Douluo Great Shadow Douluo

Chapter 186 Realizing promises

"Snow, go to the empty stone, I need some medicine, you said a list, I will give you all."

"no problem."

I immediately took out the paper and the pen and started the medicine. After Lin Xuan got the list, I immediately went to find the old inquiry. Some medicinal materials Slake did not have a good year to help him bought it back, and Kong Lao also brought back two personal.

"Lin Xuan, I will introduce you, this is Han Bin, is a touched Luo Ruyu, its true identity is our intelligence personnel in our long-last year, his strength has the soul of the peak, he will Protecting your army is not damaged by the local higher soul. "

"Horde, I am honored to serve you."

Han Bin is a middle-aged man who is a pineapple head. Although the hairstyle is strange but is full of wise light, I don't know why Lin Xuan saw Han Bin's feeling, Lin Xuan asked:

"Why call me home?"

"The owner, I will serve you to become the day of the sea god cabinet, I will dedicate life before you."

Han Bin's right fists put a smile on his left heart. Lin Xuan also smiled and nodded. Lin Xuanxuan looked at the white robe old in Han Bin, and the old man's hairstyle was somewhat. Hairstyles, and the other party is a biased hairstyle, let him look with Han Bin, like the wash and blowing two groups, the old shot of the old man said:

"This is the Lianhua Dougra, the strength of 94th level, the scaff of the bottomless case, does not belong to any force, he will rely on you in the future, but he will not expose where you will expose before you are blocked. Identity, you have no way to get in touch with him. "

"I will bother your segment later."

"Where, if you are not old yellow and old holes, I will not go out."

Duan Qianhua said with a smile, this has made Lin Xuanxin, Duan Qianhua will not maintain intimate contact with Han Bin, he and Duan Qianhua does not even have any cooperation, everything is based on Duan Qianhua only protects Lin Xuan alone. .

"If you are fine, you talk to each other."

"If you are free, I have something to do now, Han Bin, you are waiting for me in the Haishen Pavilion, remember not to mess."

"I know."

Han Bin took a nod to the real sitting, and Du Qianhua disappeared in the original place. The old friend hung shrugged, and this old friend is like this, Lin Xuan is not awkward.

He began to help solve the souvenir, and made a medicament and medicinal herbs. He gave the god to his body. No matter how he also gave me a promise of nine-tailed fox, he would resurrect the nine-tailed fox, After that, she must leave Simlack to live, as for Chu Linger, will not chase the nine-tailed fox, it is not he controlled.

"It is ok tomorrow afternoon."

I gave Lin Xuan and a precise time, Lin Xuan and Chu Linger and the nine-tailed fox show that Yang Zhao help, Yang Zhao, the same vowed to help Chu Linger solved the problem of three souls in the body However, for so many years, Yang Zhao is still in a custom plan, but she didn't expect her apprentice to solve it, which made him very faceless.

In this way, the preparation work has been completed, the next day, the afternoon has come, Lin Xuan looks at the body and Chu Linger in front of him, and Lin Xuan let go of the spirit of the spirit to let the defense for the nine-tailed fox and Chu The young men returned to Chu Linger, and Lin Xuan looked at Chu Linger:

"The plan is like this, the nine-tailed fox leaves your spirit of the spirit, using Nortdan's traction into this body, all I have nothing to do, you can rest assured, the second is Chu Qingren in your body to give up Everything, from this life. "

"This section has my master looks at, you can rest assured, and you will be alone with your aunt."

"Well, thank you Lin Xuan."

Chu Linger suddenly said with a smile, Lin Xuan stunned, this is the way Chu Qing's speech? Chu Yanyer looked at Lin Xuan said:

"I have done a wrong thing before, I also know that the prodigal back is not changed, so I chose to help Chu Linger, now you have solved everything, I hope you can treat her well."

"I will, my predecessors."

Lin Xuanzan said, Chu Yanyer hunts him to look at Lin Xuan's constant back, she suddenly stopped:

"Can you please do you? I know your promise is very valuable."

"You say."

"I hope that you will not resurrect me later, I don't want to live again, there is too much blood debt on my body, maybe I can only rest in peace."

"I will."

Lin Xuan Mo is nodded. He didn't expect Chu Qing's final request. This is not asking Lin Xuan in the case of nail, which is not a courage. Your own life is suffering from God, just try to do it well.

"Goodbye Lin Xuan, goodbye to Linger."

After Chu Qing said, Chu Linger fell on the ground. Lin Xuan can feel that everything that belongs to Chuqing has disappeared. Yang Zhaowei nodded, confirming that Chu Qing did not do what handfast, However, Lin Xuan is also a little annoying. After all, Chu Qing is so aware of such a Chu Linger.

"Hey, come out, go to the body."

"Don't remind, really don't give time."

The sound of the nine-tailed fox sounded. Her spirit of her spirit came to the nautical sea of ​​the body of the body from the spirit of Chu Linger. She started to take the root, it was very fast, and the nine tail fox did not Cattle shout:

"Naddan also has your light."


Lin Xuan released his right arm bone soul skills sacred light, the sacred light suppression and the power of the NORD were slowly incorporated into the body of the nine-tailed fox, and the strength of the Jiujiu Fox in Lin Xun is also In transportation, this is also the place where Lin Xuan is relieved. Under the shining of his sacred light, it can only be the cleanst force in the nine-tailed body.

Just five hours, the power of the nine-tailed fox has not been infused, and Lin Xuan is a little shakes, and I will have a good Dan medicine and the medicine to give Lin Xuan, I have to be about five hours. However, Lin Xuan seems to be the nine-tailed fox because there is still half an hour to complete the power transmission.

"You wait for my autumn to count."

"It is too slow to transfer your own strength."

The nine-tailed fox did not say, in the Xuanxin's endanner took the lead in power to exhaust, the remaining only the power of Chu Linger, only these power did not have a difficult situation, Lin Xuan suddenly transmitted It's finished, then the tired lying on the ground.

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