"Open a joke, as long as my forces are developed within a year, I will put it on the Town of the Town to deal with the snow."

"Then my suggestion is to let Shrek's army now help us here."

"Hey, what is the name?"

"Is there after it?"

Han Bin asked, no matter what Shrek is not excuses to dispatch the army, Shrek has always been a neutral attitude. If they blocked the Town of the Town of the Town, if they protect the Tiandou Empire. Then Shileke will be by the default team, while Shrake will lose prestige.

"When I said that Shrek's army came out? Shrek is impossible to gather from the beginning, so I am a new name to come here, this you have to figure out, I am Xuan Lin, not Lin Xuan."

"I understand."

Han Bin is not the kind of stupid man. Lin Xuan said this. In fact, he has guess that only I didn't expect Lin Xuanzhen to play so big, Lin Xuan took the shoulder of Han Bin:

"Go to prepare, then let Xuan Tian come to me."


Han Bin nodded and left the study. Lin Xuan looked at the power map of the wall, first in Yun Yingcheng, a thousand miles of the city, the city, not part of the Tiangou Empire, and even said the entire coastal area. There is no so much power of the Empire, and these forces have all returned to the town of Zhenling, and they have to say that the means of Zhen Lingwang is still very hard, but this also makes him no scruple.


"Oh, come in, this time is hard, you haven't come to talk to you."

"Where to."

Xuan Tian is embarrassed to scratch, Lin Xuan looked at Xuan Tian asked:

"What's your name?"

"Liu Tianxuan."

"Yes, don't expose your true name, your true name can only have Han Bin to me, others don't disclose, you will call all people to Xuanzong, including the princess and what kind of king, if he does not Even if you have calculated, tell Han Bin, wait until my signal directly won the prince and then plan to start. "

"To understanding."

Xuan Tian nod to leave, but Lin Xuanli lived him, Lin Xuan looked outside:

"This big morning, if we will fight, can you pay a soul?"

"Yes, even if you don't win, I can also completely delay."

"How can it be delayed, you are a high-level soul, I want you to solve an enemy to help Li Mingrui to share the pressure. You know that Li Mingrui is just a miscellaneous soul, take care of him."


Xuan Tian nodded made a gesture that packets on him. Lin Xuan did not believe in Xuantian. After all, Xuan Tian has always been fighting. Even if he is already mature, but the skills of fighting are still a lot. If it is not a disadvantage, he will let Xuantian directly change the battlefield trend, so he will take the lead in choosing to liberate Xuan Tian.

"This time Zhang Hongjie does not have a small action?"

"No, he is very honest, everything is standing first, obviously afraid of our autumn."

"This is good."

Lin Xuancong has tone. He is most worried about Zhang Hongjie. After all, he is going to solve Zhang Hongjie, but I think about it. If someone else is only wondering, Lin Xuan waved to let Xuan Tian leave.

The noon is coming soon, Yunwei has quietly assembled outside the city, and the troops eat one hour in advance to make Tie Mountain city's clouds, many senior officers have smell the war's breath, but the princess is in the city, and they The prince is still negotiating in Yunxiang City, and the Turtle will not dare to be so bold during this time.

"What? The cloud is so bold? Actually let us go to the Xuezong? It is impossible to let him come directly!"

A fat man who was severely obese is full of fat, he is the only prince of the Kingdom of Yunda, and Sun Shengyi, who came to report, and said:

"Love is not coming, but I need to tell the Prince Adult Juna Kingdom really can afford our Yunwei's anger? If it is not a princess, what do you count?"

"You! Unreasonable!"

Prince's angry roaring tray, the old man beside him directly shot a slap in the palm of Sun Zeyi, Sun Deyi directly released the Wuhun blocked this slap, he told the anger and did not have a hand, and immediately was the death of this waste.

He left here, and Xue Yi has got up to Xuanzong, the old man looked at the prince:

"Adults, if the cloud is unfavorable to our kingdom,"

"It is, but unfortunately, you have no chance to go."

Han Bin suddenly appeared in the main hall. After his body, the two yellow two purple four black eight soul rings lit up, his eighth soul of the soul lit up, he finished the old man in the moment, for an ice sculpture, the king Scared the fart and rising, he fled here like a meat ball, but .

"Xuan Shao should have to do it."


Lin Xuan came to the city to shout, the clouds of the city immediately showed the hand of the drums, with the sound of the charge, Guan Shun Yu's 20,000 cavalry was rolled out toward Tienshan City, Yunheng Station I shouted on the city:

"Army attack!"

"The infantry is keeping up!"

Wu Guangyu drunk, 100,000 light treklets immediately run on the plain, and 100,000 light guilty soldiers start sprint after five thousand vetets in the top 50,000 new soldiers, and the remaining 40,000 bow arrows also started running behind the infantry.

"lets go."

"it is good."

Lin Xuan took Hanbin and others to go to the first line. According to the plan cavalry, they have reached the designated place. They put down the 20,000 bow arrows. This archer is a veteran. They started to run wild, and they immediately reached the designated place. The string started the first round.


The scream voice sounded in the camp of the Yunda army, and all soldiers began to finish the equipment, and when they were prepared, the cavalry had reached their road card, Wang Pingheng released the martial arts, his seventh soul ring Light, his entire manage for a fire red giant, he spit out a flame directly melted all the road cards, let the cavalry directly into the big camp.

The first round of arrows have fallen, and the prepared soldiers are shocked by 20,000 arrows. After the end of the rain, the cavalry has rushed in and started the massacre. The first round of charge reflects amateur and The gap between professional soldiers.

Bold! "

After anger, the fifteenth road is full, and the 12th of Lin Xuan also took off.

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