Douluo: General Wuhun Thunderbolt is so good at cooking

Chapter 97 097: Kong Bucai, luckily broke through to Soul Saint

Chapter 97 097: Kong Bucai, luckily broke through to Soul Saint...

Kong rolled his eyes and Qian Renxue started again.

After thinking for a moment, Kong decided to cooperate with Qian Renxue's performance.

The two of them chatted about household matters for more than half an hour before it ended.

"I didn't expect Brother Tian to venture into the Douluo Continent alone at such a young age. Qinghe admires him!"

Qian Renxue cupped her hands and smiled.

She always felt that Sora was perfunctory with her, saying so much but completely missing the point.

When she briefly mentioned Sora's future plans, Sora was even more perfunctory, saying that the old man was young and strong and could still be the sect master for many years, so he could just make a living on the Douluo Continent.

"I wonder if Brother Sky has any idea of ​​going to Tiandou Royal Academy?"

When Qian Renxue said this, she paused and continued: "Although the resources in the Tiandou Royal Academy are not as good as those in the Blue Lightning Tyrant Dragon Sect, within the empire, the resources are among the best."

Sora: It's a pity that a bunch of useless nobles are using these resources...

"Brother Sky has traveled across the continent. Wouldn't it be a great pity if he didn't have any academy experience?"

Qian Renxue said "sincerely" that Kong's strength is no less than hers, but after all, he is only a child aged ten and two and a half years now. Children at this age are not so mature mentally and are prone to impulsiveness, but they are also easier to guide. .

As long as Kong went to Tiandou Royal Academy, as the prince, wouldn't he be able to see Kong every now and then?

After several years of friendship, even if her identity is exposed, I believe Sora will follow her!

How could he not be moved by how she treated him like a noble?

Qian Renxue has learned a lot after coming to Tiandou City for so many years.

Recruiting talents is her specialty!


Sora almost turned around and left. Was he really numb? Going to Tiandou Royal Academy?

Go to hell!

Sister Yan has just graduated from Tiandou Royal Academy and is now practicing in seclusion within the Blue Lightning Tyrant Dragon Sect.

His strength is more than enough to serve as an education committee member, let alone a student.

He was certain that Meng Shenji, Bai Baoshan and other three Contra-level education committee members were no match for him when they joined forces.

Sora waved his hands quickly and said, "Thank you, Brother Xue, for your kindness. It is impossible to go to the academy. It is impossible to go to the academy in this life."

Qian Renxue: "..."

Good guy, is this Jade Sky tired of studying?

"With my soul power and my strength, going to the academy is just like playing house for a kid. It's really boring."

Kong said without changing his expression.

He didn't even go to Thunder Academy, so he would go to Tiandou Royal Academy? Do not make jokes!

But he didn't know that Tiandou Royal Academy welcomed two newcomers more than half a month ago.

They are all his "old acquaintances", one is the eldest lady of the Qibao Glazed Sect, Ning Rongrong, and the other is from the Xingluo Zhu family... No, now it should be said that the genius of the Qibao Glazed Sect, Zhu Zhuqing.

At Ning Fengzhi's suggestion, they came to study at Tiandou Royal Academy.

Because of their identities, they became...substitute members of the Royal Fighter Team.

After all, they have not yet broken through to level 30, and they can become substitute members because the three education committee members look at Ning Fengzhi's face.

What left Ning Rongrong and Zhu Zhuqing speechless the most was that the leader of the Imperial Fighting Team was actually the first class student of Shrek Academy...

Qian Renxue was stunned when Jian Kong mentioned his own strength without hesitation, and with strong confidence and arrogance, which was completely different from the handsome young man before.

To be precise, she was attracted by this breath and was a little crazy.

Seeing this, Zhang Xue and She Long could only become anxious. They had no way of reminding their young master at this time!

What if Sora finds out? It was so hard to bring up that topic before!

"Brother Xue, you, what's wrong with you?"

Sora asked "confused".

After hearing this, Qian Renxue was shocked and came to her senses. She quickly shook her head and threw away the strange thoughts in her mind.

"Handsome, so handsome!"

Qian Renxue couldn't help but sigh in her heart.

"No, it's okay. Since Brother Sky doesn't want to go to the academy, I won't force you to go to the academy. If one day, brother, you change your mind, you can come to me."

After Qian Renxue finished her polite words, she paused and continued: "I wonder what kind of soul master Brother Tian is already?"

Soul master is a profession.

The title is a division corresponding to the soul skill level of the soul master profession.

There are ten titles in total, from lowest to highest: Soul Warrior, Soul Master, Great Soul Master, Soul Lord, Soul Sect, Soul King, Soul Emperor, Soul Saint, Soul Douluo, and Titled Douluo.

Soul Master is a title from level one to level ten.

Only after obtaining a soul ring can one become a true soul master.

Just asking about the title will not involve the soul master's secrets, but the title can tell the approximate level of a soul master.

"Kong Bucai, luckily achieved the eighth title, Soul Saint."

Kong said indifferently, and after saying this, he added: "Unfortunately, cultivation becomes more and more difficult in the later stages. Kong often laments that cultivation is like rivers and rivers. Although he has the ambition to go east to the sea..."

"Of course, rivers and water will always flow into the sea... It is a lifelong regret!"

Qian Renxue: "..."

She Long, stabbing blood: "..."

Do you want to hear what you have to say?

Twelve years old, a powerful person at the Soul Saint level.

"A genius like him finds life difficult, and I'm waiting for you..."

Xue Xue cried, tears welling up in his eyes. He cultivated to the title of Douluo. Although the process was more difficult, the result was good. He has surpassed countless soul masters in singing.

However, this year he was completely numb.

Twelve years old, Soul Saint!

When he was twelve years old, was he level 30 or more than 20?

Can not remember.

When he was still complacent, a twelve-year-old Soul Saint powerhouse pretended to be in front of him... lamenting the difficulty of life.

The most outrageous thing is that he also said that he was not talented! He was lucky!

Damn you, you deserve to die!

Kong was just pretending, the blood pricking wasn't that uncomfortable yet, he was afraid that Kong was telling his true feelings!

She Long was no better than stabbing blood at this time. He was also bursting with tears. It was only a matter of time before such monsters became the strongest beings on Douluo Continent. People like him actually say that cultivation is too slow!

Soul Saint!

How many people are fifty, sixty, seventy or eighty years old, and have not even touched the threshold of Soul Saint? He is a twelve-year-old child...

Wait, for him to be able to say these words at such a young age is definitely not a whim, just a pretense.

He should be telling the truth!

This is even more unacceptable!

Qian Renxue looked at Kong, the corners of her mouth twitching. She was currently at the Soul Emperor level, and the twelve-year-old boy in front of her was already a Soul Saint!

And, it's so... it makes people want to beat him. What's going on?

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