Douluo Great Shadow Douluo

Chapter 121 New Roommate

"Remember to honor your promise, your bet with Lao Kong."

The old man said in a deep voice. Before coming, Kong Lao had said that Xu Zhixiong would give him a ten thousand year soul bone if he won, and if he lost, he would join Shrek Academy. Although Xu Zhixiong did not verbally agree, he must agree in his heart. This bet.

"Don't take it seriously, nephew, go for treatment, I will send someone to take you there, Wang Tianyu!"

Old Kong shouted, and Wang Tianyu, who was hiding in the dark, immediately appeared in front of Old Kong. Old Kong said something to him. He nodded his head and patted Xu Zhixiong on the shoulder and said:

"Let's go, Young Master Xu."

"Old Kong, I want to join Shrek!"

Xu Zhixiong pushed Wang Tianyu away and looked at Kong Lao and said seriously, Xu Lao was right, what was terrible was not failure, but the sinking and self-defeating after failure.

"you sure?"

"I confirm!"

Old Kong looked at Xu Zhixiong with firm eyes and showed a gratified smile. This kid has always looked sloppy since he was a child. He didn't expect to be serious today.

"Go recuperate first, your uncle and I have things to discuss."

"it is good."

Xu Zhixiong went to heal with Wang Tianyu, and Lin Xuan naturally didn’t know what happened here. He and Chu Linger went back to each house after shopping. Lin Xuan opened the door of the room and saw Xu Zhixiong the next morning. Immediately after his face, he closed the door.

"What's the situation? I must have been awake."

Lin Xuan laughed and opened the door again and found that Xu Zhixiong was still standing there. When he was about to close the door, Xu Zhixiong grabbed the door and said with a smile:

"Good morning."

"Are you tall? Are you dissatisfied? I won't fight if dissatisfied."

Lin Xuan's mouth twitched. He thought that Xu Zhixiong wanted to drag him to fight again because he refused to admit defeat. He wouldn't do such a thing. Xu Zhixiong said quickly:

"Don't don't don't, I'm not here to fight you again."

"Then what are you doing?"

"I just joined Shrek, and I am now your roommate."

"Stop talking!"

Lin Xuan refused without hesitation, letting Xu Zhixiong be his roommate, it is better to let Su Luoluo move in, Xu Zhixiong's mouth twitched looking at Lin Xuan and asked:

"What's wrong with me being your roommate?"

"Nothing, I don't like to have roommates."

"This is the school's arrangement?"

"If you don't let go, the door will break."

Lin Xuan looked at the creaking door and said in a deep voice. Xu Zhixiong immediately let go. With a loud noise, Lin Xuan directly closed the door and locked it. Lin Xuan directly tore through the space crack and came to the front of Sea God Pavilion. Waiting for Lin Xuan here.

"How about? It's alright to have this surprise together?"

"This surprise is too big, Kong Lao, you know I have a lot of secrets, including many things inside the ethereal stone, I will start to deal with it, you still let him live in?"

Lin Xuan didn't understand Kong Lao's meaning. Xu Zhixiong is not annoying. As long as he doesn't entangle him all the time, he can even choose to exchange and discuss, but this has violated his privacy. Kong Lao sighed:

"There is really no dormitory anymore, and you have been living in a dormitory by yourself. Many people already have quite a bit of criticism. Can't you really just stay?"

"No way."

Lin Xuan sighed and said, it's not that he wants to refute Kong Lao, but really can't. Barbatos has asked him to prepare these days. If something goes wrong because of Xu Zhixiong, it will really cause big trouble, Kong Lao. Seeing this is also a tangled look.

"Shrek Academy will not prevent students from renting out houses."

When Mr. Kong was embarrassed, Wang Tianyu came over and said with a smile, Mr. Kong also suddenly realized that there are usually no people going out to live in the school, so there is no rule to not go out, but some people do not want to live with roommates so they will choose to rent out the house. , As long as you are not late to school, you will not be punished. This is fine.

"In that case, I will move out."

When Lin Xuan saw Wang Tianyu saying this, he sighed and chose to compromise. Old Kong touched Lin Xuan's head and said:

"Now the Heaven Dou Empire and the Star Luo Empire have fought several small-scale battles on the border, and they are about to reach the point of declaring war. Our Shrek can only prevent the war by uniting the large and small sects in the two empires. You beat Xu Zhixiong to draw in Xuan Mingzong, which was a great achievement, but it still made you wronged."

"Even though Yutianzong seems to be a sect composed of defense system spirit masters across the continent, it is actually an alliance, and Xuanmingzong is the largest sect. It was originally intended to snatch the title of the world's first sect. The Clear Sky School directly declared that the world is hidden, and now the sound inside the sect is very noisy. We need the stability of the Royal Sky School."

"I understand, Kong Lao, I am also a little sorry to you, because my reasons seem to have been the same as your willfulness."

Lin Xuan lowered his head and said with shame, Kong Lao still takes them to train every day after he is busy, but he is making trouble here because of some trivial things. This is the Sea God Pavilion. It should be quiet for a radius of 100 meters. local.

"Well, let's not talk about it, someone inside is waiting for you."

"wait for me?"

"Go, don't ask, just go straight to the top floor."

Old Kong smiled, but there was a trace of sadness in this smile. Lin Xuan was taken aback and his heart sank. It seemed that Mr. Xiao was summoning him. He entered the Sea God Pavilion and went directly to the top floor, in the innermost room. , Long Laozheng knelt beside a wooden chair with a sad face.

"Well, the juniors are here, don't let people watch the jokes."

Old Xiao Xiao said helplessly, but in this tone no one could hear the sense of powerlessness inside. Lin Xuan walked over to Old Xiao Xiao and knelt down. Old Xiao raised his hand to directly let Lin Xuan stand up. He smiled and said:

"You and I never knew each other, there is no need to kneel down for me."

"Old Xiao, do you call the younger generation?"

Lin Xuan looked at Xiao Lao with some doubts. He didn't know what Xiao Lao meant for him. Xiao Lao opened his eyes and looked at Lin Xuan. Lin Xuan saw the lifeless look in Xiao Lao's eyes, and Xiao Lao waved. Waved for Lin Xuan to come over, Lin Xuan came to Xiao Lao and squatted down, Xiao Lao took Lin Xuan's hand on Long Lao's palm, he looked at Lin Xuan and said:

"I am here to make a will. After my death, Long Zhiming is the master of the Sea God Pavilion, Kong Lingshu is the deputy chief of the Sea God Pavilion, Lin Qingyu is the deputy chief of the Sea God Pavilion, and Lin Xuan is the candidate for the next generation of the Sea God Pavilion. !"

"What? Mr. Kong must not do this!"

Lin Xuan almost didn't jump up when he heard Xiao Lao's words, the sea god pavilion's next generation pavilion master?Why can he be such a character?Elder Xiao ignored Lin Xuan, looked at Elder Long and said:

"Go out and tell Kong Lingshu the result, he will understand."

"Old Xiao..."

Old Long was choked and speechless.

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