Douluo: General Wuhun Thunderbolt is so good at cooking

Chapter 8 008: This damn competitive spirit!

Yu Yuanzhen's mouth opened slightly. He couldn't understand it, but he was shocked by it!

There was a lot of movement here, and it quickly attracted the attention of the hundred-year-old Dark Gold Terrorclaw Bear.


After roaring, he ran towards Yu Yuanzhen and Kong.

"Grandpa, that's it, I can absorb its soul ring!"

Kong also came to his senses at this time and said to Yu Yuanzhen.

How much energy the Hundred Eyes of Wishes Wheel can absorb has a certain relationship with his soul power level.

It's almost the total amount of energy he can bear.

Owning the Hundred-Eyed Wheel of Wishes is equivalent to having not only a "power bank" during battle, but also more than double the total "soul power" of the same level.

It is a pity that the energy in the Wheel of Hundred Eyes of Wishes can be mobilized, but the energy inside cannot be used for cultivation.

There are pros and cons, and Sora is already very satisfied with it.


Yu Yuanzhen agreed without hesitation. Since Kong said he was sure to absorb it, he must be sure!


Yu Yuanzhen also roared, and nine soul rings of yellow, yellow, purple, purple, black, black, black, black, and black appeared on his body instantly.

The next moment, his figure disappeared, and the dragon man Yu Yuanzhen appeared after his whole body transformed into a dragon. After reaching the level of Titled Douluo, his whole body transformed into a dragon and even grew wings.

Waves of thunder flashed, and although it was not directed at Sora, two more lines of the Hundred Eyes of Wishes behind Sora unknowingly lit up.


Can we only say that he is worthy of being a titled Douluo?

Just by releasing the martial soul, the overflowing soul power is only partially charged with "two bars of electricity"!

He will have to find a way to release this "electricity" later, otherwise it will be dangerous when he absorbs the soul ring!

"Bear cub, can you only be louder than your voice?"

Sora: "This damn competitive spirit!"

He is a man of his age, and his voice is as loud as a bear cub. Under Yu Yuanzhen’s majestic face, he has an ageless heart!

In just a split second, Yu Yuanzhen didn't even release his soul power. In just a split second, he arrived in front of the Dark Gold Terrorclaw Bear.

The dragon's claws were clenched tightly, and an "ordinary punch" was struck from above, with a "bang" sound.

The Dark Gold Terrorclaw Bear, which could only rival ordinary ten-thousand-year-old soul beasts, had no resistance and was smashed into the ground, and then a huge pit appeared.

Fortunately, Yu Yuanzhen had saved his hand, otherwise this dark gold fearclaw bear would have been reduced to a pile... and would definitely not have a complete figure.

Can a hundred-year-old soul beast be able to resist a ninety-sixth-level super Douluo personally taking action?

Its talent and race are not weak, but even if it becomes a 100,000-year-old soul beast, it may not be able to defeat the ninety-sixth level Yu Yuan Zhen!

Xiong Jun's hundreds of thousands of years of cultivation is only equivalent to that of a ninety-eighth level super Douluo. Yu Yuanzhen's ninety-sixth level of strength and martial spirit is still a blue electric tyrannosaurus. He can't cope with ordinary hundred thousand year souls. Beast easily.

Against a 100,000-year-old soul beast like the Dark Gold Terrorclaw Bear, if you can win, it will be a miserable victory!

Kong twitched at the corner of his mouth. Even though Yu Yuanzhen easily suppressed the Dark Gold Terrorclaw Bear, the Hundred Eyes Wheel of Wishes behind him already had six paw lines lighting up.

This is already "fully charged"!

Yu Yuanzhen returned from his dragon-like appearance to his true form, and the soul ring on his body also disappeared at this moment.

"Sky, come and hit me! This bear cub won't last long."

Yu Yuanzhen shouted into the air.

Regarding how soul masters hunt soul beasts and obtain soul rings, the Blue Lightning Tyrant Dragon Sect began teaching children when they were about five years old.

It should be noted that only the person who completes the final blow can absorb the soul ring of the killed soul beast.

Kong nodded. His martial spirit was a weapon martial spirit, and it was a long sword martial spirit. Yu Yuanzhen did not prepare tools such as daggers for him.

When he held his right hand, a purple thunder flashed through, and the light of Naginari appeared instantly in Sora's hand.

Currently, Sora doesn't know how to use the naginata. If he doesn't, it doesn't mean he's stupid!

He can still do the simplest chopping.

At worst, if you have a chance, please ask my wife for advice!

Inazuma's tachi skills and naginata skills are both passed down by the Kage. As the predecessor of the Kage, the Shogun will naturally know the naginata skills of the Kage.

This is something that must be learned, otherwise when the time comes, you will be like a barbarian with a magical weapon in your hand and can only chop. This scene cannot be bear to be looked at...

After the rice light of Naginus appeared, there were faint purple thunder flashing on it.

Carrying the rice light of Naginus, Kong quickly rushed towards the Centennial Dark Gold Terrorclaw Bear. Seeing this, Yu Yuanzhen just smiled and didn't say much.

A child is expected to have superb naginata skills? Do not make jokes!

At this time, the Dark Gold Terrorclaw Bear had fainted. Sora slashed at it, but it had no reaction!

This is relatively normal. After all, Kong didn't even break through the defense of the Dark Gold Terrorclaw Bear...

Kong's face darkened. He was holding a divine weapon, but he couldn't even break through the defense of a century-old soul beast. The most important thing was that it had no power to resist!

The more he thought about it, the more angry he became, and the more he thought about it, the more embarrassing he became. In desperation, Sora quickly mobilized all the power in the Wheel of the Hundred Eyes of Wishes, and condensed these powers into the light of the rice grass. Suddenly, the light shone brightly!

"Die to me!"

Sora raised the rice light of Naginus above his head and struck it again at the century-old Dark Gold Terrorclaw Bear...

This time, there were no surprises. The rice light of Nagigusa was like cutting tofu, breaking through the defense of the Dark Gold Terrorclaw Bear and instantly cutting it in half!

Not only that, there are also arcs of electricity spreading across the body of the Dark Gold Terrorclaw Bear...

"Hiss, is it so sharp?"

Not only that, the attribute attacks it comes with are equally terrifying!

Yu Yuanzhen was slightly stunned. The light of the grass was sharper than he imagined!

He had personally tested the bear cub's defense just now. Kong could "easily" break through its defense. There was no need to add attributes such as armor-breaking!

Yu Yuanzhen had also noticed the "circle" behind Kong Kong before. When his martial spirit possessed him, the "circle" lit up and two marks were added.

When he exploded with soul power again, the "circles" behind Kong instantly lit up, a total of six marks.

It looks similar to the Millennium Soul Ring, but in fact it has nothing to do with it.

When Sora attacked the dark gold Terrorclaw Bear for the first time, the circle behind him did not change much. When he attacked the dark gold Terrorclaw Bear for the second time, the bright mark behind him dimmed five times, except for the original mark. Still on.

All this was seen by Yu Yuanzhen, but he said nothing or asked.

After a while, a yellow soul ring with a hint of purple appeared on the body of the century-old dark gold Terrorclaw bear...

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