Douluo: I’m Really not Strong

Chapter 118: What are you playing? Goodbye! 【One】

Chapter 118 What do you play? Say goodbye! 【One】

"Qinghe, remember this old face, if you have a chance to humiliate this guy in the future, don't let it go!"

Xue An's eyes narrowed slightly, and he reminded him in a cold voice. He felt a little **** when he heard Su Xian's voice full of resentment and anger.

What a hatred and hatred this is!

Looking at Xue'an with a look of surprise, Su Xian had never thought that Xue'an would say this straightforwardly.

what is this?

This is telling others straightly and stunnedly that I am very upset when I see you, and I just want to **** you!

"Old man Ann, why bother about things like that."

He smiled elegantly, the old man's face didn't seem to be angry at all, causing Xue'an to snorted, full of indignation.

After speaking, the old man immediately looked at Su Xian again, a little surprised and said, "It turns out to be the prince of the Heaven Dou Empire. It's no wonder that he went out with the army at such a young age. It's not bad."

Seeing the style so high, Su Xian seemed to know why Xue An hated him so much.

When he looked at this face, he was also a little unhappy. He always felt that the other party was arrogant in the ordinary...

Hmm, that's the kind of person who pretends to be indifferent, doesn't show off but exudes compulsion all the time.

In a word, the lack of social beatings to smooth out the prosperous head, otherwise it will not be honest.

"Old man, didn't you ask?"

Noting that Zhao Yuan seemed to be in awe, even Xue'an had a solemn expression, Su Xian raised his eyebrows and asked.

"Old man Xu Lin!"

The old man replied faintly, a flash of pride flashed in his eyes.


Hearing this, Su Xian's pupils shrank suddenly, and finally knew who this person was, and could not help but let out a long sound.

No wonder Xue'an is so angry, feelings are the master of beating Yuanyang, the first foreign surname Wangjue of the Star Luo Empire!

Hmm~ The opponent is in the low position of the Star Luo Empire, just like Xue'an in the Heaven Dou Empire, regardless of the emperor's mood, no wonder it is so arrogant.

Confirmed the look in the eyes, this is the person who is going to be beaten!

"Since they are all here, let's go down to have a drink at the Hi Bar." Xu Lin invited.

Hearing that, Xue An did not answer, but looked at Nalan Tianqing in a daze, hoping that he could give him an answer.

"Old man An, the old man will tell you this later, don't you dare to come down for a drink?"

Seeing Xue'an actually ignoring herself, Xu Lin raised his brows slightly, and said excitedly.

"You don't come to this set, the old man came in command of the army, not here for a wedding drink."

Xue'an suddenly shouted in a deep voice. While angering Xu Lin with these words, she also showed her attitude and reminded Nalan Tianqing and the others.

"You are still so impatient, no matter what, the old man will tell you."

Xu Lin couldn't help shook his head, and then told Xue'an what happened.

It turned out that Nalan Tianqing originally wanted to fight the Star Luo Empire in a decisive battle, in order to die.

But who is he?

The most intelligent and wise man in the Star Luo Empire, the eyes of an eagle had already seen everything through.

After knowing what happened in the city of Mo, he immediately knew that Nalan Tianqing was framed by others, and planned to let the Star Luo Empire and the Heaven Dou Empire fight, and finally the people behind the scenes would take advantage of it.

After figuring out everything, he immediately stopped Nalan Tianqing, and then told him to be safe, don't act recklessly, just wait on the side of the Star Luo Empire.

As for this wedding, it was a female general of the Star Luo Empire who had fancyed Nalan Tianqing's lieutenant during the peace talks.

Then, the two can be regarded as congenial, the children in the army don't have so many things, nothing else, just get married!


In fact, Nalan Tianqing's army had no more food, and then sold the lieutenant, nicknamed "Adult Beauty".

So, this is the wedding scene now...

"Why do you hear so bloody?"

Hearing that, Su Xian's face was full of unthinkable, and inside he felt that there was a grass mud horse leisurely nibbling the grass.

Brother, this is the enemy's army. If this is married, who is the one who fights?

Aren't you afraid of being directly put on the hat of fornicating with the enemy country by the emperor?

Hmm~ With the character of your own old man, you will definitely be cold, so don't even think about hanging around in Heaven Dou City in the future!

"Will you be so kind?"

Xue'an frowned and asked, with cold eyes like arrows, braving the cold light, piercing straight towards Xu Lin.

"Haha... The old man is really sorry for what happened before, but this is a major event between the two countries. It is still clear which one is more important."

A hint of apology flashed across his face, Xu Lin replied.

Suddenly, thunderous horseshoes rang from behind.

Xu Lin raised his eyebrows toward Xue'an, looking through you, "Your men and horses have arrived, now you can relax and have a wedding drink, right?"


Xue'an snorted proudly, her eyes full of disdain, or she got off the horse.

Immediately, at the invitation of Xu Lin, the two old men left together leisurely.

Seeing Xue'an just "believe" Xu Lin, Su Xian ignored it.

Both are foxes for thousands of years, and no one will believe each other until the last step of the battle between the two armies.

Xue An would not believe in Nalan Tianqing with just a few words.

But this wine, the army has already arrived, and it doesn't hurt to drink it.

"what happened?"

When Nangongqiu and the others arrived, they saw Xue'an heading for the city, and saw the banquet under the city, and they were immediately stunned. Their inner feelings were the same as before.

"Explain to her."

Looking at Zhao Yuan, Su Xian then rode away with Qian Renxue, and Nangongqiu immediately looked at Zhao Yuan.

"General Nangong, it's like this..."


Su Xian was not very good at wars and intrigues, and he didn't bother to grind and chir with a group of big guys.

When you have time to count the stars with your little daughter-in-law, isn't it fragrant?

On a low hillside, two figures were here quietly, and the breeze at night was blowing in, making them very uncomfortable.

With long hair fluttering, the beautiful woman is all over the country, staying with the man next to him, their faces are full of kindness and smiles, like a couple of gods.

Noting that Qian Renxue's gaze was always looking at the wedding not far away, Su Xian's lips twitched slightly, "If we are envious, we can get married first, I don't mind."

"Of course you don't mind, I'm afraid the laughter will bloom in my heart."

Qian Renxue didn't have a good air, but she couldn't help but feel a little moved in her heart, but it was too early.

"I don't laugh, do I still cry?" Su Xian replied solemnly.

"I don't want to care about you."

Qian Renxue curled her lips and sat quietly with her knees in her arms, looking at the star Dou in the distance with her jewel-like eyes, as if she was smiling.

As time passed slowly, the moonlight became more rounded.

Under the white moonlight, a feminine figure danced gracefully, with long sleeves like a floating galaxy, like a fairy.

The figure is light and agile, like a butterfly, and it is light and light, erratic like a god, graceful and graceful, light Shuyun hand, the light in the eyes flows in a graceful and intoxicating.

(End of this chapter)

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