Douluo Great Shadow Douluo

Chapter 179 Riddle?

"I don't come out, I have to shoot."

Lin Xuan saw the other party or hidden in the dark, there was a cold and cold, and the ambushed here Lin Xuan could not believe that the other party came to say hello, but I'm going to Lin Xuanyi is so hiding that I feel like I feel that Lin Xuan is scam him.

"Give me this!"

Lin Xuan said to Xiaojin, and Xiao Jin's head came down on the left tunnel. Sure enough, the other party was scared to run directly toward the depths of the cave. The bifurcation here must be meaningful, no matter where it is impossible to enter the main tomb room, it is better to be alone with it and a soul.

Lin Xuan walked into the right tunnel. It didn't take long after he entered it. She also came to the intersection. She just hesitated, and she left the right side, and Xiao Feng came back, this is him. The habit will leave the left and don't go right, so that Lin Xuan and Xiao Feng are unfolded.

All people entering the array will come here to make a choice, because Lin Xuan is blocked by a golden door, Lin Xuan looks at the golden dragon carved on the door, knowing that she has not went wrong, here is a dragon Cruel Dano's cemetery.

"It's you?"

Just when Lin Xuan was preparing to break, the woman came to the door, and Lin Xuan took a serious look at the woman, the woman smiled and asked:

"We should be the first one, why are you in front of us?"

"Who knows? I am just luck."

"The lucky person will bring blood smell?"

The woman wrinkled the nose and asked, Lin Xuan did not know what the woman had to do, but the treasure of Dragon Crown, even if the brother may be regenerated, he will not be stupid by a woman.


Just when Lin Xuan and Women were ready to hand, let Lin Xuan Xue's situation came, and the woman's accomplices came to the tunnel. They seem to be agreeing, and Lin Xuan has directly fully engaged in the door. However, the gate took Lin Xuan this boxing but did not move. Lin Xuan's mouth raised him directly, and he rushed out of these people and then built a circle and then torn out of the horns and hidged in.

A woman is angry, and rushed to find Lin Xuan's drop, but Lin Xuan and disappeared, let them only reach it, and he looked at the woman:

"I don't see it, it is better to see the situation in the door first."

"It's good, you are optimistic."

The woman is cold and told, and a group rushed to start helping a woman to protect the law. Lin Xuan hide in the spatial crack waiting for this group of people. He just knew that this door did not have a title to open. And he torn open space cracks and absolutely couldn't go. This place was a magical, and it seems to have a natural array to limit his space forces.

"what are you doing!"

The people who have gathered slowly have more people. After all, the roles of the soul emperor of Haibin City have a lot of roles. As for the soul of the soul, they will be rejected by the array, this can only make these soul sparks The people inside came out.

"Hada, let them come in."

The woman suddenly returned to the road, and the strong man can only retreats helplessly, and the people who are headed by the town's leaders have squeezed into this unlucky hole. **, Lin Xuan looked at the door to think about the meaning of the dragon emperor If you really don't want people to open, he can understand, but he can't understand the meaning of no star, is it wrong?

"All, I am the lake princess Harru, I just observed the door, I saw a sentence, that is, there is a dragon to enter, I don't know what you have."

"What do I believe in you?"

The head of the town of the town of the town, the late child is just a family, the family is growing, and it is not as good as the mainland of Douro, this little role actually dares the home door. The Hagada looks raging the giant ax, but was stopped by Harru, Harru smiled and said:

"Just above the gate, you can see yourself."

"Still use you."

Before the men's sleeves came to the gate, I really saw the line of words, there is a dragon to enter, what do you mean? Is it what I have related to the dragon?

"My Wushu is the rogue, I don't know if I can try it?"

A white-haired old man asked, although he had already arrived with an older, but a practiced muscle explained that he was young when he was young, this suddenly made a man hung, if the old man tried really going in? do? Everyone is also this idea, and a group of people in the crowd have taken all kinds of things.

"I am playing the dragon stick, but I can buy it, I can."

"Go, I am a good whip is a good one."

"What are you, I still have seven dragon balls here, the legendary collection of seven dragon boats can also summon the dragon!"

Just when everyone quarreled, a man looked up and walked to the crowd disdaining people, he opened:

"I have the Dragon Panties, which is the big emperor of the year!"

"I fell!"

Lin Xuan almost fell out in the spatial crack, what is the price of this group, nothing to have a relationship, but Lin Xuan wiped the sweat in the forehead, he really has something to talk to the dragon, first is His golden sorrowful blood, followed by the blood of the magic dragon Tiago, he has not absorbed it yet.

Lin Xuan quietly approached the door. He knew that it was a success or failure. He took a fire in the spatial crack and then lost it. The sudden explosion of the gun has caused a champion. Lin Xuan immediately came out from the spatial crack. On the gate, his golden holy dragon blood is instantly launched, but the next moment Harru directly releases the moon blade in the hand to cut it toward Lin Xuan's right hand.

"Sorry, you will step later."

The Golden Dragon of the door lit up the light, Lin Xuan's hand escaped Harley's attack because there was no such skill. Harru can only look at Lin Xuan by the gate, Lin Xuan looked at the four weeks. I haven't come yet, I have been fainted.

"Who is that!"

"It's evil! If I let me know that I am not killing him!"

"What should we do now?"

"Let me try!"

Some people in the crowd are angry, and those who have related things with the dragon are crazy to crowded with the luck. The men's eyes directly grabbed the old man, and the old man screamed directly. I am dead, but the door is not moving, which makes men's face more ugly.

"The town of Zhenling, you dare to kill innocent!"

"Oh, I said that they are not good, rushing forward!"

People have released martial arts, and the town's spiritual military is rowing the array to kill the crowd.

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