"let's go."

Lin Xuan smiled and waved, Han Bin can only worry, and only two people in the city are only Lin Xuan and Xueyi, and even the starry fight, he just makes it easy to try. The words of Xueyi.

A little bit of two power plans, the princess is a little bit, and Lin Xuan is a bit sinking behind everyone, and Xueyi is also a hands-on-hand ring to look at Lin Xuan.

"How? I just huddled you? If you are scared, you can't continue."

Xue Yi first launched a tone of ridiculous, Lin Xuan shook his head, he thought that Xue Yi is a very smart woman, it seems that he looks away.

"The princess is, do you think I will come here? I am not because of your Tiangou Empire?"

Lin Xuan came to the Snow Yi princess, said that Xue Yi just wanted to say that he was poured back by Lin Xuan's momentum, and Xue Yi looked at Lin Xuan, so like Lin Xuan's next moment. Life end.

"Snow Yi, I am looking to help your brother's face, first of all, I will come here to practice, but the existence of Town Ling Wang let me suddenly want to help you, for this, our Shrek is put into it. The number of unsuccessful resources and manpower, if you have a loss, I don't recommend bringing clouds to Shrek, and then overlook the Tiangou Empire, after all, I am an imperial person. "

"Lin Xuan, how do you dare?"

"I don't dare to say you!"

Lin Xuan coldly said that Xue Yi was screamed next to Lin Xuan, she didn't know that her own little temper actually let Lin Xuan big-modified model, when Xue Yi is preparing, Lin Xuan suddenly retired one step The face recovered on the face.

"Ah, the princess is really embarrassed, it is really a bit angry, don't go to my heart, then you can go back and snow clearly to explain the situation, let him send people to take over the city of the nine city, must be the heart Oh."

Lin Xuanhaha smiled like an unsuccessful, but only Xue Yi knows that the just Lin Xuan is more terrible, and Xue Yi can only look at the eyes and smile. Snow Yi, I just really made him very angry, but a big reason is because he himself, he is not the kind of people who don't know.

"The princess is in the future, I don't want to be in the future, Lin Xuan now only supports our allies, once Lin Xuan gone, there is no aid."

Said to say next to Tianxing Luo said helplessly, because of this, he will take the status of Lin Xuan and Xue Yi, and the hand saying:

"Let's go back, my grandfather."

"No problem, the princess is."

Tianxing Luo took Cheki left Yunhengcheng, Lin Xuan watched two people in the city, just right, but this is also necessary, believe that Xue Yi returned to Tiandu City will report the truth Bar.

"Han Bin, you will take a trip, don't hide."

"Hey, Xuan Shao You will look through it at your eyes."

Han Bin scratched his head. He just hid in the dark, there was a dialogue of Lin Xuan and Xueyi, because he worried that Tianxingou suddenly became difficult, and Tianxing Douro worried about Lin Xuan suddenly shot.

"Don't sneak over, let us go find someone."

"That knife?"


Lin Xuan did not finish the completion of Han Bin to the city. This is Han Bin to experience space for the first time. When he came to Yun Yuncheng, he was in front of the road in front, Lin Xuan's back is in the back of space. Character, he just saw the person in the city, I was observing him.

"What should I do, mysterious?"

Han Bin asked, he has locked Lin Xuan said the knife, saying that if he is not Lin Xuan him, I have already taken each other, but because the people's anti-radio performance is too weak, Han Bin is not Winning.

"I am coming, you stay in the dark and I keep the safe distance, by the way, help me around."

Lin Xuan huh smiled, he didn't think that the other party could give him any trouble, but in order to prevent it, he is still prepared to make a full preparation, Lin Xuan is quietly close, and the mysterious knife is still a fire, Lin Xuan After hiding in the big tree, I saw that the old face, which made Lin Xuan have some accidents, because the other's breath is not more than 50 years old, but he now says that seventy-year-old Lin Xuan believes.

"Why do you want to track me?"

Lin Xuan came out from the tree, and the man was scared for a second. Lin Xuan quickly came to the man behind his neck, and the man wanted to struggle Lin Xuan did not give him this opportunity.

"Track me so long, always give me a reason?"

"You killed my master."

"Your master?"

Lin Xuan felt the man's unforgettable hatred, but he didn't expect himself to kill the master of this person, Lin Xuan asked:

"Who is your master?"

"White eyebrows are old."

The man's words let Lin Xuan live, actually to help white eyebrows to revenge? Lin Xuan frowned asked:

"What do you want, you should know that your Master is a person. He shots me for the two murderers. If you are not my self-insurance ability, can you think I can live?"

"I know, so I am coming."

When the man's words, Lin Xuan couldn't touch the mind, but he knew that he should let go of each other, because the other party obviously talks well, the man sighs and sits helplessly say:

"There are many disciples under the old man, I am the most inconsistent, I was driven out of the town of Zhaoshan, who came to the city next to Slack City, until I received the news of the master and the news I want to revenge. "

"I saw you when I went to Yunhengcheng, so I follow you anyway, you will come to Yunhengcheng, now you caught me, you have to kill you."

The man closed his eyes and prepared to meet his endings, so that this life is not good, it is difficult to become a disciple of white eyebrows, but being rushed out, now diligently.

"Pick up your knife, release your martial arts."

Lin Xuan Shen voice, he did not kill the man, the man opened the eyes and watched Lin Xuan, he didn't know what Lin Xuan.

"A sword is not surrendered, let alone you are a knife, if you don't have an unfolded determination, you will not be a knife. If you want to die, you will die in front of me."


The man looked at his own hands-in-one release of the martial arts, two yellow two purple two black six soul rings, a black big knife appeared in his hand.

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