"Teacher Zhao, there is no need to question this Poison...cough, Dragon Girl. Her grandfather is Dugu Bo! Your Majesty the Poison Douluo!"

Before Dugu Yan could speak, Ning Rongrong on the side spoke first.

Dugu Bo, Qibao Glazed Sect also invited him to join, but he was rejected by Dugu Bo.

In the end, Dugu Bo didn't know what happened, but he actually joined the Blue Lightning Tyrant Dragon Sect!

Only a few people know about this.

Among them, Ning Fengzhi and others were included.

Originally, Ning Rongrong was planning to talk about poisonous girls. After all, Dugu Yan's poison was very powerful!

But after she saw the look in Dugu Yan's eyes, she immediately followed her heart.

If Ning Fengzhi, Sword Douluo, or Bone Douluo were here, she wouldn't be so willing!

However, she has no choice! The parents are not here, and Duguyan, the eldest sister, has no martial ethics. Her heart is as cold as a stone, and she really knows how to do it!

Except for Jade Sky, Dugu Yan has never had a good temper...

Zhao Wuji was shocked. Although he didn't know much about Poison Douluo's deeds, he also didn't know much about Poison Douluo's name.

But this is a titled Douluo!

Everyone is numb!

There is another one from the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile Sect here, and there is a granddaughter of a Titled Douluo over there...

"Ahem, are you ready?"

Zhao Wuji looked at the burned incense and said something to a few people.

Let’s just change the topic, Titled Douluo is not something everyone can talk about!

Especially in broad daylight.

Although Zhao Wuji is a fool, he is not stupid!

He still had confidence in what kind of people he could offend and what kind of people he couldn't offend. Otherwise, he wouldn't be alive until now.


Tang San and others responded.

When Zhao Wuji took out a new stick of incense, Kong and Dugu Yan had already retreated about a hundred meters.

This distance is the lowest safe distance.

The right way is to keep a safe distance from soul masters who are fighting souls, or who are about to fight souls.

Soul skills have no eyes, this is not just talk.

"Okay then, the test officially begins!"

"Possessed by a martial spirit!"

"Blue Silver Grass!"

"The seven treasures turned out to be Liuli!"

Tang San was at the very back, with Ning Rongrong standing beside him.

Xiao Wu is at the front, flanked by Zhu Zhuqing on the right.

As an assessment, Zhao Wuji will also tell everyone a truth, that is, cut the back row!

The auxiliary soul masters will be dealt with first!

Zhao Wuji was about ten meters away from the others. He jumped up on the spot and rushed towards Ning Rongrong.

Ning Rongrong was only a great auxiliary soul master, so how could he avoid Zhao Wuji's attack.

At the critical moment, Tang San's Blue Silver Grass martial spirit tied Ning Rongrong, and then pulled Ning Rongrong away, thus avoiding Zhao Wuji's attack.

At this moment, Tang San's first spirit ring flashed.

"The first soul skill: Blue Silver Coil!"

In an instant, Zhao Wuji, who was very close at hand, was trapped into a rice dumpling by Tang San's Bluesilver Grass.

Tang San also distanced himself from Zhao Wuji at this time, but he was not idle.

"Xiao Wu, Zhu Zhuqing, take advantage of the moment!"

Sora: "Pikachu, have you decided?"

Why the hell did you run away and let two girls go up to you?

Then this girl got hurt and you got angry again?

If he hadn't seen it with his own eyes, it would be hard for Kong to imagine what kind of protagonist Tang San was.

"The seven treasures have names: One is power!"

"The Seven Treasures are famous: The second one is: Speed!"

At this moment, Ning Rongrong's Seven Treasures Glazed Pagoda shone brightly, turning into several streams of light and clinging to Tang San, Xiao Wu, and Zhu Zhuqing.

The strength and speed attributes of the three of them were instantly increased by 30%!

The three of them all had the illusion that they had reached the soul master level!

"It feels so powerful!"

Tang San looked at Ning Rongrong and couldn't help but sigh.

"The first soul skill: Netherworld Thrust."

"The second soul skill: Hundred Claws of the Netherworld!"

Zhu Zhuqing and Xiao Wu launched attacks towards Zhao Wuji almost at the same time, but Zhu Zhuqing was of the agility attack type after all, and was much faster than Xiao Wu.


There was a sound like a tiny iron tool hitting an iron plate. Zhu Zhuqing felt that his claws were almost worn out, but he still couldn't break through Zhao Wuji's defense!

Zhao Wuji crossed his arms and did not resist, but at this time he was possessed by a martial spirit.

At this time, Xiao Wu arrived.

"The first soul skill, waist bow!"

The test was in full swing, and Dugu Yan felt a little bored, but Kong was observing Tang San carefully.

After a while, Xiao Wu and Zhu Zhuqing finally failed to break through Zhao Wuji's defense. The Fudo Ming King indeed lived up to his reputation. He was only called by his name, but not by his nickname!

At this moment, Zhao Wuji seemed to not want to play anymore. With a slight exertion, he broke free from the blue and silver entanglement in an instant.

Tang San never thought of letting Zhao Wuji go, so he immediately repeated his old trick, and his second spirit ring flashed.

"Second Soul Skill: Parasitism!"

Zhao Wuji was tied into a rice dumpling again, but this level of restraint could be broken away in an instant if he wanted to.

"Very good, it's a little interesting."

After Zhao Wuji broke away from the blue and silver entanglement again, he raised the corners of his mouth slightly and said relaxedly.

At this moment, Zhao Wuji was slightly startled. He didn't understand what was going on with this person named Xiao Wu.

Until her second soul ring flashed.

"The second soul skill: Charm!"

Zhao Wuji: "..."

Is this little girl a loser? To release a spiritual attack like charm against a Soul Saint?

She is just a great soul master!

In fact, this is not Xiao Wu's fault. So far, she still has not adapted to the fact that she has transformed. If she were still a hundred thousand year soul beast, Zhao Wuji would definitely not be able to withstand this mental attack.

But after she chose to transform, except that the first seven soul rings could be condensed by herself, she was really almost like an ordinary human being. She also had to "grow" again in terms of mental power and the like.

Zhao Wuji only paused slightly, not even resisting. Xiao Wu was instantly counterattacked by his own soul power, spit out a mouthful of old blood, and fainted.

Kong, Dugu Yan, Zao Wuji: "..."

What about touching porcelain? Is this it? !

Zhao Wuji's soul power exploded, causing Zhu Zhuqing, who was "tickling" himself, to fly out. By coincidence, the direction of the fall was exactly towards Kong and Dugu Yan.

The two looked at each other.

"Will you answer?"

"I won't answer, will you?"

"I won't answer either!"

Besides, the two of them were standing relatively far away. Although it was in this direction, Zhu Zhuqing was at least sixty meters away from their position!


The kitten Zhu Zhuqing fell to the ground and spit out a mouthful of blood. One of her hands was dislocated.

But she didn't say anything, just stared at Zhao Wuji.

Dai Mubai kept his eyes fixed on Kong and Dugu Yan. He really didn't know what was going on with Zhu Zhuqing. When he saw Zhu Zhuqing flying out, he looked at Zhao Wuji with some resentment.

He wanted to run towards Zhu Zhuqing, but after thinking about it, Dai Mubai finally stood where he was...

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