Douluo Great Shadow Douluo

Chapter 187 Back to the city in time


The nine-tailed fox opened his eyes and smiled. She laughed with tears, and Lin Xuan and Chu Linger were lying together, alone in the snow, caring for them, Chu Linger has been completely solved. It is also a lot of strength, I can break through the soul of the soul, and the result is now retreating two levels and returns to 38.

"how about it?"

Lin Xuan's hard got up and asked, the nine-tailed fox did not take care of Lin Xuan, but how to master this body in learning, and her reborn strength arrived at the peak of the soul, this is the effect of the endan.

"Thank you, Lin Xuan."

The nine-tailed fox said, if Lin Xuanzhen does not help her, she will always be solved one day, but Lin Xuan has not yet let her rebirth, how does this not let the nine tail fox gratitude.

"Is there any plan?"

"I want to go to the Xingro Empire to play."

The nine-tailed furnit did not hesitate to say that she had already planned the route after rebirth, and I went to the Xingro Empire because it is too chaos in the Tiangou Empire, and Lin Xuan wants to engage in the Tiangou Empire, she still It is useless, Lin Xuan wants to take some heads here:

"You are really personal, will not be treated as soul beast, but it is best to take the soul ring."

"To understanding."

Nine-tailed fox made a rest assured gesture. After all, she was not a millionth year of soul beasts to become a person, so the soul is still got to be, Lin Xuan estimates the guy to get the soul of the soul, Lin Xuan After a break, I personally sent the nine-tailed fox in the city. He did not have an obligation to protect the nine-tailed fox. From then on, he lived in life, rich in the sky.

"are you tired?"

Lin Xuan returned to the Sea Pavilion and asked, Chu Linger is still in a coma. This is normal, usually in seven days of adaption, this time, Chu Linger's spiritual spirit is falling into sleep, waiting to be really familiar with the body, Lin Xuan shook his head asked:

"What do you talk?"

"Don't tell you."

"I really don't tell me? I am your husband."

"I really don't have a face."

I did a ghost face alone, Lin Xuan, this is not the face of the face, it is simply awkward, and Chu Linger just forgive him that he will start, Lin Xuan is lying in bed:

"Is it cultivated?"

"What's wrong ... um?"

I looked at Lin Xuan's hand in the hands of the east. It was all in the spirit of Lin Xuan and Xiao Feng's spiritual spirit into the spirit of Dragon Crown, so I didn't know who the bone is. But now she saw the yin and yang dragon and phoenix me in Lin Xuan.

"Beauty, double repair?"

"Go to death!"

Directly in the snow, I was in the belly of Lin Xuan, and Lin Xuan's belly did not laugh, and I was also lonely by Lin Xuan. She was smiling from Lin Xuan's hand, this It is indeed a good practice, and there is no martial arts restriction, but if the woman has mastered the soul of the phoenix and the martial arts or the man master the dragon's soul bones and the martial arts cultivation, it is clear that she and Chu Linger There is no thing about phoenix, but Lin Xuan has a.

"I found that your luck is particularly good, have you considering the tomb?"

I asked in a smile. I just said that I just said that Lin Xuan directly got up and put it in the body, and I watched and she looked at Lin Xuan, the closer, the closer, the Chu Linger now Lying next to, Lin Xuan's nose and the nose of the unique snow touched together, Lin Xuan smiled and said:

"I am the luckiest thing."

"Lin Xuan ... don't like this ... I am not ready yet."

I said that I said that I said that Lin Xuan smiled, he didn't think about it, he got up:

"I want to return to Yun Yincheng, waiting for me three days, I will come back."

After that, I left the sea god cabinet. Han Bin outside directly followed it. Han Bin is no right to enter the sea god, Lin Xuan looked at Han Bin:

"Is there something to be prepared?"

"There is nothing in our line, there will be, you can start at any time."

"Well, then take you to my base."

Lin Xuan and Han Bin moved to the cloud. He always felt that it might be a bit wrong. If he really waited for Chu Linger to wake up, he went to Yunhengcheng. At the time, he might go back to see the clouds of the land, two Time is full of time, let Lin Xuan return to Yunhengcheng. At this time, Yun Hengcheng does already have a visit to you.

"The city owner, the princess, and the prosperous princes have been here for three days, and if they don't give them a reply, I can't get it."

Sun Zeyi said that the princes from the three days ago and the prince of the Yunda kingdom came together to ask Yunheng's movements, but the clouds did not dare to talk because Lin Xuan has not returned, although there is already a plan, but once said I can't change it out, and the cloud is also grotes staring at my fist.

"Don't worry, Xuan Shao immediately came back."

"But we can't contact him again. The princess adult just wants to see Xuan Less, she seems to know that we are not the owner."

Zhang Zheng is sigh, and now the most important thing is that the army opposite Yunhengcheng is ready to fight, and the other few times have been stupid, including the town of the town.

"Dear, don't be so embarrassed."

Just when everyone was dead, Lin Xuan suddenly appeared in the center of the venue. Everyone swayed, and the first one rushed over and hugged Lin Xuan.

"Xuan Shao, you can come back!"

"Xuan Shao, you are too good to come back."

Everyone is ecstatic, Lin Xuan, Lin Xuan is too self-reliant, but the decision is right. He sat down and listened to all the information, and roughly figured out, now Yunwei has twenty-three Wan, 100,000 veterans 100,000 new soldiers 30,000 logistics, but there is already broken grains in the city, no money will have no way, there is still a lot of neutral forces, willing to sell materials.

"This is money, protects the supply line, enough for you for a long time."

Lin Xuan gave all CD card to the cloud, and the cloud appeared after the crystal card, this is a lot of, enough to support him 300,000 Yunwei, Lin Xuan asked:

"How many people can you fight in your hand?"

"Five, all here."

The cloud refers to the five strong people he left on his left hand, and the clouds are headed by the Han Dao said:

"Former General, Wu Guang, responsible for attacking the battle."

"I have seen Xuan Xiao."

"This is the general, Guan Shunfei, responsible for the 15,000 people of the cavalry."

"I have seen Xuan Xiao, my light cavalry will be 10,000 people, and 50,000 cavalry, four thousand people, and the white horse cavalry, these white horse cavalry are the soul of the soul."

Guan Shun Yu introduced his own hand to a clear two, which made Lin Xuan very satisfied, and clouds are also a task of cleaning.

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