After Kong and the others left the Star Dou Forest, a middle-aged man in black robes appeared where the Titan Giant Ape and Azure Bull Python had fallen.

He had already woken up from his deep sleep when the shadow appeared.

The middle-aged man looked solemn. How did a powerful person of this level appear on Douluo Continent?

The opponent does not have a soul ring, which means that he is not following the soul master system. The soul master system requires hunting soul beasts and obtaining soul rings. During the battle, the martial soul will also be revealed!

But the other party has no soul ring at all, which means that the other party is not a god who appears in the soul master system at all!

"Because two rabbits almost ruined our clan's affairs!"

After some investigation, the middle-aged man came to a conclusion.

He clenched his fists, and then unclenched them in order not to cause trouble.

After a while, the middle-aged man murmured.

"Three Qianjun Ant Emperor brothers, I hope they will be more obedient!"

After saying this, he disappeared.

Tang San:"……"

"Did I hear some terrible secret?"

Tang San scratched his head in confusion, why did something almost happen because of two rabbits?

He was a little confused at this time. He had just absorbed the soul ring and was a little unresponsive.

What about the previous two hundred thousand year soul beasts?

Where have Yu Tiantian and others, as well as his father Tang Hao, gone?

Who was the middle-aged man in black dragon robe before? He looks so scary!

Tang San was confused, confused, and puzzled. There was no one around, how was he going to get out of the Star Dou Forest?

Fortunately, his memory was good, so he just had to go back the way he came. He also left some marks along the way, just in case something unexpected happened and he wouldn't be able to find his way back.

After Tang San also left, not long after, another figure appeared here. It was none other than Xiao Wu.

In order not to drag down the Titan Giant Ape and Azure Bull Python, she ran all the way towards the place where she once lived.

But she waited and waited. After waiting for a long time, the sky started to thunder and lightning...

The terrifying pressure spread throughout the Star Dou Forest. She was only a level 29 great soul master at this time, and she couldn't even withstand the pressure. Let alone know what happened!

After arriving here, Xiao Wu looked around with a puzzled expression, feeling even more confused and confused.

"Da Ming, Er Ming?"

The auras of the Azure Bull Python and the Titan Giant Ape disappeared here. The two of them have been together for so many years, and they are very familiar with each other's auras.

"What happened? Where is Da Ming and Er Ming?"

Xiao Wu frowned, she couldn't believe the idea in her mind.

Could it be that Daming and Erming were killed by Tang San's father, Tang Hao?

Impossible, absolutely impossible!

With the strength of the Azure Bull Python and Titan Giant Ape, even if they cannot be defeated, it would be easy for them to escape!

They absolutely cannot die so easily!

Xiao Wu clearly knows how powerful the hundred thousand year soul beasts are, especially the Azure Bull Python and the Titan Giant Ape. Not to mention the ninety-five-level titled Douluo, even the ninety-eighth-level titled Douluo, they have sacrificed After paying some price, you can also escape!

"Tang San, Tang Hao!"

After a long while, Xiao Wu still didn't feel the aura of the Azure Bull Python and the Titan Giant Ape, and then she had to accept the reality!

They should be dead...

Thinking of this, Xiao Wu spurted out a mouthful of blood and fainted.

She wants revenge! She will definitely take revenge!

She had run too far before, and because she was in human form, she was not strong enough to hear Shadow's voice.

The middle-aged man in black robe is different. He is the real emperor, beast god and emperor of the Star Dou Forest!

I don't know how long it took for Xiao Wu to wake up faintly. Perhaps because she was the "heroine" of the original work, she had some luck, so she was not killed by the spirit beast...

During the time she was unconscious, no soul beast even dared to come near this place!

That's right, such terrifying pressure and energy fluctuations have just emerged here. Are they here looking for death?

"What should I do? My mother was killed by Bibi Dong, and now Da Ming and Er Ming have also been killed."

Xiao Wu sat helplessly on the bumpy ground, hugging her legs with her arms and curling up.

She really didn't know what to do. Without the protection of Da Ming and Er Ming, she would have no place at all in the Star Forest.

If she were still a hundred thousand year soul beast, she wouldn't have to worry about this or that. But now she is just a great soul master at level 29... No, she is level 30!

"My identity has also been exposed. Going back to Shrek Academy now is just asking for death. The Tiandou Empire is also unsafe. After all, I was in the Tiandou Empire before."

Xiao Wu thought about it and finally decided to go to the Star Luo Empire. She could no longer survive in the Tian Dou Empire. She also had no way to stay in the Star Dou Forest for longer. Those soul beasts were unreasonable and devoured her. , may allow them to quickly become a hundred thousand year soul beast.

What a temptation!

Xiao Wu restrained her aura and walked cautiously towards the Star Luo Empire.

If she wants to take revenge, she must accumulate strength and wait until she becomes a Titled Douluo, or find someone to rely on and let him help her take revenge!

Twelve years old, according to human age, if you start training from this time, you should be able to obey her, right?

"I will come back. Da Ming, Er Ming, I will definitely avenge you!"

After taking one last look at the scene, Xiao Wu made up her mind and ran away without looking back.

Tang San didn't know if it was due to the "Protagonist's Aura". He returned along the same route he came from. He didn't encounter any dangers along the way and left the Star Dou Forest safely.

After leaving the Star Dou Forest, Tang San was a little confused. Where should he go next?

When he came, he came with Xiao Wu. Wait, Xiao Wu?

Looking back at the Star Dou Forest, Tang San's desire for a hundred thousand year soul ring deepened!

"I will be back, Xiao Wu!"

Tang San smiled evilly, with no concealment of murderous intent in his eyes. It didn't matter that Xiao Wu was a soul beast, but she actually let other soul beasts attack Tang Hao. This gave her a way to kill him!

Don't blame him for Tang San's cruelty. I won't offend others unless they offend me. Since he is considered an enemy, he should fight back with the power of thunder! This is Xiao Wu's way of death! He doesn't care about hundred thousand year soul rings or soul bones.

"I don't know how my father is doing."

Tang San secretly thought that when he was absorbing the spirit ring, he faintly heard something like he wanted to run away.

"Father has a hundred thousand year spirit ring. Nothing will happen to him. He can kill a hundred thousand year spirit beast. Even if he faces two hundred thousand year spirit beasts, he cannot lose!"

Tang Hao, who was seriously injured: "..."

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