Douluo: General Wuhun Thunderbolt is so good at cooking

Chapter 98 098: How do you know this was sent to me in vain?

"General, you've had these colorful meatballs for a few days, why do you still have one left?"

In the Pure Land of One Mind, Lei Yingying looked at General Thunder and Lightning dangling in front of her, she opened her red lips and said.

"How do you know this was given to me by Sora?"

General Thunderbolt stopped and spoke with a "confused" look on his face.

Lei Movie: "???"

She was stunned for a moment, her eyes full of confusion and confusion. General Thunderbolt's answer was wrong and a little strange. Is this a problem with the "system"?

“The colorful meatballs are delicious, I’ll just have a cup of milk tea next time.”

General Thunder and Lightning ignored Thunder Movie and said to himself.

"General, you have changed."

"No, I am the unchangeable law of eternity, how can I make changes? It has always been like this, isn't it?"

"You have really changed."

"The colorful meatballs Sora sent me are so delicious. I didn't intend to accept them."

After hearing this, Lei Movie fell silent again.

Going around and around, you can't get through this colorful ball, right?

Also, what is going on with General Thunder! She, she actually learned to show off!

In the pure land of Yixin, the two women looked at each other. After a long while, General Thunder said: "How do you know..."

"I do not want to know!!!"

Outside, Kong had already said goodbye to Qian Renxue.

In the prince's residence.

She Long and Qian Xue appeared in front of Qian Renxue with solemn expressions.

They looked like they were seventy or eighty years old.

"Uncle She Long, uncle blood stabbing."

"Little Lord."

After the two parties exchanged greetings, She Long then said: "I don't know what the young master plans to do with this son. This son is so terrifying. If he cannot be used by my Wuhun Palace, I am afraid he will become a thorn in the young master's side and a thorn in the flesh in the future."

"She Long is not talented and is willing to go and kill..."

Before She Long could finish his words, Qian Renxue waved her hand and said, "Uncle She Long, I had a very pleasant conversation with Na Yu Tiantian, and I am confident that I can bring him to our Spirit Hall camp!"

"This boy is young, and I treat him as a scholar of the country. How can he be indifferent?"

Speaking of this, Qian Renxue looked complacent. She was sure to conquer Kong. If the routine didn't work, she would have to use other methods.

You know, with her beauty, it is not an exaggeration to say that she is the most beautiful woman in Douluo Continent.

Thinking of this, Qian Renxue's face turned red.

She Long and Qian Xue looked at Qian Renxue in confusion, feeling anxious but helpless.

Qian Renxue is the young master, the master of Wuhun Palace.

If this son of Jade Sky is not eliminated, it will become a big problem!

"Besides, how can we predict the future accurately?"

Qian Renxue shook her head and said softly, a ray of fantasy appeared in her mind.

"Young Master..."

She Long and Thorn Blood looked at each other, shook their heads helplessly, and returned to the darkness again.

They don't care about this matter, they just hope that the young master will not regret what he did today in the future.

In fact, the two of them are not in a hurry. No matter how talented a person is, no matter how evil a person is, growth always requires a process.

There are great ministers in the Wuhun Palace, so what if Yu Tiantian is a genius?

Within fifty years, there is no chance that he will be the opponent of the Great Enshrinement. If the real thing cannot be done, the Great Enshrinement will take action.

After Kong left the Prince's Mansion, he had no idea that the harem almost caught fire!

"Qian Renxue is quite interesting, she actually wants to recruit me."

After complaining in his mind, Sora shook his head again and murmured: "How could I be recruited by her? By the way, this woman is also a lover."

"What does this have to do with me? I'm a family man!"

Kong looked up at the sky and found that the sky was clear and there was no sign of thunder or rain, so he secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

He couldn't handle the double amount of happiness. Would he kill himself if he still looked for it?

"Song, you actually came to Tiandou City?!"

At this moment, a surprised voice sounded not far away, bringing Sora out of his thoughts.

Looking towards the source of the sound, two figures appeared in his eyes.

"Ning Rongrong, Zhu Zhuqing?"

Sora was stunned and shouted subconsciously.

He quickly woke up from his trance. It was normal for Ning Rongrong and Zhu Zhuqing to leave Shrek Academy and come to Tiandou City.

After all, the Seven Treasures Glazed Sect is just outside Tiandou City. If Ning Rongrong and Zhu Zhuqing don't come to Tiandou City, where can they go?


Zhu Zhuqing's voice was cold, but with a hint of strange emotion. Her eyes when she looked at Kong were unusually soft, as if she wanted to melt Kong.

If you observe carefully, you can find some clues. On the streets where people are coming and going, there is only an empty reflection in Zhu Zhuqing's eyes.

"Where's that annoying Dugu Yan? Isn't she with you?"

Ning Rongrong looked east and west, looked around Kong Kong, and found no trace of Dugu Yan, and then he breathed a sigh of relief.

After hearing this, Kong rolled his eyes. When in front of Dugu Yan, Ning Rongrong would always call her Sister Yan. When she was carrying Dugu Yan on her back, she would talk about that annoying Dugu Yan...

"Sister Yan is practicing in seclusion within the sect. She said she won't leave seclusion until she breaks through level 60."

Sora said matter-of-factly.

In fact, he put too much pressure on Dugu Yan. She was already talented enough and surpassed the golden generation of Wuhun Palace. However, she thought that her strength was too weak, and following Kong around was just a burden.

Dugu Yan has made up her mind. She will never leave until she reaches level 60!

Ning Rongrong blinked, a little confused.

Did Dugu Yan suffer some kind of blow? If you don’t break through to the Soul Emperor, you won’t be able to escape?

Wait, she's only eighteen years old, she's already the Soul King, what else does she want?

"you two……"

Looking at the "school uniforms" worn by Ning Rongrong and Zhu Zhuqing, Kong suddenly realized.

It turns out that the two of them went to Tiandou Royal Academy!

"Did you go to Tiandou Royal Academy?"

"Yes, Rongrong and I were assigned to the Imperial Fighting Team. The captain is Yu Tianheng, a member of your clan."

Before Ning Rongrong could reply, Zhu Zhuqing spoke first.

Ning Rongrong frowned, looked sideways slightly, and her eyes changed when she looked at Zhu Zhuqing.

Zhuqing rarely talks, and she knows this very well.

Are you so proactive today? ?

Sure enough, she also looks at people!


Kong murmured something and thought to himself: Tianheng is a miserable master. Hey, who told Sister Yan to love me or not him... Hahaha! (Dragon King twists his mouth)

"Song, let's go for a walk. We finally met each other. Let's go have a meal together!"

After Ning Rongrong said this, he came up and took Kong's hand.

Kong was stunned for a moment, he had already eaten twice today!

As soon as he arrived in Tiandou City, he was dragged to eat by Ning Rongrong's father and Sword Douluo. After leaving, he met Qian Renxue a short while later, and was dragged to the Prince's Mansion for dinner and tea. As soon as he left the Prince's Mansion, , met Ning Rongrong and Zhu Zhuqing...

Besides eating, haven't you ever thought of doing anything else meaningful?

Kong looked at Ning Rongrong and Zhu Zhuqing and thought to himself.

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