Douluo Great Shadow Douluo

Chapter 178 Tiandi Vision

"Forget it, I have to ask you now. Do you still want to help? I don't want to go to you, I can also lift the delegation. I will help the don't say starring, because Chu Linger is yours. Girlfriend is. "

Xiao Feng asked straightly, he didn't care, as long as he would manage the baby's apprentice, but now Chu Linger turned it with Lin Xuan, he didn't have to take a big risk, after all The front of the dragon must be a guilty of the world, no one knows that it is not a dead road.

"The master I will go, this is what I promised, everything is waiting for star Luo."

"But if there is no star without star? Is this a bigger blow?"

Xiao Feng obviously didn't want Lin Xuan escaping, Lin Xuan this escaping method made him feel disgusting, men's husbands have to decisive, since don't let go, don't let go, wait for others to mix and what? It is what you do.

"I will continue to complete the master of the promise, I don't have to worry about me, I will deal with it."

"Ok, anyway, your master, my bachelor, you hand it yourself."

Seeing that Lin Xuan is calm, Xiao Feng has no way. He can only believe that his apprentice can handle it. Although he doesn't solve but he is not necessarily, the two live in the hotel for three days. In this three days, Lin Xuan also went to the junction of the Dragon Emperor, so that Lin Xuan was surprised that he couldn't open the Dragon Emperor. It is obviously forbidden to use the space. The martial arts failed.

Fortunately, Yang Zhao told him that there is no ban on the ban on the world. If there is only the power of others, it is better than you, but this world is more than Lin Xuan space. But it is definitely not a dragon emperor. If the dragon emperor really understands the power of space, the phoenix is ​​impossible to die.

"Lin Xuan, ready, and there is no day to say ..."

Xiao Feng said yet, the dragon screams, and everyone is incredible to watch the sky in the sky. This is the heaven and earth. Lin Xuan and Xiao Feng are looking at the eyes. Lin Xuan immediately handles him to tear the spatial crack. Xiaofeng left the beach city, and the people who also in the inn, the people of the inn, were excited, and the strong man looked at the woman:

"The master, it seems that the rumor is true, here is the real dragon tomb!"

"let's go!"

The woman flashed and drunk with his hand, and Lin Xuan and Xiao Feng have come here, and the big forces in the city have been jumping with chicken. It is, Lin Xuan and Xiao Feng have entered it first. After all, the argument is still there. Lin Xuan is faster.

Lin Xuan followed the two people who followed the woman and the town of Zhenling, just let Lin Xuan did not expect that the array here really had space, because he and Xiao Feng were separated by the array, Lin Xuan Put the purgatory dog, no matter how this little guy is also the strength of the soul.

"Little green, remember to help me vigilance around."


The little green dotted nodded, Lin Xuan and purgatory dogs walked on the road, all are fascinating, walking for an hour, Lin Xuan stopped, he felt that he actually missed illusion, is the cause of fog? Lin Xuan Shen sucks a breath to mobilize the mysteries in the body, but there is no way, unless he does not breathe.


Little green and small silver small gold suddenly screamed, Lin Xuan released his soul skills, really, kneeling a giant ax directly, but this shot down, Lin Xuan quickly torn space The crack came to the back of the person, with the wind blade in his neck, Lin Xuan saw that it was also a surprised man after the arrogance. This person is actually the town of Zhenling, and Lin Xuan looked at the other side.

"The people of the town of Zhenling are so polite? Isn't it right? I can't distinguish the direction. We are so far away from you?"

Lin Xuan's words made men breathe, and he said with a smile:

"I am just taking messy."

"You said that you are chaos? You are not messy, directly stop, obviously, uncle, you don't talk to Wu De, come sneak attack me a young man?"

Lin Xuan smiled and asked, but the wind blade in his hand broke his throat directly. As long as a man will die, it will be died, and the threat to death is also afraid, Lin Xuan asked:

"The last chance, if you don't know, let it bite you."

Lin Xuan pointed to his inner eyeliner looked at his purgatory dog. The three dogs were obviously scared. If the monster was eaten, there would be more cruel, he rushed:

"When I came, I fell into a pond. There were a lot of crocodiles in it. I ran to this fog to eat a ruling flower in this fog. I can ignore these fog."

"The rule is eaten, what can I eat,"

Lin Xuan directly kills the man, and the ruling flower is the only broken flowers. In general, there is only one in the mood. Since the man eats him, it is useless, let a person who kills his own way, and there is no difference. Lin Xuan squatted on the ground and saw some helplessness.

"Little green, are you see?"


Xiao Green nodded, Lin Xuanhaha smiled, he touched the little green head:

"Take me go out, I will give you delicious."


The three heads of the little green, Lin Xuan directly entered the empty stone, and then let the purgatory dog ​​moved in the empty stone. Sure enough, if you don't have to half an hour, Lin Xuan will go out of the fog, Lin Xuan has been released from the empty stone. I have a tone, but I have a purgatory dog, or I may really have a headache for a long time.

Lin Xuan looked at the four weeks, it was obviously a stone, and it was excavated with the soul. It can be Dragon Crown, but Lin Xuan didn't know what to do so, I can solve Chu Linger's three souls. Things of the co-body, no star Luo is also a vague, did not tell what the master is, but he emphasizes that it is only Lin Xuancai.

This sentence first ruled out the practice of Dragon Crown, because anyone can cultivate this set of practice, obviously not Lin Xuancai can charge something, then will it still? With the puzzle Lin Xuan continued to go forward, there is no organ in the tunnel, it seems that the Dragon Time is not much, there may be no many organs here.


Lin Xuan looked up at the intersection of the front and asked, where Lin Xuan felt a person's existence, and this person's strength has the soul of the soul, Lin Xuan has to be careful.

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