Douluo: General Wuhun Thunderbolt is so good at cooking

Chapter 60 060: How can I cut off my own soul bone?

"Song, neither of us needs to advance. What are we doing in the Star Dou Forest?"

There was a trace of doubt in Dugu Yan's eyes full of "wisdom".

Thinking about it carefully, it was her first time to go to the Star Dou Forest. When she had obtained soul rings before, she had always been in the Sunset Forest, because her grandfather Dugu Bo was familiar with the Sunset Forest.

The Star Dou Forest is one of the restricted areas for humans. There is no need and almost no one will take the initiative to go to the Star Dou Forest.

"Why are you going to the Star Dou Forest? Of course it's to cut off the beard...ahem, get my own external soul bone!"

"Even if I don't need it, I can't give it to anyone else, especially a certain Tang San who is always ready to kill himself."

Kong thought secretly, but did not say it out loud.

"If you have nothing to do, let's go to the Star Dou Forest. I have never been to the Star Dou Forest before."

"I see, I haven't been there either, so we just want to go and have a look."

Dugu Yan nodded, protected by two elders, they should not encounter any danger, right?

The two of them did not rent a carriage. After leaving the city, they walked directly towards the Star Forest.

Soto City is not very far from the Star Forest, only about five hundred kilometers. For a soul master, five hundred kilometers is nothing, and it can be reached in two days at most.

Kong and Dugu Yan, the weakest ones, are both soul king level experts. If they travel with all their strength, they can reach this distance in about half a day.

But that was not the case. Kong didn't seem to be in a hurry, he just stopped and stopped to look at the scenery along the way.

Kong remembered that an "old friend" once said: The journey will reach its end one day, so there is no need to rush.

Tang San and others were still packing their things at this time, and had no idea that Kong would go to the Star Dou Forest before them. Of course, the so-called appreciation of the scenery along the way was really just an excuse to slow down.

That "old friend" should also be a real old friend. After all, there is Shadow and General Thunder, so how can there be no Morax, the rock god without Mora.

Time flew by, and in the blink of an eye it was two days later. Kong Er, Tang San and others arrived at the small town outside the Star Dou Forest almost one after another.

The time before and after will not exceed half an hour.

Tang San and others walked into a hotel. As soon as they entered the door, several people couldn't help but be stunned.

"Why are they here?"

Everyone was a little confused and confused.

At this time, Kong and Dugu Yan should not have met the advanced requirements. What are they doing in the Star Dou Forest?

Tang San, Dai Mubai and others looked at each other, puzzled. They had all walked in. It was impossible for them to leave directly, right?

They also want to save face!

Just pretend that you didn't see Kong and Dugu Yan.

Flanders looked at Kong and Duguyan, then at Dai Mubai. Without saying anything, he opened a room and went upstairs.

According to Dai Mubai's character, it was impossible for him to offend the other party at this time. Thinking of this, Flanders breathed a sigh of relief. He had no control over where the other party was. He couldn't control it.

Tang San, Xiao Wu, Oscar, and Dai Mubai had a tacit understanding and found a seat farthest away from Kong to sit down. They couldn't afford to offend him, so why couldn't they hide?

Kong and Dugu Yan had naturally seen Tang San and others. Everything was as he expected, so it wasn't too surprising.

Logically speaking, Tang San and others set out a day late, so they would not meet the people from Canghui Academy, nor would they have any disputes with the Unparalleled Dragon Snake. However, perhaps because of the correction of the "plot", the group of people from Canghui Academy People are still coming!

"Bang~" sound.

The door of the hotel was kicked open, which made the people who were eating frown. There are no ordinary people who can hang out outside the Star Forest. Everyone is a soul master, and they all have tempers.

Just when they were about to curse, they saw everyone from Canghui Academy walking in in uniform clothes, and they swallowed the words that came to their lips.

The other party has a large number of people, so there is no need to get into a verbal dispute over a trivial matter. To put it bluntly, they followed their hearts!

Tang San, Dai Mubai and others also frowned. Because of Kong and Dugu Yan, the atmosphere was already very depressing, but as a result, these people from Canghui Academy were so arrogant. How could this be tolerated?

"The dean said that those who dare not cause trouble are mediocre! Tang San, let's go! Teach them a lesson!"

Dai Mubai's eyes were filled with red light. After saying something to Tang San, he slapped the table and walked towards everyone in Canghui Academy angrily.

"Are you mediocre if you dare not cause trouble?"

Tang San was stunned. Before he could reflect on his words carefully, Dai Mubai had already walked over. Dai Mubai wasn't even afraid, so how could he, Tang San, be afraid?

Besides, Flender is resting upstairs. If he and Dai Mubai lose, his safety is absolutely guaranteed!

Flanders is a level 78 Soul Saint powerhouse! Even stronger than that Zhao Wuji. With such a strong man holding the line, what should he have to fear?

"Yes, the dean has said that a soul master who dares not cause trouble is not a good soul master. These people kick the door as soon as they come, which shows that they have the intention to actively stir up trouble! We counterattack and we can help them."

Oscar did not move forward, but said to Xiao Wu.

Xiao Wu was stunned for a moment and came back from her thoughts. A firm look appeared on her face first, then she smiled slightly and said, "Oh, fighting and stuff like that are my favorite!"

"You still have to make excuses when fighting. I don't like this, but I like this sentence! Sister Xiaowu is very satisfied!"

Xiao Wu is also someone who is not afraid of trouble. After saying this, she followed Tang San and Dai Mubai towards everyone in Canghui Academy.

The atmosphere was quite depressing to begin with, and Xiao Wu had always had some inexplicable fear of Kong and Dugu Yan. It wasn't because she was afraid of these two people, but because of the forces and people behind them!

Their origins are not simple, they are followed by strong men of Contra level, and there are Titled Douluo behind them. If the Titled Douluo behind them suddenly appears, will Xiao Wujie be alive?

This is the outskirts of the Star Forest. As long as she enters a little bit, she no longer has to be afraid of these two people. Even if the Titled Douluo behind them appears, they will never come back!

This is Sister Xiaowu’s confidence!

While on the way, Xiao Wu was thinking about whether she should follow Tang San and the others back to the Star Dou Forest this time, because the human world was too dangerous for her now.

There are also two lingering dangerous guys who always run into her. If something unexpected happens one day and she meets the titled Douluo behind them, the result can be imagined!

She never expected that when she came to the Star Dou Forest, she would meet Kong and Dugu Yan again. She was so desperate!

It also made Xiao Wu determined that when she comes back this time, she won’t leave the Star Dou Forest for the time being!

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