Douluo: I’m Really not Strong

Chapter 102: Cooperation between grandfather and grandson! [First more]

Chapter 102 Cooperation between grandfather and grandson! [First more]

The ordinary six-level fixed-mounted soul-guided shells can destroy buildings within a radius of more than 100 meters, but after all, they are only level six fixed-mounted soul-guided shells.

Therefore, the blow to the high-thickness city wall did not reach the point where it would collapse at once.

If you change the fixed-equipment Level 7 Soul Guidance Cannon, the power is really powerful, even if it is a Contra, you can't go head-to-head, if you face it, you will be disabled if you don't die.

However, Su Xian can still accept the current situation of the city wall. The big hole has been blasted through the gate city wall, and the army can pass directly.

As for the defenders on the city wall, Su Xian can only express his blessings for them!

As the first group of people who tried to be attacked by the Soul Guidance Cannon, even if they died, they would be proud!

Citizen defenders, the future will be a sign of the beginning of milestones, it symbolizes the beginning of the use of soul-guided weapons in combat, and set a clear example for future generations.

Don't think you can just yell if you can't beat you, maybe people are holding guns!

As a result, such a famous saying that began to circulate was closely related to it.

"Boy, what's your thing?"

This was the first time he had killed someone. Just as Su Xian was admiring his masterpiece in a complicated manner, Dugu Bo appeared.

He looked at the cannon on the ground with fiery eyes, as if with a trace of greed.

No way, such a powerful killer, although not too threatening to him, is enough to make him jealous.

Because it is only controlled by a soul sovereign, it bursts out with such a terrifying attack power, maybe the soul master world in the future will be written by this thing.

"What are you going to grab again?"

Taking a slow glance at Dugu Bo, Su Xian was a little lost and put the Soul Guidance Cannon away.

Alas~ This old man seems to be out of money, and he has no sense of accomplishment even if he succeeded in fighting the robbery!

"The old man looks like that kind of person, I just feel curious." Dugu Bo gave him an angry look and retorted.

"Who are you, you should know better than me."

Hearing that, Su Xian couldn't help but give him a blank look, and he was not ashamed to pretend to be in front of him who had read the original!

Besides, last time you wanted to grab something from Lao Tzu!

Hearing that, Dugubo's old face was also slightly red, but he still licked his face and asked:

"In other words, what exactly is your thing, so powerful?"

No way, even Dugu Bo, a Title Douluo, was extremely curious about this unknown thing.

Who knows if this guy is carrying anything more dangerous, in case the old man takes a break while practicing, and he gets a blow, then...

Hiss~Thinking about it!

"What are you asking for, you are a poor man, can you afford tens of millions of things?"

Su Xian glanced at Dugu Bo contemptuously, and went straight down the mountain and left here.

Dugu Bo:.......

by! Open your mouth and shut your mouth, tens of millions of gold coins, I can't ask!

Seeing Su Xian being so rude, Dugu Bo was very angry, but in an instant, the eagerness in his heart suppressed the anger.

"But... how can I make money?" Dugubo's eyes were a bit complicated, and he sighed inwardly.

The temptation of attaching a spirit bone outside is really too great, even if he doesn't use it and leaves it to his granddaughter Dugu Goose, it can also increase her future achievements!

Maybe, Dugu's family will once again have a titled Douluo, after all, this is the second treasure of the soul master dream list.

Even, because the spirit bones attached to the spirit bones can grow with them, to a certain extent, they are higher than the value of a 100,000-year spirit ring.

Therefore, Dugu Family will never give up!

Originally he had finished his retreat and planned to secretly get some money, but now it is a bit difficult to be called here.

"Snatching doesn't work, so you can only steal it openly."

After a moment of contemplation, Dugu Bo suddenly laughed, with the corners of his mouth slightly raised, his eyes swept across Citizen, and he couldn't help sighing.

Ah~ what a great city!

So, there should be a lot of babies inside, right?

I am not stealing, but keeping them away from the flames of war.

Ok! That's right, just do it! !

At the foot of the mountain, Xue'an and the others had lingering fears, obviously they hadn't been relieved from the shelling just now.

Seeing Su Xian's return, the generals' gazes suddenly looked over, the look of worship and excitement, as if facing a triumphant general.

"Don't look at me like this, I will be embarrassed."

Quickly waved his hand, Su Xian came to Xue'an with great vigor.

Generals: …….

mmp! Sorry to say yes! Why did I see you complacent? !

"How about it, are you satisfied with the effect?" Su Xian raised his eyebrows and asked.


Hearing this, Xue'an was also stunned, looking at Su Xian with relief and excitement that could not be suppressed.

But in the end, he still sighed, but his tone was somewhat intriguing:

"I originally wanted to control the city and reduce the conflict with the Kingdom of Barak. It would be nice for you to blow them up directly."

Su Xian:! !

Hearing this, Su Xian seemed to have a thousand horses galloping past, staring at Xue'an in horror.

The feeling he felt at the moment was like a grinding disc that had just finished grinding beans, and like that donkey pushing the grinding disc...


What is this, is it authentically killing the donkey? !

My city gates were exploded for you, and you told me you didn't want to do that?

So, am I doing bad things with good intentions?

Should I blast the small piece of the city gate just now, and let the army charge?

Then they rose up to resist and let your army annihilate them?

"Ahem... I didn't mean to blame you. If you kill it, you will kill it."

Seeing Su Xian staring at him contemptuously, Xue'an waved his hand quickly and comforted.

After that, Xue An approached Su Xian and lowered his voice to remind him, “As the prince, it’s best not to do these things anymore. It will not only hurt the heavens, but also affect the succession of the throne.”

"You have to know that the nobles are not worried about being led by a mediocre and intelligent emperor, they are afraid of a bloodthirsty and cruel emperor."


Hearing these words from Xue An and himself, Su Xian was also stunned. He didn't expect the knowledge inside to be so great.

However, I never thought about being an emperor!

Besides, I didn't do it by myself just now!

"Marshal, you may be mistaken. I was just asking Dugu Bo Du Douluo to take action. He did all this and it has nothing to do with him!" Su Xian replied confidently.

Hearing this, the three commanders of Nangongqiu suddenly cast their eyes and were speechless.

The others didn't know what happened in front of the tower just now, they followed Xue'an, but they could see clearly.


That's right, this is the attitude of the prince to Dugu Bo!

Now if you say "please him to do it", they won't believe it if you kill them!

"Poison Douluo cleared the way for my army, this handsome thanked you!"

As expected of the old fried dough sticks, Xue An immediately understood that it was Su Xian who was shirking responsibility and immediately shouted.

Su Xian:.......

Grandpa Second! This matches me to give full marks!

(End of this chapter)

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