Douluo Great Shadow Douluo

Chapter 177 Holy Spiritual Eye

Is the master in the hotel? No, the master is a kind of cautious person will not expose the identity here. So great may have people who are fishing, Lin Xuan began to doubt the authenticity of the incident, but he still chooses to do not move, he is a little annoyed to give Xiao two tip The move, this is a signal, at least proves that he is related to Xiao Feng.

In the evening, Lin Xuan came to the dining area, and the people in the dining area rarely three people and not local people. Because Sun Deyi said the characteristics of coastal city people, one of the people dressed up is a nomad area. The nation, and the other dialective face seems to be a group of people in the family, and the most special is a soldier who is wearing a helmet. These people are the soldiers of the town of Zhenling's head.

Lin Xuan is very awkward. He doesn't care about their eyes and sit down. He got a few pieces of vegetables and a pot of wine. This is a little surprised. Lin Xuan is just It has revealed a strange smile to make a small one in the second day.

How could Lin Xuan couldn't help but have no preparation. He went to the kitchen here. The people inside were actually mouse meat and problematic pork. Even vegetables were the kind of cheap goods. It seems a black shop. No wonder no one will come here.

When Lin Xuan is waiting for food, the nomadic nation is obviously interested in him, and it is not a bronze woman inside a bright big eyes to show him. Lin Xuan has a bad feeling. Sure enough, a strong man like a tower came to Lin Xuan Table asked:

"Little brother, our hostess wants to talk to you, can you reward a light?"

"Yes? Sorry, I have a home, help me back to your hostess."

Lin Xuan smiled and said that the people behind him and behind him heard the words of Lin Xuan's words, and the strong man directly took a palm of Lin Xuan's Tianling, Lin Xuanmu lake directly grabbed the hands of the strongman I have come to a beautiful side, and the strong man is falling on the ground and has not been too big. Lin Xuan looked at the cold and cold.


"Back, Hagada."

The woman looked at the strong man who wanted to work, and the strong man could only angryly, I went back to Lin Xuan and retired back. Lin Xuan this hand let three people are bright, a teenager is easily chasing The strong man of the soul king, although there is a skill inside, but it can also be able to see that the adolescent experience is very strong.

After Lin Xuan and other dishes, he didn't eat it. He also felt speechless, he looked at the fragrance of others, and this store was bullied. After kitchen, Lin Xuan took the wine and then drunk. I have left Xiao Feng, just I didn't expect that I returned to the room, I found Xiao Feng on the chair in the room.

"Lin Xuan, your vigilance is low."

"The master said, this time I really lack a vigilance."

Lin Xuan knows what Xiao Feng refers to, and he uses the space of the space that Xiao Feng is in the room, but he directly confirmed that Xiao Feng is Xiao Feng, if he is so bold to walk, you will die early.

"You will not fight against people around you, you will lose money sooner or later."

"Master, if I have more people to fight against people."

"makes sense."

Lin Xuan took Lin Xuan's head smiled and said that Lin Xuan was different from him, Lin Xuan looked at Xiao Feng asked:

"These three digits?"

"I have already inquired, and the people of the wave tourism will obviously know what they will come here every year, and those people of Zhenling are the vision of the Holy Spirit, they surveillance the marine city, as for That gang, I haven't told clear, they seem to be the same, but the strength is the strongest, but the soul emperor. "

"Soul Emperor? Master this action If you only rely on our two people? I have no one."

"What are you afraid of this, the fastest of this relic is the fastest, don't worry that our two people escape technology is not afraid of what."

Xiao Feng took the chest and said, Lin Xuan Yao Yan seems to escape the glorious thing for his two masters, Xiao Feng looked at Lin Xuan:

"The location I have already investigated and have answered books, which is likely to have a long-lasting supercharotto minus."

"Long Huang Dou Luo? There are not many words to go to this name. Even if Xiao Lao has not taken this name although the martial arts and the dragon are related."

"About this dragon emperor is very interesting."

Xiao Feng suddenly laughed, this smile made Lin Xuan badly, Xiao Feng asked:

"What about Chu Linger? This is your welfare."

"Amount, how do you say?"

Lin Xuan did not dare to talk, he would be able to ask the scalp, Xiao Feng used his arm to say:

"The Dragon Emperor has a companion called Feng, two people are super Douro and the level is the same as you know why?"

"Will n't it? That?"

Lin Xuan praised oral water, he was scared, it is not only to cultivate the soul, the seven treasure glazes, the Tianzong, Tangmen has the existence of exercises, and the skill can make people soul More rapid, other things don't say that Lin Xuan also has Yang Zhai to him, but it is his own name, with his martial arts.

"It's what you think, the double repair method is originally forbidden, but the dragon's emperor is an exception, because they can actually rely on the skills to practice to Super Duo, but this practice is still concerned, you want I know that the top don't have a double trim on the mouth, and there is such a meritorious thing. "

"Natural phoenix is ​​killed on the spot, and the dragon emperor is suffering from serious injury, and the dragon emphasizes that there is no revenge ability to die, next to this Haishi City, built a tomb group."

Lin Xuan heard Xiao Feng after the words, there was no bottom, this dragon is definitely hated, and it will be in the grave, so it will be in the next way to conceal the grave, then it will be all killing, how can Lin Xuan? Going to?

"Requisiting rich insurance, if you want to save Chu Linger, you will do it."

"I naturally know."

"Right, you and Chu Linger have happened, why didn't you come with you?"

Xiao Feng's words turned, Lin Xuan found him, I wanted to lie in front of a lie, and Lin Xuan knew that she could only explain. After listening, Xiao Feng is also eyebrows, this kind of thing Can't tell who is wrong, you can only say that Chu Linger is somewhat, but this kind of task can also be understood.

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