"Let's go back to the academy first. We'll talk about other things later."

Tang San restrained the killing intent in his eyes and thought to himself.

Then walked towards the direction of Shrek Academy.

Tang San was still a little dissatisfied with Flanders. When the crisis came, Flanders only saved Oscar and Dai Mubai, without even considering him, Tang San!

If there is a chance in the future, he will definitely make Flanders pay for what happened today!

Flanders took Oscar and Dai Mubai with him. After escaping from the Star Forest, he didn't dare to stop and flew towards Shrek Academy.

Oscar was severely injured and almost died. Dai Mubai was actually not much better, he was also covered in blood...

Tang San has Tang Hao to protect him, so he doesn't need Flanders. Besides, they are all students, so who can't save him? Whoever is closer will be saved! Isn't this a normal situation?

As night fell, Sora disappeared in a hotel somewhere and appeared in Isshin Pure Land.

He was holding a tray with sweet desserts such as colorful meatballs placed on it.

During the day, my wife will help kill powerful enemies. At night, I must reward my wife.

"My lord, the general's wife."

After saying hello to General Raiden's wife, Sora ran towards the Shadow Treasure.

It's very simple for Sora to distinguish between General Raiden and Kage!

You will know who is the general and who is the shadow by looking at whether the triple thunder pattern is bright.

The one who doesn't light up is the general, and the one who does light up is the shadow.

"Huh, call me Wifey-sama, and call me Wifey-sama."

General Raiden rolled his eyes, and then disappeared into the Pure Land.

She returned directly to Kong's body. After all, her current state was a martial spirit.

Something weird will happen later...


"My wife, Yingbao, look, I brought you delicious food!"

After hearing this, the corners of Ying's mouth raised slightly...

Time passed, and when Kong and his party returned to the Blue Lightning Tyrant Dragon Sect, Tang San had already returned to Shrek Academy.

Shrek Academy is only about 500 kilometers away from the edge of the nearest Star Dou Forest. For Tang San, who is already at the soul master level, this is nothing.

After a day of traveling, he returned to Shrek Academy again.

Regarding Tang San's return, Flanders was not surprised. Tang Hao had already taken action. Even if he couldn't defeat two hundred thousand year spirit beasts, there was no problem in running away with Tang San!

Flanders just sighed, five people went, four came back, and one of them wanted to kill him!

Flanders has always been worried about Xiao Wu trying to kill him!

In the silent night, Tang San was the only one in the dormitory.

Oscar and Dai Mubai are sick and are taken care of by Soul Saint Shao Xin.

Tang San thought again and again, and took out the soul bone of the Millennium Mandala Snake trunk. The dark green light shone, making Tang San yearn for it.

Soul bones, trunk-like soul bones!

This is the first soul bone he got. If he could get the soul bone from Flanders' hand...

"Absorb it? It's just a thousand-year soul bone, but it's a trunk-type soul bone!"

Tang San was very torn. If it was a ten thousand year level torso soul bone, he wouldn't have any hesitation. But this soul bone is only at the thousand-year level!

After a long while, Tang San gritted his teeth, and finally sat cross-legged, placed the dark green soul bone on his chest, and began to fuse and absorb it.

A thousand-year-old torso-like soul bone is already considered a treasure-level soul bone. Besides, this is the first soul bone he has obtained. How can he give it to others?

Who in Shrek Academy is worthy of giving him this piece of soul bone?

When the moon set and the sun rose, and the sun shed its first rays of light, Tang San opened his eyes again. The fusion of this thousand-year-old mandala snake trunk soul bone was very successful!

"Soul bones are indeed a good thing!"

Tang San felt his soul power, and he had already reached the thirty-second level!

Not only that, this soul bone also passively increases all his attributes! Although it is not high, it is a passive increase!

Suddenly, Tang San frowned, a trace of confusion flashed in his eyes, and when he came to his senses, the corner of his mouth twitched again.


Millennium Mandala Snake Trunk Soul Bone Skill: Coil!

This is the active skill of the soul bone. As the name suggests, its function is to entangle, but it uses the body as a rope to achieve its purpose.

"This, this soul bone skill..."

A trace of cold sweat broke out on Tang San's forehead, making everyone else feel numb.

This soul bone skill was really hard for him to accept!

After a long while, Tang San shook his head. He thought carefully, this soul bone skill wasn't that useless.

There are only useless soul masters, but no useless soul skills.

As long as it is developed properly, this soul bone skill is very useful whether it is to avoid the opponent's attacks or to survive in dangerous situations!

After thinking about it, Tang San tidied up and walked towards the cafeteria.

It's rare that Tang San didn't practice the Purple Demon Eye today, because he missed the first ray of sunlight because he absorbed the soul bone.

One day, two days, just treat it as a holiday.

After entering the cafeteria, Tang San's eyes narrowed, his pupils shrank, and he exclaimed: "Teacher?!"

"Mistress, sit down and eat first."

Yu Xiaogang nodded, then placed the porridge and steamed buns next to Tang San and said.

Tang San was so pleasantly surprised, he didn't expect his teacher to come to Shrek Academy!

Seeing this, Yu Xiaogang was very satisfied.

"Eat first, then come with me after you finish eating."

He had just arrived last night, and after hearing Flanders talk about the dangers of this trip, Yu Xiaogang was also sweating.

Fortunately, with Haotian Douluo, everyone was able to leave the Star Dou Forest!

Flanders also said that Tang San had already broken through to Soul Master, and he didn't know what soul beast produced the third soul ring.

"Okay, teacher!"

Tang San nodded hurriedly and started eating, his eating speed was much faster than usual.

He will get some advice from his teacher later, how could he not be excited!

He still has many questions, such as Xiao Wu, the two hundred thousand year soul beasts, and the matter of his father Tang Hao.

Why would a Titled Douluo with a 100,000-year-old soul ring blacksmith in a small place like Holy Soul Village?

Tang San couldn't figure it out...

After a while, Yu Xiaogang and Tang San came to an empty and deserted place.

"Xiaosan, I know you have a lot of doubts. I can tell you these things slowly. Now you release your soul ring first..."

What Yu Xiaogang cared about most was Tang San's development. As for other things, he didn't care much.

Only about Xiao Wu!

"Okay, teacher."

Tang San agreed, then stretched out his right hand, the Blue Silver Grass martial spirit appeared in his hand, and the three yellow, yellow, and purple spirit rings slowly rose from his feet.

When Tang San's third spirit ring appeared, Yu Xiaogang frowned and looked at Tang San with a strange expression.

It shouldn't be...

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