Douluo Great Shadow Douluo

Chapter 193 Mystery Knife

"Prepare and things, we have to start."

Lin Xuan and Chu Linger and the two women who said, two women nodded and entered the empty stone, and the road to Lin Xuan naturally won't bring these two people. Now he must go back to Yunhengcheng to control the situation. If there is no guess, the people of Town Lingwang should be on the road. After all, the Town of Zhen Wang knows that the cloud is not such a big thing.

Lin Xuan began to hurry, and the clouds have solved the security issues of Jiucheng, through the interests of the family to meet the family, this is not a long time but no way, Lin Xuan's head is not so many people can master Of course, Lin Xuan has never thought of too many land from the beginning, because this is not a good thing, but it will become a weakness.

However, Lin Xuan just wants to recruit in the local area, then take a batch of resources back to Yunhengcheng, his goal is the royal family of the Yunda, as long as the royal family, the city in the Kingdom of Yunda will become Yunhengcheng Resource.

Three days, the people under the clouds and the people under the hand are busy managing the business of the 12th cities, so that the clouds are weird, Lin Xuan is not coming back, and the clouds have also received a personal letter from the town of Zhenling. After I said two days, I opened the mountains to come to Yunhengcheng to learn about the situation.

"Don't worry, the mysterious Sharp will be given to me."

Han Bin said calmly after reading the letter, this time, let everyone brow, although Han Bin is indeed the strongest person, but will so naturally be the right to be the right? Han Bin helplessly helped the payment. If it is a person who will be able to listen to himself, but the clouds are completely trustworthy, once someone wants to replace Lin Xuan definitely.

"Receive, Xiaoyong should come back soon."

Xuan Tian rushed out to fight the round field, and clouds can only reluctantly accept everyone. Now it is a big way to see how Lin Xuan said, and Lin Xuan is afraid that there is no time to come back to Yun Yuncheng, because of his The thin black robe is tightly followed.

This person followed him all the way, let him use space forces, once his own look and space is leaked, then the Town Ling Wang is not so friendly, he dares that the mysterious Holy Spirit is old. I will chase.

"Stop it in front."

Lin Xuan looked at the jungle in front and drilled in. This is the only forest next to Yunzhou City. The soul beast is almost, and some are only ten years of soul beast. It is not enough to see Lin Xuan into the woods. After that hesitated, he finally chose to detour, which made Lin Xuan have never thought that this person is obviously what people know that they will go to Yunhengcheng.

"What is it."

Lin Xuan took the confusion back to Yunhengcheng. When I returned to Yunheng City Han Bin, I found Lin Xuan. He reported all the recent things. OK, it's okay that the mysterious knife did not entang it with himself. It may be delayed.

"Tell the cloud, let him come here, you will not be too much, I will not be too much, I will have a lot of time here, you and Xuantian will have been working on my hand."

Lin Xuan looked at Han Bin comforted, Han Bin nodded, he couldn't think of it later, his qualifications were still not enough, and only Xuantian can be accepted by clouds, because he is From Lin Xuan, a person who appears around, as long as it is natural, it will meet him naturally.

"That mysterious knife wants me to find him?"

"A soul emperor, there is no need, his eyes have hatred eyes, it should be to be revenge, now there is no reason to take care of him, he stays outside Yunxiang City."

Lin Xuan smashed and not used to manage, although there were not many people killed, but there were ten numbers, so some people came to see revenge, he would not be too surprised. Han Bin nodded:

"We next?"

"Don't search other Jiucheng tax and people, the recruitment will be, tell those people's treatment, and then I have to see 300,000 troops in one month."


Han Bin nodded and immediately went to the cloud. I want to be Lin Xuan called Yunheng is also because of this plan. After the cloud is here, he ran over, he listened to Lin Xuan's plan, naturally, he was a hands-on foot Now Yunhengcheng's business has been opened, with the supply of oceans and cities, soon, it will become the economic center of coastal areas.

"Wife, come out."

Lin Xuan has taught all things to say, I laughed and said that Snow and Chu Linger came out of the empty stone. Here is Lin Xuan's room, and Chu Ling is curious about surrounding, and I asked Shanxi:

"Is that a knife?"

"Small things are small, he just delayed me, what is the matter?"

Lin Xuan excitedly smashed the hand, Chu Linger and the unlike face were red, and they knew what Lin Xuan said, Lin Xuan said at Shirak, and returned to Yunhengcheng to start cultivating yin and yang Dragonfly. Because Chu Linger's level is really terrible, the 38th and Lin Xuan's forty-seven-level contrast is the difference between the difference, of course, the Soul is already the soul of the fifty-fourth, just so long. Only one level is just because of her kidney, causing her to enter the cultivation.

"I have no problem in cultivation, this is the practice, don't be afraid."

Lin Xuan looked at the two women's shy expression. The yin and yang dragon and phoenix did they saw it. I didn't know how much it was. The content did not have any problems, and I said:

"come on."


Lin Xuanbu is in the province of the province to disturb them. He began to condense the soul of Dantian in accordance with the yin and Yang Dragonfly work, and Chu Linger and the Six Snowman grabbed Lin Xuan Yi hand while running the soul, the so-called yin and yang Dragon Pectoral, it is three people to cultivate together, and this cultivation speed will be the fastest person, that is, the speed of Lin Xuan's cultivation is equal to the speed of the three people cultivation. It is originally absorbed to run three Sundays. However, it is only necessary to absorb after walking in the triple body.

This is a big murder, which is equivalent to a man who is cultivated for an hour, waiting for someone else, this hour is still on the absorption of terrorism itself.

"Remember, don't have any resistance, I want to release my blood."

Lin Xuan said that the golden holy dragon veins in your own body have been protected. A Jinlong Victimity appears after his body. The golden holy dragon hovering in Lin Xuan, which started to help to absorb the soul, so that the speed is more exaggerated.

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