zhu Zhuqing, Martial Spirit: Netherworld Civet, a level 27 agility and attack spirit master."

After Zhu Zhuqing finished his introduction, Tang San continued: "I am a control-type soul master. Can I direct this test?"


Xiao Wu didn't even think about it and answered directly.

"Well, for this test, I will reluctantly be the temporary captain."

Tang San nodded, his face not red, and his heart not beating.

Ning Rongrong and Zhu Zhuqing looked at each other, their beautiful eyes full of doubts. Before they agreed, the brother and sister had already made arrangements to themselves?

Kong and Duguyan, who were watching the battle, twitched their eyes.

"Sister Yan, is it wonderful?"

Sora asked quietly.


Dugu Yan nodded, wonderful, really wonderful!

I have seen shameless people, but I have never seen such shameless people.

This great soul master named Tang San made her understand that the Douluo Continent was so big that it had all kinds of weird things.

You, the control soul master, can be the captain, but can't you, the auxiliary soul master? The same can't be said for an attack-type soul master?


After Tang San took over the position of captain, he arranged the tactics openly and honestly!

The lying Zhao Wuji is a powerful soul saint. At such a close distance, you are arranging tactics in front of him?

"Sister Yan, if you were at the level of a great soul master and led a team to face a strong soul saint and had to hold on for a stick of incense, what would you do?"

Sora said with a smile.

"what to do?"

Dugu Yan curled his lips and said: "Soul Saint really wants to kill the killer, no matter what he does, it will be useless."

As soon as he said this, Zhao Wuji, who was lying down, nodded. A fighting soul saint could deal with several great soul masters. If he really wanted to go all out, how could a great soul master be able to withstand even one move?

"As for tactics, they are even more useless."

"Just like grandpa, he faced a group of soul saints and soul emperors. Even if these soul saints and soul emperors have very perfect tactics, they can even threaten Contra-level tactics, but what's the use?"

"With one soul skill, they will all die!"

As soon as these words came out, Zhao Wuji trembled all over.

Good guy, who the hell is here!

Soul Emperor, Soul Saint, if one soul skill is used, they will all die?

Isn't their Shrek Academy composed of Soul Emperors and Soul Saints?

"So, either show yourself, or run away, run away separately..."

As soon as Dugu Yan finished speaking, Zhao Wuji cupped his hands and said, "Girl, I wonder which senior's granddaughter you are?"

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