Douluo Great Shadow Douluo

Chapter 194 scares back to the hut

Lin Xuan, which started the horror cultivation, but this time is only to open the meridians, so it takes more time, and the soul will not grow much. After all, it is relying on these absorption souls to open their meridians.

Time is very fast, Lin Xuan has no appearance of the night, but everyone has no previous, and the city is still in the city and the clouds waiting for a person. This person is Zhenling. The left of the left, the right arm opened the mountains.

The martyrdom of the hill is also famous in the Tempse of the Tempone. He moved up a mountain and put it up with a mountain and then put the top floor of the family. This is a sensation, in the open mountain Douro. After the Township king, I was trying to take it for him. After so many years, I have become the spokesperson of the town of Zhenling. After all, the town of Zhen Ling did not show up.

"Don't be too nervous, just give it to me."

Han Bin looked at the clouds and laughing. Xuantian didn't come, he wanted to go to the door of Lin Xuanyuan. Once Lin Xuan woke up, he woke him, and Xueyi in the city also came to the city mainfare, Lin Xuan This guy didn't know why I couldn't come out, and this bastard in Xueyi would like to let her help solve.

"Xuan Lin]!"

The thick voice came, although he did not see people but everyone felt the inner fear, it seems that the owner of them will be killed, only Han Bin stares at the distant black shadow of the distant death.

"Oh? There is a hard bone."

Han Bin, who is interested in Han, who came to Yunxiang City, overlooking cloudy and others, and the clouds came out of the sky.

"You are sitting in the mountains and sitting."

"What are you doing? Dare to talk to me?"

Kaishan Douro is unconsciously said, this time, let the clouds are horizontal, and Han Bin stands back to the cloud.

"Kaishan Douro, don't need this kind of hard-working way to improve your majesty?"

"Which onion is you?"

Open the mountains, I asked, once Han Bin replied that he would light up, let Han Bin know why the title is called Luo Luo, Han Bin smiled:

"I want to say it straight."


Kaishan Douro did a punch to Han Bin, Han Bin waved the ice shield to block this punch, but he also retired dozens of steps, Han Bin looked at the mountains and Dou Lu, who watched the gap between the two people, and a punch Just let his absolute defense is broken, he Han Bin can be famous is also because of the strong defense ability, although it is just a ice shield, but this is very hard.

"Open the mountains, is this too much?"

"Star Douro?"

Kaishan Douro's unbelievable look at the old people next to Xueyi, Xue Yi looked at Han Bin, this Han Bin is the opening of this mountain. It will be handled by Han Bin, which will be treated by Han Bin. However, the nature of the Monastery of Monastery is not the same, and she is not a shorter turtle if she doesn't come.

"The seniors in the mountains, aren't it good to have a contest?"

"He is not bad first, I am playing him is also normal, but I didn't expect the princess's temple to be here, is Xuan Lin, is the people under the princess?"

Kaishan Du Luo smiled and asked, and the star of the star, this hills Luo dare to dare, he almost couldn't help but started, and Xue Yi also knew that the sound of Kaido Luo said that he is calm The face said:

"I have no relationship with Xuan Lin, but he and I still have something to stay."

"Oh, I understand, but I also assumed the order of the town of Zhenling to Xuan Lin."

"I remember that the town is no administrative power?"

I asked in Xue Yi, I opened a laughter to shoot my head smiles:

"Hey, this brain, forget, this is my master self-sealing, if there is any problem, if there is any problem, I will call Xue Qing Tianlai Town Lingcheng business."

"If your big brother is really here, do you dare to say this?"

Xue Yi asked, this is directly changing the face of the mountain, and the snow is coming to the Town Lingcheng in front of the two Empire. At that time, Mount Douro was not in the words of the snow. The humiliating sense of that slap is also the reason why Kaishan Douro's speech is not bad.

"Dog is a dog, don't be there, not to mention that you are not enough enough to make you dignified blessings."

"Say it is good, the princess is."

A laughing, Lin Xuan slowly walked into the city, Xue Yusong tone, Lin Xuan's words made Xue Yusong tone, Kaishan Douro's forehead on the green, the face is red, he loses and cattle As the same, Han Bin rushed to stand in Lin Xuan, and preventing the mountains from being suddenly shot.

"Kid, what are you talking about?"

"I said it is very clear. Any of the town of Zhenling is not allowed by the defractions of the Empire, is it? The princess is?"

"That's right, if you have anything, please let it go, don't let me know that you will make these people, you are clear, don't let Shrak look for the door."

Shrek? "

Open the mountain Dou Luo suddenly woke up, not because Shileike scared him, but the princess said at this time, is this relationship between Xuan Lin and Shrek? This suddenly made Lin Xuan yang in his heart, of course his expression did not change.

"The Princess His Hall, I heard that the Kaishan Douro is the hand of the town, and the town of Zhenling has begun to seal, it is better to join hands to grab him?"

Lin Xuan suddenly turned and asked. This sentence made the star Douro suddenly exposed the expression of interest. His soul level is a 94th level is just a higher level than Kaishan, but I really started to open the hull. It must not be his opponent, because Star Fallo is a royal family, and the Kaishan Doulo is just a grassroots.

"Xuan Lin, please don't draw this unreasonable advice."

"Talk, after all, I thought it was not afraid of what kind of town."

Lin Xuan's words seem to have a relationship with Shirack, which is also a cold sweat, he rushed a scroll to Lin Xuanxi:

"Look at it."

After that, I ran, it seems that the people after the next moment, the people after the sputum, and the mysterious thing will make everyone who make everyone can't help but, Lin Xuan bending the waist and picks up the scroll and then said:

"Scattered, don't get here."


Yunxiang and others have left, giving Lin Xuan and the princess space, because they know that Lin Xuan seems to be a bit angry, they don't want to touch this mold.

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