Douluo: I’m Really not Strong

Chapter 119: Don't fight, let's fight! 【two】

Chapter 119 Don't fight, let's fight! 【two】

The story of Nalan Tianqing ended in a funny way, but it was everyone's accident.

If Xu Lin were not here, Nalan Tianqing would definitely fight the army of the Star Luo Empire.

After all, compared with the status of a rebel, it is an honor for them to die for the country and shroud in horse leather.

From this perspective, the Heaven Dou Empire seemed to be grateful to Xu Lin for saving the 100,000 army.

However, countries have never been so friendly.

After the border friction Nalan Tian discussed peace, a new peace discussion theme began again.

Outside Cliff City, inside the United Chinese Army Camp.

The long seats are divided into two sides.

On one side, the negotiators of the Heaven Dou Empire, Xue An, Su Xian, Nangong Qiu...

On the other side, it was the negotiator of the Star Luo Empire, Xu Lin and others.

The serious scene made everyone smile. You could even hear the voice of Jin Ge and Iron Horse. A bloodless fight began from here.

"Old Man An, you wait for 250,000 troops to invade the territory of our Star Luo Empire. Shouldn't this matter be an explanation for the Star Luo Empire?"

Xu Lin blankly scanned the faces of Su Xian and the others, and even the voice was not salty or weak.

Nara's usual language seemed dull, but everyone present felt a biting cold light pierced into the heart.

This clash has officially started!


Xue'an couldn't help but sneered, "If I remember correctly, this Cliff City was my Heaven Dou Empire thirty years ago."

"Although it is stolen by you now, it will always be the territory of my Heaven Dou Empire. My army will come to cherish the memory of the homeland, so why don't you train your troops?

As soon as he said this, Su Xian finally understood where his shameless character came from.

Look at this art of speaking and travel by yourself, that is purely igniting the shameless gene in Xue Qinghe's bones!

In summary, um~

Actually, he was originally a kind person, but he was led astray.

The generals such as Nangong Qiufeng twitched their mouths, but no one dared to laugh, and did not even have any contempt for Xue'an.

They all understood that Xue'an was bargaining, otherwise the army would invade other countries without request, which would basically be a war.

However, both sides know that this war cannot be fought, so they want a peaceful solution.

From the perspective of the Star Luo Empire, Xu Lin certainly wouldn't let go of the opportunity to slaughter meat.

"His Royal Highness, anyway, now the two countries are ruled by a river, and Cliff City is the territory of our Star Luo Empire. Your country must give an explanation."

"Furthermore, your country's 100,000 troops, if it weren't for our country's proper handling, I'm afraid it would have been ruined under Cliff City at this moment."

"Such two, it is also the reason why the Star Luo Empire is in front of us. Why is His Royal Highness so rascal."

A slightly green voice sounded unhurriedly, and everyone looked at the young man sitting on Xu Lin's left hand.

Davis, the prince of the Star Luo Empire!

He was only eleven years old, but he was so calm and steady, and he was quite a general.

Then, everyone's eyes turned to Su Xian, especially the generals of the Heaven Dou Empire were full of expectations, and Xue An couldn't help but push him.

Prince vs. Prince, Grand Prince vs. Grand Prince, you have to set an example!

Su Xian:.......

mmp! I haven't finished eating the melons, but you continue!

Facing everyone's expectations, Su Xian knew that he could no longer hide.

A dazzling person like him can't hide his dazzling no matter where he is!

The door must be closed and poison Douluo!

"I think, since your country says that Cliff City is yours, and we think it's our country's territory, it's better for us to fight head-on."

"It's whoever wins in the end. The army, doesn't it always speak with fists?"

"Whoever has the big fist is the last word, right?"

The corner of his mouth was slightly picked, and Su Xian's overbearing voice swept the entire camp in an instant.

Everyone was dumbfounded at once, looking at the young voice in disbelief.


Didn't you see that it was negotiating? Didn't you want to fight at all? What do you mean by lifting the table? !

Xu Lin and Xue'an also looked at Su Xian dumbfounded, some of them couldn't believe that as the prince, he actually said this.

Once the fight is started, it is really a river of blood, **** it, have you considered this? !

If he knew what they were thinking, Su Xian would definitely refute it unceremoniously.

What to consider or not to consider, chirp is like a stick!

If you want to fight, you can fight, if you don’t fight, the thing he doesn’t accept is threats!

Others are afraid that Wuhun Palace will be cheap, he is not afraid, anyway, it will be the property of their husband and wife.

As for the blood flowing into a river, do you treat our Xiaobo as a decoration?

Nonsence! Teach your army every minute to be a man!

"Yes! Since there is no dispute, then just fight a fight, whoever wins depends on whom."

At this moment, Xue An also patted the table and stood up, his emotions were extremely agitated, his face was filled with a confident smile, domineering sideways.

With that self-confident and heroic appearance, Su Xian felt that "the light of the right way shines on the earth" bgm was missing at this moment, which is simply Xue'an's biggest shortcoming at this moment.


This grandfather and grandson... won't be sick at the same time? !

Seeing Su Xian and Xue'an, everyone couldn't help but flash through such thoughts.

Xu Lin was also stunned, as if seeing Xue'an like this for the first time, his eyes were so stunned that the world was turned upside down.


What a fart! When did the Heaven Dou Empire beat our Star Luo Empire? !

by! Did Liang Jingru give you courage today, or did you not wake up after drinking too much?

But if you eat a peanut before drinking, you won't become drunk like this!

"Old Man An, you are serious about what you are saying. Do you want to think it through?" Xu Lin's face was purple and he gritted his teeth to remind.

"of course!"

Xue'an nodded meticulously, without giving up, "Since there are endless disputes, it is better to decide whether you will win or lose in the first battle. We will talk slowly when the fight is over."

"Well, this is what you said!"

The mud bodhisattva still has three fires, and Xu Lin's temper has come up. He has lived for so long, and he hasn't been afraid of anyone.

Isn't it just hitting?

After a word, Xu Lin left directly with the Star Luo Empire men, his face was murderous, and his eyes seemed to have a long-lost excitement.

Later the old man will beat you down to see if you are still crazy!

Three minutes later, the cliff was down.

"Old man Xu, time is running out, can you fight or not?!"

Su Xian and Xue'an both stood downstairs and yelled, only to see the two of them holding a watermelon, and eating it was delicious.

"You guys are deceiving too much!!"

Holding on to the city wall, Xu Lin's face was as green as a green vegetable. He gritted his teeth and stared at Su Xian, wishing to kill them with his eyes.


What do you mean by letting Dugubo poison you? Can't afford to lose? !

mean! Shameless! Dirty!

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(End of this chapter)

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