Douluo Great Shadow Douluo

Chapter 188 is surprising

"This is the training and directive training and command of the 60,000 bow archer."

Yunheng introduced the most thin man, the man just stood up and nodded against Lin Xuan and then sat back, it was obviously the kind of silent people, Lin Xuanneng felt the same feeling from him, obviously A guy who likes to put cold arrows, as well as it.

"This is the left general, Wang Ping, he is our siege command, in my hand, his siege battle and command will always be the best. I will meet him with him."

"I have seen Xuan Xiao."

Wang Ping got up, his face hangs a smile, it is obviously proud of his record, Lin Xuan is nod to look at the last one, and the clouds look at him:

"This is the right general Ye Ark. His troops are very special. He is our Yunwei's eyes. He has cultivated people are top-level undercover. They will generally make their minus before they are playing into the goals. In the critical moment. Insured or open the door, let the troops take the initiative, many times can be surprisingly wins many times. "

"Xuan Shao Hello."

Ye Fangzhou got up and shake hands, Lin Xuan got to nod, Guan Shun Yu is responsible for cavalry, cold arrow is responsible for archer, Wu Guang is responsible for infantry, Wang Ping is responsible for attacking the city war, Ye Fangzhou is responsible for intelligence, this is a good configuration, no wonder Can run Yunwei, the success of Yunwei is not accidental.

"I planned to talk to Iron Mountain City when I negotiated tomorrow, and then quickly divided into the troops, I demanded that I will take Yun Hengcheng's ten city."

Lin Xuan's words make everyone feel awkward, so soon? Sun Deyi asked:

"The princess is here, if we don't wait for the same to remember in the meeting?"

"You are wrong, Sun Deyi, the Princess knows that the Kingdom of Yunda will depend on the town of Zhenling, she is just to find me."

"The princess came to just plan to know the prophetic plan, so that the plan is not interfered with shackles, and it may also be sent to his own forces to avoid the choice of mysterious."

Han Bin said at this time, all people were amazed to watch Han Bin, and Lin Xuan referred to Han Bin Road:

"This is Han Bin, eighty-nine epicolor, he will be responsible for the security of the cloud Yincheng."

"Eighty-nine-nine episode?"

"The legendary famous goddess?"

Many of Han Bin's reputation is obviously too late. The cloud is shocked, and will this actually help Xuan Xiao? Han Bin laughed hooks:

"Imaginary name, as long as you are still in the 10 miles of Yunhengcheng, I dare to guarantee that no one can shoot you."

"That's trouble, brother."

The cloud laughs and holds the boxing, Lin Xuan looked at the cloudscape:

"I gave you three days. After three days, I will leave for a few days. I don't want me to go, you haven't controlled the surroundings."

"Reassured, I have already entered the core forces near the nearby twenty cities. As long as people can go to the nine cities in the three days, the most critical problem is still the three of Tienshan City. 100,000 troops. "

Ye Fangzhou looked at others, Guan Shun Yu and others were to see Wang Ping, Wang Ping looked at the clouds and clouds, and Wang Ping immediately went to:

"If you are a raid tomorrow, my suggestion is that the 20,000 light cavalry of Guan Shun Yu took a bow archer. The cavalry jumped off the horse while the enemy was jumped, and the speed of the cavalry could not be too fast. Otherwise, the archer is very difficult, put down the archer and then the cavalry begins to sprint. At this time they have already noticed you, you can rush into the military camp. "

Wang Ping looked at Wu Guang, Wu Guang immediately nodded, Wang Ping continued:

"Then Wu Guangban in the reflection, and the archer will slowly enter the shooting shoot, remember to see it, 30,000 military military camps have a few kilometers, you killed two hours, Mingjin, then organized the army slowly "

"This is a group of troops. Only the first is the formal army. As long as we punch them, you can scare the rest of the people."

"Then we divided into nine roads, put the troops on the hand into the nine teams, each team 10,000 people won the other Jiucheng, and then 100,000 new soldiers were divided into nine shares to reach these troops, and then started to be stable in the city. "

Wang Ping has no opinion after finishing. This is indeed the best way. The 300,000 army is not necessarily annihilated. After all, it is a temporary patchwork miscellaneous army. Lin Xuan is nodded:

"Is there a supplement?"


Wang Ping looked at Lin Xuan said that Lin Xuan looked at Wang Ping's supplement, Wang Ping looked around:

"There are twelve people in the seat, the four major family members, Xuan Tian adults, Yunsheng General, and our five people there are two soul guards, thirteen souls, the strength of the Sheng Sheng, but the opponent has two Seventeen soul, three epicolor, our high-end power is at all. "

"If this problem, I don't want to worry about it. The other party can't concentrate together? I think our high-end power has won."

"Xuan Shao, you won't it?"

Han Bin suddenly realized what smiled and asked, Lin Xuan helpless shrugged:

"Is it a big problem with an enemy?"

"It's really not a big problem, but I hope you can manage other soul."

"How much is the soul of the forehead camp?"


"Yes, tomorrow's action is, first of all, I can steal a soul, which is twelve five, Yunhengcheng Lord is no problem with an enemy?"

"no problem."

The cloud is nod, and if he is a synopse of four soul sans, if you can't do it, he is too shameful.

"Well, everyone is quietly prepared, and tell the princess and that Wang Ye, negotiating at noon tomorrow, noon negotiations at noon, we will depart directly."


Everyone is excited, only Han Bin has a cloud and Xuan Tian, ​​and Lin Xuan asked Xuan Tian.

"No problem tomorrow?"

"No problem is no problem, just mysterious, my mission can understand a lot of soul, why only let me one-on?"

"Exposure identity."

Lin Xuan turned a white eye, Xuantian scratched his head, if the Holy Spirit learned that his Xuan Tian is here, Li Xin may copy the ax next day.

"Xuan Shao, will there be a problem tomorrow?"

The cloud is a matter of concern, although he dreams who wants to overthrow the Kingdom of Yunda, but if you really want to start, there is a little, Lin Xuan shoots his shoulders, there is no saying.

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