Douluo Great Shadow Douluo

Chapter 176 travels to the beach

"How, cloud horizontal? This is a chance, I have said that I have said, they have chosen to believe me, sometimes I have to rely on others, I have done this kind of thing, so I have chosen "

"Don't say it."

Yunheng interrupted Lin Xuan's words, but Lin Xuan has already put the most critical instructions, that is, Lin Xuan and today's prince Snow Qingtian has a big relationship, Lin Xuan said to become the left of the sky. It is obvious that the snow is not the old emperor that has been critically ill, because the new emperor and the town of Zhenling will start the war because of the power of the power, once Lin Xuan will recommend Yunwei to the snow clear sky, and Xue Qing Tian reuse Then they will become a soldier who will become a guardian of the country, and I will have a famous head of the town of Zhenling.

"Yunheng, I hope that now is that Sun is what they can, the future, I may really need someone in the future, and your Yunwei, I am telling the truth, it is my goal, I am because you come to Yunhengcheng of."

Lin Xuan walked seriously before the cloud horizontally said. This is his heart. Shileke is the Shengshi's holy place, even if they have already formed a Slack City anti-army but they are unlikely, now temporarily and patchwork refugees The army is to solve the army of the Slack City housing problem. He needs a truly elite teacher, and this is Yunheng Yunwei.

"Can you tell me your true identity?"

The clouds came and asked, and Lin Xuan nodded. He didn't trust Sun Deyi, because Sun Deyi is only a short-term contact, they are just being taken by Lin Xuan, and wait after waiting. Yunhengcheng can only rely on four families to run.

"Yes, but not now, give me some time, I hope that the trust of our two people is based on the current situation, ok?"

"Yes, what do I need to do?"

"Call Yunwei and his own beliefs, convene all the old people to keep the clouds in Yuncheng, I don't want Yun Yincheng to have a flies, send Yunwei to protect the industry of four families, and use I don't have this time to develop the city Economy, do intelligence work in other cities. "

"Is this necessary?"

Yunheng has a bad premonition, Lin Xuan is going to play big? Lin Xuan nodded:

"Guys, now the town is torn with you, and the next negotiation is just the skin. He will eat you, and you have to do it, who is in the King of Zhenling, I will give you strength Have all these sites in it. "

"But like this town spirit and Tiandu Town will not sit on?"

"You are still Confucianism, think about it, I am gone."

Lin Xuan referred to his head and then left, leaving only a cloud, a person is thinking, and the clouds have thought of Lin Xuan's meaning. First, the town of Zhenling daring to suppress the crack of the sky, and Tian Dou City will worry about the thousands of miles of the town, and they only play the trustworthy of the Town of the Town, and the forces of Tian Dou City will have to support the strong support of Tiandu City. Now the situation is very deadlocked. To break, and Lin Xuan actually take the initiative to provoke the war. What is incredible, the most impossible place, there is a madman, which makes the clouds that are excited to wavitate the fist, I think that the cloud is big I am very happy, he opened the door:



"The command will go to 100,000 Yun Hao three days to gather Yun Yingcheng, or order the whole city to recruit!"


The sudden action of clouds is frightened by the four families. They see Lin Xuan into the city mainfate. Now Yunheng suddenly calls Yunwei to think about a pot? They hurriedly found Lin Xuan. After getting Lin Xuan's answer, he hurriedly left, Lin Xuan actually made an agreement with clouds, which makes people feel incredible, but I think that Lin Xuan's tongue will make them no I don't believe, although Lin Xuan's negotiation technology is not good, but it is often able to explain the interest and let the blueprint make people a heart.

In this way, Yunheng City, the clouds, and the new steel training. The recruits were prepared for the future, but all this is in the secret. When the cloud Yincheng is his own, the information is impossible to disclose. In this two months, the inventory of Yincheng has not been there. Lin Xuan gaves his crystal card to the cloud. He pays attention to the expenses, and today he will go to the beach, where Lin Xuan wants Go to take a risk.

"Xuan Tian, ​​you are here to work here, if you really don't have a way, you will crush this bead, you can have a short time to have space to travel to Shrak to request funding, this is My own letter. "

Lin Xuan handed a letter and a silver bead to Xuantian. This is his month. If it is not because Xuantian a person is too dangerous to be too dangerous. He will not be manufactured.

"Don't worry, I will do my job in this time."

"There is a person who is hard to support. Your timid is just being covered by me. Once I leave, I am very easy to go to the crowd and Li Mingrui, he will go to the fire for me. He is the only person in Yunhengcheng. "

"I know."

The cloud is nod, Lin Xuan shoots the shoulders of Xuan Tian, ​​then tearing the space crack left the Yunhengcheng, solitary snow is being put in the empty stone, the solo snow is really can't be bumped, this time he searches for The medicinal material should not be collected, after all, if it is not the power of Tang Ji to use Tangmen, there is no way to collect so many medicinal materials.

Lin Xuan only used two days to reach the beach city. Everything in the beach, there is no way to ratio, and it is very shabby noisy here. After Lin Xuan entered the city, I found a hotel, he didn't know how to find it. Xiao Feng, but he knew that once he happened him, he will definitely meet with Xiao Feng.


The door suddenly came to knocking on the door, Lin Xuan immediately watched the door, and he perceived only a young man with space, and there is no soul, Lin Xuan asked:


"Mr. Xuan Lin, you are a small second, and some of the old gentleman named Xiao Feng and I have said that one of the names of Xuan in the inn, you don't know him."

Lin Xuan listened to the little two words, and the master really understood himself. I know that my name will put Xuan Xuan in front. He opened the door and looked at Xiao two asked:

"What about the old age?"

"Ah, my husband said that he will wait at the third floor every night, but I didn't see him for several days."

Xiao Er low his head said that Lin Xuan gave a little bit of service charge for him to leave.

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