Douluo: General Wuhun Thunderbolt is so good at cooking

Chapter 82 082: At this moment, the time of death

"He has no shame at all!"

Whether it is azure bull python or titan ape, in their thinking, they are male protection...

But this human being in front of him actually relies on his wife to protect him!

They don't understand what my wife means. But judging from the fact that the other party calls this boy husband, is there any need to guess at their relationship?

Dugu Yan and Yu Long Wu hadn't run far yet. They stopped and Dugu Yan was paralyzed!

Good guy, isn't this figure the one who was shopping with Sora that day?

She, she is so terrifying?

She looks a bit dazed and has never seen the world. She is not pretending. Her strength is simply incomprehensible!

The purple halo behind her should be the same as Sora, right? That mark is actually as tall as hundreds of them...


Yu Longwu breathed a sigh of relief and murmured: "With the young master's wife personally taking action, these two beast kings may not be able to return."

The young sect master’s wife is a strong person at the level of a god. Isn’t it easy to deal with a hundred thousand year old soul beast?

Shadow held her dream in hand and walked towards the Azure Bull Python and Titan Giant Ape step by step. Every step made the Azure Bull Python and Titan Giant Ape tremble all over. The pressure she brought was really overwhelming. It's too scary!

"Who are you?"

Azure Bull Python asked with a solemn expression. It is also a hundred thousand year old soul beast, but in the face of this pressure, it has no intention of resisting!

He wanted to resist, but the difference in strength made it impossible for him to resist! Not to mention it, even if it and the Titan Giant Ape Er Ming's cultivation combined, they may not be the opponent of the woman in front of him.

Maybe the adult's arrival won't help.

It feels a little regretful. Why did you provoke him so well?

What if you just listen to his advice and go back directly?

After hearing this, Ying showed no expression. He just glanced at Azure Ox Python indifferently, and then waved his dream heart.

Since they are definitely enemies, why bother talking to them so much?

"Wu Nian, cut it off!"

Thunder rolled, lightning flashed, and a sword flashed along with the purple thunder. The body of the azure bull python was split into two like tofu.

Silence, deathly silence.

It wasn't until a red soul ring floated in the air that everyone came back to their senses.

The azure bull python, the hundred-thousand-year-old soul beast, the emperor in the bright light of the Star Dou Forest, died like this?

Fortunately, this purple thunder and sword light were well controlled by the shadow, preventing this place from turning into a canyon...

"Da...Da Ming?"

The titan ape was stunned, his eyes widened. It was just one blow. With just one blow, that woman became a hundred thousand year soul ring?


The Titan Giant Ape roared and attacked Ying without hesitation. It did not want to escape, but was preparing to avenge Da Ming, the Azure Bull Python.

"Courage is commendable, but intelligence is lacking."

Ying said without sadness or joy.

"This moment, the time of death!"

The triple thunder pattern appeared behind the shadow, opening like eyes.

Another "unpretentious" sword light stopped the Titan ape's advancing body, and divided it into two Titan apes very symmetrically~

After a while, another red soul ring appeared in front of everyone.

"Just, just die like that?"

The Titan Giant Ape and the Azure Bull Python, the young sect leader's wife only used two swords, and they died?

Yu Yuanyuan was shocked and felt a little numb.

Ying looked at the bodies of the Titan Giant Ape and the Azure Bull Python, then stretched out his hand, and the two red soul rings, including their bodies, disappeared at the same time.

"Husband, this thing is of no use to me, so I give it to you."

A total of two gem-like objects, one cyan and one khaki, appeared in Ying's hand. Without even thinking, he immediately took it.

These are two soul bones, 100,000-year-old soul bones!

As for why Ying wanted to collect the corpses and soul rings of the Azure Bull Python and Titan Giant Ape, Kong didn't think much about it. Putting them here would be a waste. They should contain quite a lot of energy.

"Thank you, Mrs. Shadow Treasure!"

Sora thanked him, and then kissed Yingbao gently on the face.

Kage's face turned red, but she didn't say anything more and returned to the Pure Land of One Heart. She was going to study the difference between this spirit beast and a monster.

The combat power of a soul beast that has lived for a hundred thousand years is actually not as good as some monsters that have lived for hundreds of years. The power system of this world is much weaker than she imagined!

As for the soul bones, there are actually two soul bones here in Shadow Treasure, which belong to water and the sacred bones of the Fire Dragon King.

However, these two soul bones need to be suppressed under the Ice and Fire Eyes, otherwise the Ice and Fire Eyes will disappear within a few thousand years.

The gain outweighs the loss.

After Shadow Treasure left, Kong began to look at the two soul bones. The cyan one belonged to the Azure Bull Python, and just like the original work, it was a left arm soul bone!

It's quite strange to say that the azure bull python has the head of a bull and the body of a snake. It doesn't have any limbs. Why does it explode with a left arm soul bone?

"It's a pity that the old man has the soul bone of his left arm."

Kong shook his head and put the hundred-thousand-year-old Azure Bull Python's left arm soul bone into the storage soul guide.

This thing is at the level of treasure in the Douluo Continent. No matter which force it is placed in, it is the most important inherited soul bone!

With a hundred thousand year old soul bone, no force would be unmoved!

After Kong collected the left arm soul bone of the 100,000-year-old azure bull python, he looked at another earth-yellow soul bone!

"Is it the same as the original work?"

The 100,000-year-old titan ape right arm soul bone!

If one were to say which of these two soul bones was more suitable for Yu Yuanzhen, the left arm soul bone of the Azure Bull Python was actually more suitable.

Because the Azure Bull Python is also a thunder attribute, and it has part of the Azure Dragon bloodline!

This was one of the reasons why Di Tian took a fancy to it.

As for the titan ape's right arm soul bone, it is suitable for all fighting soul masters, and its quality can ignore the attribute requirements.

"This soul bone can be given to the old man, but unfortunately, there is no trunk-like soul bone. If it is a trunk-like soul bone..."

Having said this, Kong glanced at Tang San, who was still absorbing the spirit ring, and then shook his head, what's the use of a thousand-year-old torso spirit bone?

Yu Yuanyuan was right next to Kong. When he heard that Kong was about to give the right arm soul bone of the 100,000-year-old Titan great ape to Yu Yuanzhen, his eyes were filled with envy!

This is a hundred thousand year soul bone!

The young sect master actually did not think about absorbing it himself, but gave it to the sect master. He really...

"Sora, you, are you okay?"

At this time, Dugu Yan and Yulong Wu came back, and Dugu Yan asked with concern.

Thinking about it carefully, with such a powerful being, it should be impossible for Sora to be fine.

Kong shook his head, then put away the soul bone of the right arm of the 100,000-year-old Titan ape, and said: "I'm fine, you just need to be fine too."

"This line……"

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