Douluo: General Wuhun Thunderbolt is so good at cooking

Chapter 37 037: Level 62 Attack System Soul Emperor, please give me some advice!

Having Zao Wuji here is equivalent to having a gravity training room.

This is much better than ordinary weight-bearing exercises.

"We'll see then."

Kong thought to himself.

Tang San felt the pressure double instantly, and he almost fell to the ground.

Before adapting to gravity, it is normal to have difficulty moving forward.

"Hey, run!"

Zhao Wuji raised the corners of his mouth and said proudly.

When Kong saw this, he couldn't help but cover his forehead. He could already think of what he would hear when Zhao Wuji was beaten at night.


Although Tang San's movement speed slowed down, he gritted his teeth and released the hidden weapon at Zhao Wuji.

Zhao Wuji: "..."

Should I be moved by his perseverance and never-give-up spirit?

However, it has come to this point and he is still beating me!

"The fourth soul skill: positioning tracking!"

Zhao Wuji's fourth soul skill, positioning and tracking, can lock onto the enemy and instantly arrive in front of the opponent within a hundred meters. This is a soul skill that Zhao Wuji acquired to make up for his lack of speed.

Taking off, Zhao Wuji instantly arrived in front of Tang San, his second spirit ring flashing again.

"The second soul skill: Powerful Vajra Palm!"

This time, although Zhao Wuji also held back, in order to ensure that Tang San couldn't get up, he couldn't help but increase the power he used.


Tang San spat out a mouthful of old blood on the spot, flew backwards, and landed heavily on the ground. The next second, he glanced at Zhao Wuji resentfully, and then fainted.

Seeing this, Kong shook his head. It seemed that without the Dragon Beard Needle, Tang San couldn't completely anger Zhao Wuji and let him use the fifth or even sixth soul skill.

"Hey, it's good to be young. Just fall asleep on the ground."

Zhao Wuji sighed, then clasped his hands behind his back and said to everyone: "Although Tang San has lost, his courage is commendable, so you can all stay!"

He was afraid that if he was being more reserved, these children would actually turn around and leave.

Ning Rongrong and Zhu Zhuqing, who had not fainted, looked at each other, a hint of joy flashed in their eyes, and said quickly: "Thank you, Teacher Zhao!"


Zhao Wuji nodded enigmatically, and then murmured: "What a pity. I thought I could move my muscles and bones, but I didn't expect Tang San to be so incompetent!"

Everyone: "..."

Tang Hao: "..."

Sora: "Say less!"

Zhao Wuji glanced around and suddenly looked at Kong and Dugu Yan. They should want to join Shrek Academy now, right?

That girl is the granddaughter of a titled Douluo, and her strength goes without saying. She can definitely join Shrek Academy as an exception, even though she is much older than twelve years old.

As for this young man...

Still have to test it!

"Boy, come here and practice!"

Zhao Wuji suddenly said to the sky.

Kong was slightly startled, looking east and west. It seemed that he was the only one in this direction who could be called a kid.

"Stop looking, it's you!"

Zhao Wuji nodded and said.


No, why?

Didn't he just come to see the fun?

Why did Zhao Wuji want to practice with him?

After thinking for a moment, Kong gently patted Dugu Yan's hand and gave her a reassuring look. Only then did Dugu Yan let go of his hand.

After so many years of training, it seems that he has never had a fight with anyone other than the general.

When sparring with General Thunder and Lightning, he could only take a beating and had no backhand power.

Sora also wanted to know what his current strength was like, and Zhao Wuji happened to be a good "opponent".

Thinking of this, Kong walked towards Zhao Wuji.

Only when the two were twenty meters apart did Sora stop.

"My name is Kong. Some people also call me Yu Tiantian, but I prefer others to call me Kong."

Sora said calmly.

Zhao Wuji frowned, his surname was Yu? Why does he always have a bad premonition!

If he could be with the granddaughter of a titled Douluo, and his surname was Yu, if it had nothing to do with that sect, he wouldn't believe it!

Wait, there is another person named Tang lying here, Tang, Yu, Ning...

Ning Rongrong is a direct descendant of the Seven Treasures Glazed Sect, and her Seven Treasures Glazed Pagoda can prove it.

This Tang San's martial spirit is Blue Silver Grass, bah, Blue Silver Grass...

What about this Jade Sky?

"Release the martial soul. I am also a soul saint after all. I can give you some guidance."

Zhao Wuji crossed his arms and said calmly. Just like the elders giving guidance to the younger ones.

"Thank you very much, Vice President Zhao Wuji!"

Sora nodded and thanked him.

"Martial spirit, come out!"

As Kong finished his words, a muffled thunder suddenly sounded on the sunny day.

On the back of Sora's right hand, a triple thunder pattern appeared, and then purple thunder fell from the sky, hitting Sora's right hand impartially.

A long knife about two meters long appeared in Sora's hand, and its whole body shone with purple brilliance.

Purple, purple, purple, purple, purple, purple.

Six purple "soul rings" rose from Kong's feet, and suddenly, a huge purple circle appeared on the back of Kong's head...

On top of this purple circle, there are more than a dozen thunder patterns, all of which are shiny.

"Sora, martial spirit: Inamitsu Nagigusa, level sixty-two power attack type battle spirit emperor, please give me your advice."

Zhao Wuji: "..."

Everyone: "..."

The "special effects" of this martial spirit's appearance, this soul ring, and the huge "soul ring" behind him.

No matter how you look at it, something is wrong!

"Your soul ring..."

Zhao Wuji looked at Kong with a confused expression.

The first and second soul rings are both purple, so why are the fifth and sixth soul rings still purple?

"Soul rings, because of my martial soul, I can only absorb thousand-year soul rings."

This was an excuse that Sora had thought of long ago. How can the lifespan of these so-called "soul rings" be as simple as a thousand years?

It's just that their colors are very unified because of the thunder element, maintaining the purple brilliance.

After hearing this, Tang Hao in the dark breathed a sigh of relief. The genius was genius enough, and it was okay to call him a peerless evildoer.

This kid has a martial soul when he succeeds, and a martial soul when he fails!

"No wonder the Blue Lightning Tyrant Dragon Sect would give up on the hundred thousand year soul beast so easily. It turns out there is something wrong with their young sect master!"

Tang Hao sighed happily.

If the Haotian Sect possesses such a monster, even if he can only absorb a thousand-year soul ring, then what?

When he grew up to be a Titled Douluo, he was also a Titled Douluo. Even the weakest Titled Douluo was still a Titled Douluo...

"Song, you are the strongest monster I, Zao Wuji, have ever seen in my life!"

"He is the strongest, bar none!"

"It's a pity that you have a martial spirit if you succeed, and you have a martial spirit if you fail!"

"It can only absorb thousand-year soul rings, which limits you."

"Let me, Lao Zhao, test you, you, a peerless evildoer who has never appeared in Douluo Continent for thousands of years!"

Ning Rongrong and Zhu Zhuqing were numb at this time, and they were stunned for a while.

"Level six...level sixty-two?? This guy Sora..."

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