When everyone in Canghui Academy saw Dai Mubai and Tang San walking over angrily, they couldn't help but froze, a little confused.

I'm afraid these two people are not fools, right?

Two people dare to face a dozen of them soul masters?

Wait, it should be three fools, and here comes a little girl who looks to be eleven or twelve years old.

Seeing this, Ye Zhiqiu sat down directly, without raising his eyes, he picked up the tea the waiter brought and drank it.

"What, are you planning to stir up trouble?"

A student from Canghui Academy raised his eyebrows and said with a dark face.

He had no interest in these three little guys who didn't know how to live or die.

Without saying a word, Dai Mubai bumped into him with his shoulder. He was about to stir up trouble. Why were you talking so much?

This student's martial spirit is not a beast martial spirit, and his physical fitness is naturally not as good as that of Dai Mubai. In addition, Dai Mubai is a level 37 soul master. When the two sides collided, the student was instantly knocked back several meters. , he covered his shoulders and looked at Dai Mubai with some doubt.

Everyone was stunned. Did their companions suffer?

This is not normal!

"Humph, Sister Xiaowu is here to teach you how to behave!"

Xiao Wu came from behind and rushed forward without using her martial spirit. With her strong body, she directly took down several students from Canghui Academy in three strokes.

The shopkeepers on the side have long been hiding and shivering. They dare to be angry but dare not speak out. They are all soul masters. This kind of thing is too normal.

Fortunately, none of them released their martial spirits and just fought with fists and feet, otherwise the store might not be saved.

Tang San and Dai Mubai were not idle either. Each of them took down two or three of them. Tang San's attacks were quite vicious. Once he struck, he would separate the muscles and bones, and remove the opponent's arm.

After half a cup of tea, everyone in Canghui Academy was lying down.

Ye Zhiqiu: "..."

Everyone else was numb, but it was just three children. How could they have such power?

After looking at the other party carefully, Ye Zhiqiu said: "I am Ye Zhiqiu, director of the Foreign Affairs Department of Canghui College."

"Which sect are you from?"

Ye Zhiqiu is in his fifties, and he is just the Soul King, but he is not a fool. He bullies the younger with his bully. If he offends someone he shouldn't offend, Canghui Academy cannot protect him!

After interrogating, ask about the other person's background. If there is a background, the other party is not hurt. If he comes forward to apologize, the matter will be over. If there is no background...

It can be seen from this that Ye Zhiqiu is still very polite. He first introduced himself and then used the words "Excuse me!"

Dai Mubai smiled disdainfully and said, "Pan Dao? Ha, we are from Shrek Academy!"

"Shrek Academy?"

Ye Zhiqiu was a little confused. Why hadn't he heard of this academy?

He looked at Dai Mubai and others, then at his own students, and then continued: "I've never heard of you in Shrek Academy. Where is your teacher? Let him come out and argue with me. You guys hurt me for no reason. The students of Canghui College must give us an explanation!"

"Haven't heard of it? That's because you are ignorant!"

"You are not qualified to see our teacher yet. To deal with you, just a few of us are enough!"

Dai Mubai curled his lips in disdain. Ye Zhiqiu had never heard of Shrek Academy's great reputation. What if it wasn't that he was ignorant?

At this moment, a voice sounded from the corner.

"Everyone, give me the respect of the Blue Lightning Tyrant Dragon Sect. If you are going to fight to the death, go out and fight. Don't interfere with our meal."

Sora said with an indifferent expression, without even raising his eyelids.

Ye Zhiqiu: "..."

Dai Mubai: "..."

With Kong's words, he doesn't even need to add the Blue Lightning Tyrant Dragon Sect, Dai Mubai and others will go out, they can't afford to offend them, they can't afford to offend them at all!

But Ye Zhiqiu didn't know the terror of Sora, which is why Sora said that he would give face to the Blue Lightning Tyrant Dragon Sect.

On Douluo Continent, almost no one dares to pretend to be someone from other sects. Strong sects disdain to impersonate others, while weak people dare not do so. Why? Because once discovered, we will chase you to the ends of the earth in minutes!

Ye Zhiqiu didn't know Kong, nor had he heard Kong's name, but he definitely knew about the Blue Lightning Tyrant Dragon Sect.

The best beast spirit sect in the world, one of the top three sects, these two names are enough to intimidate most people on Douluo Continent!

Dai Mubai and others, Ye Zhiqiu and everyone from Canghui Academy silently exited the hotel. Do they dare not give the Blue Lightning Tyrant Dragon Sect and Kong the face?

Ye Zhiqiu was even a little lucky that the other party had just said these words. If he accidentally injured this genius of the Blue Lightning Tyrant Dragon Sect in the hotel, Ye Zhiqiu would probably be in trouble!

The group of people quietly exited the hotel. The injured students even covered their mouths, fearing that their screams would disturb this one. I can't afford to offend him, I can't afford to offend him at all!

Seeing this, the hotel owner breathed a sigh of relief. Fortunately, the hotel was saved and the few tables and chairs were insignificant.

The boss came to Kong with a grateful expression, bowed deeply and said, "Thank you very much, Master! Your consumption in the store..."

Before the shop owner could finish his words, Kong waved his hand and said, "No need, just for peace and quiet. It's not easy for you to open a shop here."

After hearing this, the shop owner nodded quickly. He didn't dare to go against Kong's words. He had a lot of disciples from the sect, so why did he send these three sons to him?

As if thinking of something, the shop owner resigned and went directly to the kitchen.

If someone insists on paying, he can't just do nothing. The most important thing for a store owner is to keep an eye on all directions and listen to all directions, and to understand...

After everyone left the hotel, they came to a relatively open place, and both parties chose a place far away from the hotel with a tacit understanding.

After arriving at their destination, the confrontation continued as if what had just happened did not exist.

"These little monsters don't look like the disciples of the sect, otherwise they wouldn't have been so embarrassed just now. They just left without even daring to say anything. By the way, what on earth is this Shrek Academy?"

Ye Zhiqiu secretly thought in his heart that he still had no intention of taking action directly. He was really shocked just now. In a shabby hotel, there were actually children of the Blue Lightning Tyrant Dragon Sect sitting there.

"Hmph, Director of the Foreign Affairs Department, I think you are like a tolerant king!"

Xiao Wu pointed at Ye Zhiqiu's nose and said.

Everyone in Canghui Academy: "..."

Ye Zhiqiu: "..."

His martial spirit is Black Turtle, and he hates being called that!

If someone stronger than him said this, Ye Zhiqiu would only dare to be angry but dare not say anything, but these children actually dare to call him that!

Ye Zhiqiu clenched his fists tightly, and his back teeth were almost broken. He decided that he could no longer bear it!

A Soul King-level aura burst out, and Ye Zhiqiu said angrily: "Since your teacher didn't teach you how to speak properly, let me educate you for him!"

"Possessed by a martial spirit!"

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