Douluo: I’m Really not Strong

Chapter 121: Leave the army, a sweet journey! [Four for hidden emperor plus more]

Chapter 121 Leaving the army, a sweet journey! [Four for hidden emperor plus more]

"What! Are you leaving the army?"

Hearing that Su Xian was leaving the army and going out alone, Xue'an frowned deeply, and his first reaction was to refuse.

But seeing Su Xian's determined eyes, Xue An seemed to see his determination and asked in a deep voice, "Can you tell me what you are going to do?"

Su Xian came out with him, and he was still a grandfather, if something went wrong, he couldn't explain it when he went back!

Especially, Su Xian is still the eldest son, who is very likely to inherit the throne in the future.

"I plan to go to the Star Dou Great Forest to hunt down soul beasts. My soul power is now at level 40." Su Xian said "truthfully".

"Are you at level 40 soul power now?"

Hearing this, Xue'an's chin almost fell off, his eyes widened, unbelievable.

Although he could perceive that Su Xian was a soul sovereign, the specific soul power level was not clear.


I remember that ten days ago, you were only Level 37 Soul Venerable in the Arena of Souls, now you are Level 40? !

On average... Fuck!

One level in three days! !

I have a big grass, how do you feel that the efficiency of your cultivation base is as easy as drinking cold water? !

"Uh... it may have been more leisurely recently, with an open-minded mentality, so I will improve faster." Su Xian scratched his head and said embarrassedly.


God is so free to rise quickly, can you speak well? !


As her heart became firmer and firmer in her decision, Xue'an flatly refused, and continued with a serious expression:

"Although there are many soul beasts in the Star Dou Great Forest, the danger is also the greatest. There is a soul hunting forest near Heaven Dou City, so there is no need to take risks."

"After you go back, even if you want a ten thousand year soul beast, I can catch it for you, don't rush it for a while."


Seeing Xue'an so decisive, Su Xian couldn't wait to give himself a mouthful, say something about soul power, isn't this confining himself to confinement!

emmm... If I say to go out to play now, I wonder if I will be killed?

Seeing that Su Xian was still hesitating, Xue'an was also anxious in his heart, "You are only 14 years old and have level 40 spirit power. Even if this talent is not much worse than Haotian Douluo, it may not be impossible to become Title Dou in the future. Luo."

"If you need a spirit ring, I can send someone to **** you to the Soul Hunting Forest. You can definitely find a suitable one there. There is no need to go to the Star Dou Great Forest."

Speaking eloquently, Xue'an was really anxious, but he was very willing to accompany Su Xian to the Star Dou Great Forest to hunt the soul beasts, but the army really couldn't get out of it here.

Nangongqiu and the others are the soul emperors again. It's okay to go to the empire's soul hunting forest. The Star Dou Forest is too dangerous.

As for Dugu Bo, he was instigated by himself to harm the supplies of the Barak Kingdom's army. After all, Nalan Tianqing's affairs could not just let them go.

Otherwise, it would be a good choice to have Dugu Bo accompany him.


Seeing that Xue'an valued his future so much, Su Xian was also a little embarrassed. After all, he was on the hook and he was not very good.

"Second grandfather, don't worry, I will go to the periphery of the Star Dou Great Forest and hunt down a thousand-year soul beast..."


Su Xian's promised voice had not yet fallen, and Xue An refused again.

I saw that his face became severe, "If you insist on going to the Star Dou Great Forest, the big deal is when the army returns to Heaven Dou City, I will personally bring you over to hunt the soul beasts, so that's all right!"

Su Xian:.......

It can be a hammer! I just want to find a reason to leave the army! !

"Well, I just want to go out and travel, not to hunt soul beasts."

Su Xian shrugged and had no choice but to showdown!

" thought the old man would believe you this excuse."

"Tell you, you just stay in the army for me and don't go anywhere!"

With a sneer at the corner of his mouth, Xue'an's stern voice followed, and it seemed that he was ready to be a villain.

Seeing that Xue'an couldn't make sense, Su Xian didn't bother to continue to speak.

It's not that he doesn't have long feet, he's just coming here to be alone so as not to worry.

"Call General Nangong!"

Seeing Su Xian leaving in anger, for fear that he would sneak away, Xue'an called Nangong Qiu over.

"Go and look at Qinghe, remember not to move, don't let him leave the army alone." Xue'an said beyond doubt.



In the carriage, Su Xian and Qian Renxue were embarrassed when they saw Nangongqiu here like a light bulb.

"I said, our husband and wife are frolicking here, can't you avoid it?" Su Xian raised his eyebrows to remind him, his voice a little unhappy.

"The marshal's order made me look at you, and my sister also told me to take care of you. I'll be here, you can do whatever you want." Nangong Qiu replied meticulously.

Su Xian:.......

God is so casual!

If the two of us are making villains here, is it possible that you still plan to witness the miracle?

"I just said that I'm just going to travel. It won't be dangerous if I disguise myself."

Su Xian stayed patiently and explained it with ease. Seeing that Nangong Qiu just looked at him blankly and did not speak, Su Xian was completely convinced.

"I'm tired, I'm going to bed."

Without angrily throwing a word, Su Xian went directly to the bedroom behind the carriage, but before leaving, he gave Qian Renxue a look.

The two lived like glue and paint for so long, Qian Renxue suddenly understood, smiled at Nangong Qiu, and then walked into the bedroom.

After leaving a letter, Su Xian took Qian Renxue directly into the space of the Universe of the Sea, and then escaped from the army.

After half an hour.

A man and a woman walked happily on the grass. At a glance, there was only a small road leading into the distance.

The woman is wearing a palace dress, floating like an immortal, walking freely on the grass on tiptoes and turning, not caring that the white dress is soiled with grass juice, looking like a carefree elf. .

After walking around the man, the woman suddenly hugged the man.

"Where shall we go next?"

A pair of cut water pupils gleam smartly, the autumn water is full of water, and the smiling and beautiful faces are slightly excited and cheerful Xia Hong.

"Let’s go to the province of Fasno, it just borders on the Kingdom of Barak, we just walk southwest."

Su Xian also had a smile on his face, his eyes were clear, and he didn't seem to have any distracting thoughts, he just wanted to play with him.


Hearing that, Qian Renxue agreed without hesitation, and it didn't matter where she went, because she didn't go alone anyway.

Seeing the tenderness in Qian Renxue's eyes, Su Xian rubbed her cheek in an affectionate manner, and then hugged her with both hands, letting her step on her boots.


With a slight smile, Su Xian just hugged her like this, and the two moved slowly on the grass.

(End of this chapter)

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