Douluo: General Wuhun Thunderbolt is so good at cooking

Chapter 38 038: Isn’t it said that the average IQ of the Douluo people is negative?

The age difference between Sora and her was only about two months.

Now he has actually reached level 62, which makes Ning Rongrong completely confused.

"Wait, that's not right. Sora's soul ring is wrong. It can only absorb thousand-year soul rings? Is it even more outrageous than my Seven Treasures Glazed Pagoda?"

"No, absolutely not!"

Ning Rongrong thought to himself, looking at the purple soul ring on Kong's body thoughtfully.

The color of these purple soul rings is lighter than the regular purple soul rings, and their lines are also wrong, because the mark of the circle behind Kong is also present on these soul rings.

Thinking of this, Ning Rongrong looked strange. Why did Kong lie?

What is the specific situation of these soul rings?

As a rare genius from the Qibao Glazed Sect, Ning Rongrong is smart.

As Zhao Wuji and Tang Hao, who have been in the soul master world for decades, are neither fools.

It was only because I was shocked by Sora's soul power level at first that I finally believed Sora's lies...

The first person to react was Tang Hao. As a titled Douluo, he could clearly sense that there was something wrong with the soul ring on Kong's body!

Tang Hao himself has hundred-year, thousand-year, ten-thousand-year, and one-hundred-thousand-year soul rings. He has all the regular soul rings except those of ten years. He can roughly judge the fluctuations in soul power generated by the soul rings, as well as the aura of the soul beast during its lifetime. The strength of a soul ring.

"It's strange, how come this kid's soul ring, starting from the third soul ring, doesn't have the aura fluctuations of the soul beast?"

"Only soul power fluctuations? It's really weird!"

He had believed Sora's words before, but after taking a closer look, he realized that this kid was actually lying!

Zhao Wuji also felt something was wrong. He was a more upright person and said directly: "Boy, your soul ring and soul power fluctuations are obviously not ordinary thousand-year soul rings, and the lines are not right either!"


Isn’t it said that the per capita IQ of Hao Douluo Continent is negative?

Tang San's lack of food is the strongest strategy!

Were his words exposed so quickly?


Kong's mouth opened slightly, but he stopped talking.

But he underestimated the intelligence of the natives on Douluo Continent.

"Hey, I originally wanted to get along with you as a slightly ordinary genius, but what I got in exchange was alienation."

Kong sighed, then waved his hand and said, "Okay, now that I've been discovered, I won't pretend anymore, let's show my cards!"

Having said this, Kong paused for a moment, raised the corners of his mouth slightly, and with a flash of "wisdom" in his eyes, continued: "Because of the martial arts, no matter what age I get the soul rings, their color will always be purple. "

"Boy, do you think I still believe it?"

Zhao Wuji twitched the corner of his mouth and said.

If you believe this kid again, he is a fool!

Secretly Tang Hao also nodded, fully agreeing with Zhao Wuji's statement. However, recognition is recognition, and those who deserve to be beaten must still be beaten!

This old boy beat his son Tang San into this state!

Young man, fall down and sleep!

If Zhao Wuji had struck harder, Tang San might not have simply fallen to the ground and fallen asleep.

Maybe twelve years later, he will be a pure and pure Tang San again...

Sora was quite speechless. When he told lies, he or everyone believed him. Although I didn’t believe it for a long time, I still believed it.

When you tell the truth, none of these people, except Dugu Yan behind you, should believe it, right?

"No matter what I said is true or false, just say I didn't answer, right?"

Zhao Wuji: "..."

This man is quite honest... what a ghost!

After thinking about it, what happened to Kong's soul ring, and what does it have to do with Zhao Wuji?

"Should I teach this kid a lesson? How dare you lie to me!"

Zhao Wuji thought with some hesitation.

If he could educate Kong, with Kong's talent, he would probably be able to come back and educate him Zhao Wuji in a few years.

But if he just forgets it, does he, Zhao Wuji, have no face?

After thinking about it carefully, Zhao Wuji finally chose to follow his heart. Let’s not talk about what happened a few years later. Although this kid’s martial spirit is not the Blue Electric Tyrannosaurus, he definitely has a great relationship with the Blue Electric Tyrannosaurus Rex!

If a genius like this had no one to protect him, his name would be written upside down!

Once you deal with this kid, the consequences will be very serious!

Thinking of this, Zhao Wuji compromised and prepared to give some advice to Kong from the bottom of his heart.

"Zhao Wuji, Martial Spirit: Powerful Vajra Bear, Level 76 Attack System Spirit Saint!"

Zhao Wuji also reported his basic information, which was a sign of respect for his opponent before the soul fight.

"Possessed by a powerful diamond bear!"

He didn't dare to be careless. After all, Sora was a strong soul emperor level, and he was also a sword-type martial soul. His name was Naginata... He was light.

You can tell at a glance that this martial spirit is not simple. The thunder flashes and the light emanating from the blade makes people shudder.

Dai Mubai, who was standing aside, had looked at Kong and Duguyan with a hint of hatred. After all, these two guys had made him look foolish and even asked him to get out of the Rose Hotel.

After seeing the six soul rings and an unknown circle on Kong's body, Dai Mubai's eyes suddenly became extremely clear. He thought about revenge or something, but he forgot about it. The other party didn't dare to do anything to him at that time!

Yes, he immediately knelt down and begged for mercy. Dugu Yan was even a little confused...

Kong and Zhao Wuji were facing each other, and the distance of twenty meters was nothing in the eyes of the two of them.

"Pre-emptive strike."

After Kong murmured, he rushed towards Zhao Wuji, holding a sword in his hand.

Said to be a sword flower, it actually caused the rice light of Naginus to rotate in a circle on his wrist, making Zhao Wuji wonder how he would attack.

In an instant, the distance between the two was only about five meters. At this time, Sora also grasped the rice light of Naginus and slashed downwards, targeting Zhao Wuji's head!


You can’t resist forcefully! This is no ordinary sword, this is the martial spirit of a powerful soul emperor level!

Zhao Wuji turned sideways, not too much, and his speed was enough, so he barely avoided the blow.

However, he was shocked in his heart. This boy named Kong was said to be a powerful attack system soul emperor. His speed was no slower than the agility attack system soul emperor of the same level who did not release any soul skills!

"The first soul skill: Fudo Ming King Body!"

After dodging this blow, Zhao Wuji quickly released his first soul skill. He had no choice. If he didn't release his soul skill, the opponent's weapon would definitely hurt him!

He gave guidance to the younger generation and took the lead in releasing soul skills, so he lost all face.

Kong missed, but he wasn't upset. He crouched half-crouched and aimed a horizontal blow at Zhao Wuji's waist...

Zhao Wuji: "..."

You can't get hurt here!

Zao Wuji felt a chill on his back and broke into a cold sweat, so he hurriedly moved away...

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