Douluo: I’m Really not Strong

Chapter 103: My title Douluo, robbery! 【two】

Chapter 103 My Title Douluo, Rob! 【two】

"Thank you Dudouluo for paving the way for my army!"

Nangongqiu and the others were also startled, and then immediately understood, they also agreed and shouted.

Hearing the three legion commanders shouting so, the whole army immediately raised a neat shout of gratitude, like thunder rolling in, deafening.

Seeing this scene, Su Xian couldn't help but laughed, grateful to Dugu Bo for two seconds.

Poison Douluo, Title Douluo, what a great man!

Even if the Kingdom of Barak has opinions, if you have the ability, you can find someone to single it out!

Hey~ How come my mind is so good, I thought of such a way!

Dugu Bo, who had just entered Citizen, heard the whistling sound from outside the city, his voice staggered and almost fell from the sky.

"An old one and two bastards, I'm not over with you!"

His face was as black as ink, and Dugu was so angry that he cursed.

Nima sells batches! This is barely using yourself as a shield!

He secretly wrote down the account, and Dugubo took a deep breath and directly took off the mask on his face.

He has nothing to worry about. Anyway, he thinks that the old man did it, so the old man will show it to you!

call out!

Dugu Bo's figure descended from the sky and directly penetrated the main hall of the City Lord's Mansion.

Looking at the middle-aged man who looked panicked, frightened and sluggish in front of him, Dugu Bo was expressionless and shouted domineeringly:

"Old man, Poison Douluo, Dugu Bo!"


Hearing that, the middle-aged city lord's brain went white, and he almost fainted.

Nima! The Heaven Dou Empire actually came to Title Douluo!

Just as the city lord's heart and soul were trembling in his middle age, Dugu Bo's urging indifferent voice rang again:

"Now, this seat orders you to gather all the wealth of the City Lord's Mansion here."

Middle-aged man:? ? ?

What the hell? Am I listening?

"Do you want to say it a second time?"

With his eyes condensed, Dugu Bo roared like frost on his face:

"Old man, Dugu Bo, now, robbery!"

Middle-aged City Lord:.......


Without the barrier of the city wall, the army directly controlled the city.

First, Liushen Wuzhu was frightened by the power of the fixed-mounted Soul Guidance Cannon, and when he heard that there was a titled Douluo outside, the soldiers who defended the city had no intention of resisting. They honestly watched the army pass through Citizen, not daring to stop any more.

After Su Xian finished all this, he also returned to his carriage.

Then, he was surrounded by three women.

Looking at Qian Renxue, Su Xian nodded involuntarily. As a wife, this girl should be proud and curious.

Looking at Xue Bingning again, the cousin should be curious.

But what are you doing here, Nangongqiu, am I familiar with you? !

"I came here to remind you that it is better to keep such a powerful weapon and use it sparingly, otherwise the only thing that will suffer is the empire."

Knowing that Su Xian didn't want to see him, Nangong Qiu sighed and reminded him deeply, then got up and left directly.

Su Xian:? ? ?

Noting that there seemed to be something wrong with Nangong Qiu's eyes, Su Xian couldn't say what it meant, anyway, he just felt a little weird.

"Your aunt is very nice to you, but you have never experienced it, and she doesn't know how to express, so you will think she is too mean."

Seeing Nangongqiu leaving, Xue Bingning also sighed inwardly, and his eyes reminded sincerely.

Hearing this, Su Xian's heart moved and he didn't know how to answer. Anyway, he was still a little repulsive.

"Well, let's talk about what you used to blow up the city gate."

Seeing Su Xian's tangled complexion, Xue Bingning waved his hand, and the gentle voice like a spring breeze rang again, his eyes were full of smiles, and the refreshing smile was like a warm sun.

"Sister, this is an imperial military secret." Su Xian's expression was slightly calm and serious.

"Can't even tell me?" Xue Bingning was stunned, and asked a little bit stiffly.

"Yeah, the father gave the order." Su Xian nodded, and directly threw the pot onto Emperor Xueye.


Hearing that it was His Majesty's order, Xue Bingning did not continue to ask, but silently nodded.

Xue Bingning also left, not to disturb the world of Su Xian, nor to add to his heart.

Qian Renxue did not speak, Shui Lingling's big eyes looked at Su Xian curiously, everything was silent.

She hugged Qian Renxue with her hands and allowed her to lean on her shoulders. Su Xian lay on the comfortable cushions, his tired face lightened a little more relaxed.

"Do you look tired?"

With a sweet smile, Qian Renxue put her right hand around Su Xian's waist, but when she raised her head, she noticed that Su Xian's expression suddenly became a little awkward, and she couldn't help but ask.

I saw his eyes look tired, as if staying up late, with bloodshot eyes and a little pale face.


Hearing this, Su Xian nodded truthfully, gently stroking Qian Renxue's back with his palm, looking a little weak.

He also did not expect that the cultivation base experience card would have side effects. Although it would not affect the future cultivation, it would consume the body's energy and energy and needed a rest to recover.

"Then you go to bed first, I will massage for you."

Slightly getting up, Qian Renxue leaned on the cushion, and then helped Su Xian to lie on his smooth and hydrated thighs, and began to knead his temples and shoulders.


Seeing Qian Renxue's gentle and virtuous attitude, Su Xian showed a knowing smile at the corner of his mouth, then moved his head slightly, found a comfortable angle and lay down and stopped moving.

When Su Xian was enjoying the warm fragrant nephrite, a fierce gunfire had already begun in the Chinese army camp.

"Dugu Bo, I didn't expect that you, who are arrogant and arrogant, will have a day of robbing your wealth. Is it possible that Dugu's family has not been opened?"

"Would you like me to lend you tens of thousands of gold coins to give you an emergency?"

Seeing Dugu Bo, Xue An's eyes were full of playful smiles.

Originally, she sent someone to the City Lord's Mansion, intending to provide some simple supplies for the army, but she unexpectedly received such a big news.

Title Douluo robbery?

Damn it!

This is the first time it has broken the world!

It turns out that Dugu Bo is so sturdy, he used to make a mistake!

As for Xue'an's jokes, Dugubo's face became thicker, his expression calm.

no way!

He was robbed, what else could make him blush?


Invincible is so lonely!

"What is Lao Tzu doing for you? Carrying your own pan is very comfortable."

A rough breath exhaled from his nose, and Dugu Bo was a little unhappy, but his heart was crooked.

This was the first medium-sized city. He actually robbed three million gold coins in the city lord mansion and warehouse.


If he meets a few more cities, he will immediately pay back!

If I go to Barak City, gollum... the soul bone attached is not in his bag!

I do it!

Sure enough, people who are shameless live more at ease!

 Thank you for the rewards of [Can you update more], I ask for automatic subscription and rewards, it is really not good, just throw a beautiful woman over, Valentine's Day has been done~



(End of this chapter)

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