Douluo Great Shadow Douluo

Chapter 192 Musting Twelve City

"Is Yuncheng think so? I have hundreds of methods to open it."

Han Bin asked with a smile next to him, and Shao Shaohua looked at Han Bin:

"You just have to get it, I will not change."

"Is this?"


Han Bin directly pulled his left arm, and Yan Shaohua looked at Han Bin, he had lost his arms, even if it was also a waste, now he can't talk, he must use it. In exchange for the security of your family, simultaneously let the clouds and Lin Xuan guess.

"You will doubt me?"

"will not."

The clouds shook their heads. Lin Xuan gave him a help. It is too big. The big to one hundred palace will not be better than that, but the palace is not evidence that he is a rape, saying that Your own left right, so this is tortured by him.

"Give him the evidence?"

"Don't worry, let's go to a while, when we break the Juna army, we slowly reviewed."

Han Bin said with a smile, saying that the palace is small, and he can be hard now, but after the Kingdom of Yunda is covered by clouds, can he really conceal? Is it true for such information transactions in the royal royal family in the Kingdom of Yunda? He has been inserted from the beginning of the task.

"Bring it."

Yun said weakly, he took the time to slow, and now the army is dividing the troops. He must adjust his mentality quickly. Lin Xuan looked at the Han Bin Road:

"You are here, I will help them go to the city, I will go back to deal with the little girl."

"Xuan Shao, the little girl has a title of Douro."


Lin Xuan referred to his head, Han Bin immediately gave it, Lin Xuanqi's tear space crack left. At this moment, only Han Bin and Yunheng, Han Bin looked at Yunyou Road:

"Others don't have problems, and even another hard assistant Fan Hui has no problem. I think that there are many intelligence that should not be leaked, including why they know that you secretly call Yun Wei."

Lin Xuan returned to the first time in the city, I returned to Xuanzong. At this time, the snowy face was hard to drink tea. When she came next to her, the old man looked quietly, Lin Xuan hurriedly ran over and said:

"Princess, I am embarrassed, time has been delayed, after all, the first battle, everyone needs time to adapt."

"Lin Xuan, I hope that you give me an explanation, you don't undertake it, it is easy to be recorded after the autumn."

Xue Yi did not ask, once it was known that Lin Xuan is not a self-war, the town will find a chance to send troops, even there will be unhamined sounds in the Tiangou Imperial court, Lin Xuan himself gives yourself. Pall the glass and asked:

"Dare to ask Yunda Kingdom suddenly assembled a big army to surround me, do you notify me in advance? Even if we ask why we will gather Yun Wei?"

"But this is not the reason you provo the war in the Tiangou Empire. I thought you would hibernockola, wait until the time is mature and then shot, I think of a good way to help you with the royal room of the Yunda Kingdom."

"That is really much than you."

Lin Xuan stunned and smiled and said that Snow Yi was in the heart of Lin Xuan, and he had a long dead. Although he had heard Lin Xuan's character from his big brother, but he did not expect Lin Xuanzhen's increasingly. The brighter, you don't know what he is thinking, this makes it to be good at communicating.

"The princess is in the temple, I don't have time to play my dumb, I still have something to deal with. If you stay here, you will leave, and I hope that you can leave people to help me to deal with people. "

"Don't think."

Snow Yi snorted, she didn't want to be a blockbuster of Lin Xuan, this stinky man knew it with her, Lin Xuan nodded, he got up:

"Xuanzong, it is the Zongmen I have created. If you want to come, I have to go in advance."

"Lin Xuan, you will come back."

Xue Yi wants to pull Lin Xuan, but Lin Xuan directly tearing the space crack leaves the original place, can only let the snowy yourself, the old man is advised behind the snow:

"In the princess, the Prince's instructions should not forget, no matter what kind of request for Lin Xuan first promised, we will need Lin Xuan's help when we are in the future."

"Of course, I know, or how this bastard dares to fall so cold."

Snow Yi is still in the air, Lin Xuan alone has embarked on the road to Shrek, this is absolutely six days, Lin Xuan left Han Bin's intention, he must put Chu Linger and I have been connected to the snow, and now I have been in the past four days, I will run anything, how can I worry.

Sure enough, Lin Xuan's full-speed road finally returned to Shrek in two days, but when I saw Chu Linger and the two female indifferent expressions, just in Lin Xuan's hand, I was alone, I gave him a slight gave him. I have a eye, Lin Xuan immediately, and the feelings of the feelings, I know what I have to do. In order to calm the Chu Linger, I followed the Mon.

"That, Linger, Snow, I am a little urgent there, this is a matter of nothing, I will come back."

"Can there be more important to have two people with us?"

"That's sure."

Lin Xuan quickly said, he pulled Chu Linger and the Shanxi Snow.

"Some people grabbed my house, I don't want to go back, no place to give you two people, so go back to deal with it, spare me."

"Hey, look at you, it's okay, no relationship."

Chu Linger saw that Lin Xuan nervously appeared, did not hold back, and Lin Xuan saw two women's smiles. He found that he was played. He rushed two women to bed asked in bed:

"Okay? Dare to play friends?"

"What happened to play?"

"I remember that someone is afraid itchy."

Lin Xuan said that he immediately began to flex the Chu Linger, and Chu Linger couldn't resist it. You can only laugh in bed. Lin Xuan accompanied two women to play for an hour later, it was tired, two days two nights. Fully hurry, don't know how the other is.

"Han Bin adult, is there no mitigation?"

"Don't worry, now you have a urgency to complete the power of the twelve cities in your hands, this is my recommended, you give some generous conditions for the local family, let them sell for you, at the same time In the city, they will give them a military army. Of course, this number is not much, a city will be 10,000 people, then began to observe the hostility forces around to arrange the arms. "

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