Douluo: General Wuhun Thunderbolt is so good at cooking

Chapter 7 007: Wheel of Hundred Eyes of Wishes

In the sunset forest, an old man and a young child walked leisurely, as if they didn't care about the dangers that might appear around them at any time.

"Sky, when hunting for souls, the most terrifying thing is not the vicious soul beasts, but the other soul masters who hunt souls."

While walking, Yu Yuanzhen instilled in Kong the way to survive in the soul master world.

The so-called way of survival is a summary of the experiences of our predecessors and ourselves.

When Yu Yuanzhen was young, the Blue Electric Tyrannosaurus Rex family was not very powerful. At that time, the soul master world was a life-and-death fight if they disagreed.

Any wrong step will result in death without a burial place.

Kong is not a real child. With a little guidance from Yu Yuanzhen, he can even draw inferences.

But, this is not necessary.

"I know, Grandpa."

Sora nodded in response.

The real world of soul masters is not an academy, a soul fighting arena, an auction, or a competition.

Cruelty, the law of the forest, the law of the jungle, and the strong preying on the weak, are the real world of soul masters.

Suddenly, Yu Yuanzhen paused for a moment and stopped. Then he seemed to feel something, frowned, and said to the sky: "There are two waves of soul power here, no, there is only one now."

Yu Yuanzhen suddenly changed his words. It was obvious that the owner of the disappearing soul power fluctuation should have really disappeared.

After thinking for a while, Yu Yuanzhen picked Kong up with his right hand, and his figure was like the wind. From Kong's perspective, because the picture kept flashing, the trees quickly retreated, just like riding a high-speed train.

Within a few breaths, a dark golden "little bear" more than two meters tall appeared in their eyes.

At this time, it was eating something. Judging from the cloth scattered around, it shouldn't be some kind of soul beast.

Yu Yuanzhen frowned and wanted to cover Kong's eyes. This kind of scene was not suitable for children.

When he turned to look at Sora, he found that the child's face was pale and his eyes were wide open, but he was motionless, as if he had lost his soul.

Cover your eyes now, it's too late.

"This is the first time I have seen this kind of bear. It is dark golden in color, has long hair, and has sharp claws that are even better than those of the Direclaw bear."

Yu Yuanzhen talked to himself, as if he was explaining to Kong, and also seemed to be identifying what race this bear was.

"If I guess correctly, it should be the descendant of the Dark Golden Bear and the Direclaw Bear."

After hearing this, Kong twitched the corner of his mouth, and his initial feeling of wanting to vomit dissipated a lot.

What kind of descendant is the Dark Gold Bear and the Direclaw Bear? Its race is their ancestor, right?

Dark Gold Terrorclaw Bear!

A super soul beast that is more powerful than the Titan Giant Ape and the Azure Bull Python!

The hundred-year-old Dark Gold Terrorclaw Bear can kill ordinary soul beasts that are ten thousand years old. You can imagine how terrifying this race is!

"Grandpa, can you tell the approximate year of this bear? I feel like it is destined to me!"

After going through some psychological struggle, Kong stared at the dark gold Terrorclaw Bear not far away with bright eyes!

A super soul master, his quality and soul ring are perfect for most martial souls that rely on attack, strength and even defense.

Attack, defense, strength, the trinity of a race that is almost at its peak, can it not be strong?

Mr. Xiong’s Sky-Rearing Claw even injured the Beast God Ditian!

Despite the brutal beating from the beast god Di Tian, ​​Mr. Xiong still survived!

Yu Yuanzhen was slightly startled. Yes, the soul beast in front of him could be roughly known what its main attributes were just by looking at its appearance.

Power, bear soul beasts are almost all representatives of the power system. Attack, look at its claws, and defense. The dark golden hair on its body shows that it has the bloodline of a "dark golden bear".

Yu Yuanzhen has seen how powerful the Dark Gold Bear's defense is. Wait, Sky's martial spirit is a naginata. What does he need to defend against?

It's better not to be defensive, it's better not to be defensive...

Yu Yuanzhen muttered a few words in his heart, and then began to look at the dark gold Terrorclaw Bear.

"Its aura should be less than a thousand years old, almost more than nine hundred years old. Even if a great soul master obtains its soul ring, the risk is very high."

Yu Yuanzhen frowned. Absorbing soul rings is related to physical strength. Even if it is the Blue Lightning Tyrant Dragon Spirit, the best beast spirit in the world, it is almost impossible to absorb the first spirit ring for more than five hundred years.

Although Kong is at the innate level 20 and has reached the level of a quasi-great soul master in one step, his body has not been strengthened by the soul ring. Theoretically speaking, it is also impossible for his first soul ring to absorb more than five hundred years. soul ring.

If you absorb the soul ring according to the age of the soul ring of the great soul master, you will most likely end up exploding to death.

Yu Yuanzhen told Kong about this. After all, Kong was not an ordinary child. How could he be judged by ordinary people's knowledge of absorbing soul rings.

After listening to Yu Yuanzhen's words, Kong also fell into deep thought. Absorbing the soul ring should not be taken carelessly.

After a while, Kong's eyes narrowed. Isn't it just a nine hundred-year-old dark-gold Dreadclaw bear that will starve the brave to death?

If you give up, your life is at stake.

At this moment, a voice suddenly rang in his mind.

"Traveler, are you afraid of the excess energy in the soul ring?"

Kong was shocked and said quickly: "Yes, Madam General Raiden, do you have any good solution?"

"How difficult is this?"

As soon as General Raiden finished speaking, Sora noticed that he seemed to be a little different.

Behind him, a "purple soul ring" suddenly appeared. This "soul ring" was different from the ordinary purple soul ring.

At the top of the "soul ring", there is a larger triple thunder pattern, similar to the pattern on the general's body.

"The Wheel of Hundred Eyes of Wishes?"

Kong blinked, what's the use of the Hundred Eyes Wheel of Wishes?

Can it solve the problem of excess energy?

"Traveler, when you absorb the so-called soul ring, you can store the excess energy in the Wheel of Hundred Eyes of Wishes."

"Although the energy stored inside cannot be absorbed, it can be used in battle."

"In battle, you can also use the Wheel of Wishes and Hundred Eyes. It will automatically absorb the elemental power, soul power, energy, etc. scattered nearby."

"I leave you with the method of using the Hundred-Eyed Wheel of Wishes. It can be regarded as a supplement to your birthday gift yesterday."

"Thank you so much, Mrs. Thunderbolt General!"

Sora thanked him quickly in his heart.

Yu Yuanzhen: "???"

At this time, Yu Yuan's head was filled with questions, what is going on?

How could something similar to a soul ring appear behind Sora?

Even though he didn't know what the mark was and had never seen it before, Yu Yuanzhen recognized it at a glance. This mark should be related to thunder and lightning.

This is almost exactly the same as the god who came yesterday, just a little smaller...

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