Douluo Great Shadow Douluo

Chapter 189 Key Forces

"Xuan Shao, your people are too few, why don't you find Shrek's more than a soul?"

After leaving the city, Han Bin asked, if Lin Xuan is in the implementation of the mission of Hulan, then Shrek should use all the neutral resources on the mainland, Han Bin and the old are the best example, Lin Xuan I watched my eyes and asked:

"How do you think this is a Shrek's mission?"

"Is not it?"

"Of course, not, you think more, this is my forces I am developing my own."

Lin Xuan shook his head and said, Han Bin stunned, Lin Xuan is already the main sectors of the sea god, why do you want to develop your forces? Xuan Tian smiled and said:

"The main purpose of this time is the main purpose of this time, it is not used under the power of Shrake, so you should be the last reference of the mysterious."

"You know me very well, didn't me, you are my strongest hand, Duan old, he will only shoot in my danger, then I have to use the old power, but others Will not use Shilek's power. "

"That is to say, is mysterious, I am actually going to your personal personal?"


Lin Xuan did not conceal what Han Bin. Although Lin Xuan will definitely be the main owner of the sea, now Han Bin is his personal bodyguard, Han Bin nodded, he probably understood the idea of ​​Lin Xuan, this is a good The way, his ultimate goal is to enter the sea godhouse, become a part of Shrek, this is the identity of all scattered things, followed by the two empire.

"Then I want to call my brothers."

"Your brother?"

"Yes, mysterious, I know what you are worried, I have no one who believes in my hand."

Han Bin knows that Lin Xuan is worried about saying that Lin Xuan just looked at Hi Bin and then nodded. He is not very trusting Han Bin but also knows more than one power, as for loyalty Lin Xuan does not care about this No one dares to play a trick under his eyelids.

Early the next morning, Lin Xuan got up and went to the princess, Xue Yi saw Lin Xuan very surprised, she looked at Han Bin after Lin Xuan, asked:

"Are you back from Shrak?"

"Don't mention the princess, how do you leave this time?"

Lin Xuan has some uncomfortable saying that they have just been ventilated for a few months. This princess came to him, and the snowy expression did not change but faintly said:

"This time I represented the prince of the Tiangou Empire, even if I know your action plan, the court does not know, there is no official visit, I am afraid that we will be associated with people, and you don't want to Do you want us to force the arming map? "

"This is my negligence, but I tell you that if it is not my intuition, this time my hometown is given to the world."

"How this guy does not enter."

The snow is helpless, Lin Xuan, no matter this set, now there are forty thousand troops to him, although the 400,000 army, half of them are old, and the temporary recruited youth, but it will be one Field blood war.

"I need Tangmen and us, now our Yunwei is the lack of Tangmen's siege giant and Zhuge god, I don't want you to tell me that the Yunda Kingdom army has this thing."

"What do you want, Zhuge God Tangmen's order is only the list of our and Xingro Empire, other small kingdoms and the public are unable to pay the money of this hidden, and of course the Town Ling Wang has a military five thousand people equipped with Tangmen. Zhuge god, including the main city of Zhen Lingwang, the main city of Lingcheng, which we recently developed, this thing is very killed. "

"Is this? I don't think about my army to go to Town Lingcheng, I am still not stupid."

Lin Xuan referred to his own head. This snow is still thinking that he will go to the trouble of Zhen Ling Wang. In fact, his plan is just the death of Town, he will grasp it in a degree, neither the town spirit. Wang is not an angry town of spirit.

"Hey, your forces give me, we will talk about noon."

Lin Xuan stretched out, Xue Yi was laughed by Lin Xuan, he thought that Lin Xuan didn't come to him in the morning. I didn't expect it to take things. She handed a map to Lin Xuan, Lin The mysterious picture didn't look around and left, and Lin Xuan suddenly stopped:

"Tell the snow Qing Tian, ​​I want him to compensate and run the leg."

"Don't think."

Snow Yi directly refused, Lin Xuan smiled and didn't say anything directly. After returning to Xuanzong, Lin Xuan put the map opened on the wall, Han Bin looked at the map:

"The force distribution is quite detailed."

"How to compare with the map you master?"

"I have no better than, first, my map is based on myself, I have been hitting and holding a national army. After all, I have not traveled all the corners of the Tiangou Empire. Second, I will Not interested in coastal areas. "

Han Bin said with his point of view, and Lin Xuan hit a finger.

"I just want everyone to be interested."

"Is this MISHO this are the spirit of disgusting Town?"

"Yes, when the Town of the Town, the Town of the Town is almost flattened. Unfortunately, because of the identity of the private child, it can only be a prince. When everyone thinks that the town is going to rebel, he chooses the coastal city, this is very Good paralyzed Emperor and Wenwu Baiguan, after all, the resources in coastal areas are too small, and it is impossible to develop their forces. "

"But they didn't expect Town Lingwang and the Holy Spirit to hook up."

Han Bin directly said the key to the problem. The support of the Holy Spiritual education once again recovered the original forces, the 300,000 town spiritual army is the best result, including the branch of the coastal kingdom, the town of the town The force is more than one million, and the sum of the troops of the Tiangou Imperial border is almost the same.

"Xuan Shao, I want to say that the air transport of the Tiangou Empire has been here."

Han Bin said no tricks, the Tiangou Empire is already a dead chess, and there is a star Luo Empire a hundred and six hundred thousand army tiger. There is a troops of the town of Xiang Wang, and Zhang has opened the bloodpine, one is not careful Dead road, now the Sky Patriary does not have collapse is just because the sky is not dead, but it will not live.

"Is it? When the Millennium Temple led the army of the Wuhun Empire than the East," But the Tiangou Empire is still returning to the Tang San? "

"Xuan Shao, your wild is too big?"

Han Bin smiled, Lin Xuan was the Tang San, who made himself as a Tiangou Empire.

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