Douluo Great Shadow Douluo

Chapter 122-Inheritance of Light

"Okay, I don't have much time, let's go, I want to talk to Lin Xuan alone for a while."

Xiao Lao said helplessly, Long Lao could only bear the reluctance in his heart to leave the room, Lin Xuan looked at Xiao Lao with a heavy face, he was really not good at facing this kind of scene.

"Sorry, did you feel uncomfortable?"

"A little."

There was no one else around. Of course, Lin Xuan answered without reservation. Tuo Gu emphasized honesty. Lin Xuan would not hide anything. After all, Xiao Lao was dying, so he had to let Xiao Lao go without worry.

"I guessed who your master is. I went to investigate everything about you. I found that you really grew up after you went to the Star Dou Forest. You disappeared in it for six years. I asked about the core area of ​​the Star Dou Forest. None of the soul beasts within has seen you, which means that you have got an adventure in the Star Dou Great Forest that does not belong to this world."

"Your master is either someone in other worlds equivalent to Limit Douluo or even a demigod, or he is a god!"

Old Xiao’s reasoning made Lin Xuan sigh, and as expected, no matter how you concealed it, it’s a reality. The six years when he disappeared were too suspicious. The most important thing was that he was seen. That person was Tang Xiao. A group of people.

"Old Xiao, your reasoning is very correct, so what do you want me to do?"

"The purpose of telling you this is to tell you that many people are looking at you, and you must not let this biggest secret be known. After today, I don’t think everyone will have much doubt about your identity. Yes, because I declare that you are the master of the Sea God Pavilion."

"Lao Xiao meant to use the identity of the pavilion master of the Sea God Pavilion to make me suspect that you were the one you brought up from childhood?"

"That's what it means."

Xiao Lao nodded with satisfaction, Lin Xuan could understand that even if it was good, but Lin Xuan's expression was bitter:

"I'm afraid Xiao always wants me to be the master of the Sea God Pavilion, right?"

"This is also true, because of your potential, you are destined to be the only man who becomes a god after the Seven Devils. I am optimistic about your future, and the masters of the Sea God Pavilion, Kong Lao and Long Lao, will strongly support you, as long as You have no obvious lack of strength, no one will gossip."

"But I can't guarantee that I can't help but stumble."

Lin Xuan hesitated and said that although he is going smoothly now, he doesn't know if he will stumble someday. Once he falls, a large number of people will rush to criticize him, Xiao Lao laughed and said:

"So what? Don't look at who criticizes you. Not being jealous is mediocre. You have to look at who has been by your side when you are in the trough. Those who support you are your most precious wealth, Shrek. Not just an academy, but just teaching and educating people, but to unite all the geniuses on the mainland. Think about your friends in the future. You are classmates and you are competitors. But you will be the most Fight together in times of crisis, not alone."

" Shrek's goal of running a school. One person can only resist ten people and a hundred people, while a group of people can resist thousands of troops."

Xiao Lao’s words made Lin Xuan feel a great feeling. A person’s power is indeed limited. Even Extreme Douluo may be besieged to death by others. It is because of this that the soul beast is regarded as a soul ring by humans. If the beasts know how to cooperate and not kill each other, it will be very difficult for humans to obtain spirit rings. Although humans are also killing each other inside, just like the two empires, there will be forces like Shrek to stop them.

"What I am most worried about is that the Holy Spirit Cult is not dead. They may just be lurking, waiting for the two empires to fire and then come out to reap the benefits of the fishermen. Unfortunately, the Star Luo Empire can't see this at all, they can only see The high-end power of the Heaven Dou Empire suffered heavy losses."

After talking, Mr. Xiao closed his eyes in pain, and his breathing became weaker and weaker. Just when Lin Xuan felt that Mr. Xiao was about to drive to the west, a golden light suddenly lit up in the room. The golden light floated in the air and then gathered. After arriving in Xiao Lao's body, Xiao Lao's breathing slowly became stable, and his skin began to shrink.

Lin Xuan watched all this happen in amazement, is this the legendary rejuvenation?He watched Xiao Lao slowly become a teenager about his age. Xiao Lao was indeed very handsome when he was young, with short blond hair looking vigorous.

"Really, it's better to come back."

Old Xiao opened his eyes and said helplessly, Lin Xuangang wanted to say something. Suddenly, Xiao Lao slapped Lin Xuan's chest with a heavy palm. This palm directly caused Lin Xuan to faint, and Xiao Lao grabbed Lin Xuan's fallen body and muttered. Muttered:

"Your physical body must be protected by the divine residence, I can only put my inheritance in the soul bone."

Elder Xiao stretched out his left hand and cut off his right hand directly with his palm as a knife, and then took out a soul bone from his broken arm. This was a soul bone that was 100,000 years old and the only gift he gave to Lin Xuan. After removing the blood-red soul bone, he reconnected his right hand. This can only be done by himself. He has three hundred thousand year soul bones, but he knows that these soul bones will not be taken out after his death. If you want to leave something for future generations, you can only cut it down yourself.

"Just so tired."

Xiao Lao said weakly. He sat on the ground, then put his left palm on his heart. A golden ball of light appeared in his palm. Xiao Lao used his hand to slowly move the ball of light. Put into Lin Xuan's heart, this is the heart of gold, which he obtained by hunting down a light-attributed soul beast in his early years. The function of this kind of thing is to keep people from being bothered by the heart demon for a lifetime, and they will not be enchanted. .

"May you never fall into darkness."

After Xiao Lao finished speaking, he closed his eyes forever, and lost his heart of gold by digging his soul bones, so that Xiao Lao, who had returned to the light, accelerated his death. Long and Kong who had been guarding outside felt the disappearance of Xiao Lao's breath. They all rushed in. When they saw Lin Xuan who was absorbing the soul bone and the heart of gold, they didn't know what had happened. They could only endure the feeling of sadness and brought the body of Old Xiao to the second floor of the Sea God Pavilion. Elder Zhongsu here has long been waiting for Kong Lao and Long Lao.

As soon as he saw the body of Old Xiao Xiao, the old man who had been over half a hundred years old or even over a hundred years old couldn't stop crying. Like the pavilion masters of the Sea God Pavilion, Xiao Lao was so kind and dedicated and dedicated to Shrek.

"Old Xiao, I will complete our agreement."

Wang Tianyu, who had been staying outside the Sea God Pavilion, knelt down and said indifferently, the news of Xiao Lao's death spread throughout the Douluo Continent within a day.

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