Douluo: I’m Really not Strong

Chapter 122: One hundred thousand year soul beast, thief fragrance! 【】

Chapter 122 One hundred thousand year soul beast, thief incense! 【】

Happy time is always short, and Su Xian knew this before.

But he only now knows that the happy time of husband and wife is even shorter.

[Well~ There seems to be something wrong with this, but the meaning is the same. 】

Seeing the three figures in front of him, Su Xian drooped his face, and suddenly felt a little irresistible.

Crossing the Douluo Continent, there was the third tragic reminder, and this one touched him all.

First, be surrounded by Title Douluo, there are still three!

Second, he was playing with his unmarried wife and was hit by his mother-in-law!

The third and most important point...

He meows!

As enemies, they all know themselves, and even passers-by cannot act!

Knowing that she was strong, Qian Renxue was still protecting her. Seeing this scene, Su Xian was very moved.

Alas, there are not many beautiful daughters-in-law, beautiful daughter-in-law who is still devoted to you, it is really hard to find with a lantern!

"The Pope is not in Wuhun City, so why come here suddenly when he has time?"

A smile was forced from the corner of his mouth, and Su Xian couldn't help but feel sympathy when looking at the woman in front of him.

The tragic woman, the most tragic is her. Together with Qian Renxue and Hu Liena, it happened to join the three of Doudizhu.

More importantly, the three are so beautiful!

It's no wonder that countless people follow the five senses and yell at defeating the Seven Shrek Monsters and Wuhun Palace victory. This is not without reason!

But he himself is not a person who looks at his face like that, because he never knows what beauty is.

Therefore, he played against the Shrek Seven Monsters, which belonged to the correct choice of Sanguan!


Just hit it!

Hearing Su Xian's opening, Bibi Dong's cold gaze shifted from Qian Renxue to Su Xian.

Seeing Qian Renxue stretch out her arm to protect Su Xian, staring at herself threateningly, her small face revealing unswerving determination...

Bibi Dong seemed to have thought of something, his eyes became colder, and bloodshots spread faintly.

Su Xian:.......

That's it! She will not kill herself, will she?

Then, he became the first protagonist to be killed by his mother-in-law?

No, it looks like she can't beat me.

"Under the crown of the Pope!"

Noting that Bibi Dong's mood was a little wrong, the strange voice of Yueguan Yin and Yang rang, kindly reminded him.

Bibi Dong suddenly woke up, took a deep breath, and suppressed the sweet and bitter memories deep in his heart.

"His Royal Highness didn't go with the army to fight the rebellion, so how could he be here alone?"

With a faint smile at the corner of his mouth, Bibi Dong didn't answer the question, but the deep phoenix eyes flashed with cold light, as if he was thinking about how to treat Su Xian.

"The army has already returned to the court. I can just take the opportunity to come out to experience and experience the suffering of the people!" Su Xian said his own nonsense with a flushed face.

Qian Renxue in front of him also recovered, holding Su Xian's arms in both hands, and leaning slightly on his side. Her heart was anxious, as if she had chosen the direction to escape.

Noting Qian Renxue's small movements, the corners of Bibi Dong's mouth rose slightly, with a sneer on her face.

If she really wants to kill him, unless Qian Daoliu comes...

Otherwise... can you escape? !

"His Royal Highness is really interested."

Bibi Dong subconsciously admired it, and then didn't continue with extra words.

Looking at Qian Renxue, and then at Su Xian, Bibi Dong had mixed feelings in his heart, and it was difficult to choose.

Now she wanted to take revenge, and wanted to kill Su Xian immediately, so that Chihiro Chi's daughter could experience her pain!


She is still her daughter, even though she hates and hates her, and even wanted to kill her at the beginning, but she still can't change it. She was born in October.

Although she hated in her heart, she also knew that Qian Renxue was innocent.

Especially when she saw Qian Renxue's appearance at the moment, she seemed to think of her original self. She also loved so deeply, that she could give up everything for the other party...

After contemplating for a while, Bibi Dong finally let out a sigh of relief, the cold light in his eyes reduced a lot.

"I have something to do, so let's go first."

After that, Bibi Dong looked at the two Ghost Douluo, and immediately rose into the air and flew away.

Although I don't know why Bibi Dong didn't take advantage of no one to kill Su Xian, but since she chose this way, there must be her reason, and Ghost Douluo immediately followed and left without attacking Su Xian.


Seeing Bibi Dong leave, Su Xian was finally relieved.

It was a dangerous situation just now, and he almost had to pick three Title Douluos, and one of them was the mother-in-law.

If this is not serious enough to kill his mother-in-law, if he gets married and wants to go to the Wuhun Hall to pick him up, he will have to sneak away.

For Bibi Dong, Su Xian didn't hate him much, but more pity and sympathy.

It's a pity... he crossed too late, otherwise he could still save this sad woman, but then I can't see Qian Renxue, alas~

"I was scared to death just now." Qian Renxue exhaled a long breath, lingering fear in the center of her eyes.

Three titled Douluo, twin martial soul Bibi Dong, martial soul fusion skill ghost chrysanthemum...

If this is really fought, even if Su Xian has the armor and formation, the odds of winning are not great.

Although she was unhappy with Bibi Dong, she didn't want to see the two sides fight.

"Let's go to Fasno Province."

When Su Xian spoke, Qian Renxue nodded quickly, if Bibi Dong came back, it would be bad.

Putting the soul guide mask on her face, Qian Renxue also knew how to wear it, so as not to be recognized.

"what happened?"

Seeing Su Xian taking two steps, she suddenly stopped, and she almost stepped on him, Qian Renxue asked subconsciously.

Staring at the direction where Bibi Dong left for a moment, Su Xian was somewhat guessing in his heart.

That direction is exactly the direction of the Star Dou Great Forest!

Two Title Douluos are needed to accompany him. If he guessed right, he should be hunting the soul beast, and the target...Xiao Wu's mother? !

Hmm~ This is very possible!

So, do I need to stop by and kill Xiao Wu together, lest she come out to harm other men?

Hiss~ I am getting more and more cruel!

However, the braised rabbit meat is very fragrant, and the taste of the soul beast should not be bad, right?

After thinking about it, Su Xian still thinks it's over.

The number of one hundred thousand year spirit beasts is limited, and she is only level 40, Qian Renxue doesn't need the appearance of spirit rings, just taking the spirit bone is still a bit too wasteful.


How fragrant a hundred thousand year soul beast is, he doesn't need others to need it!

Damn it!

One hundred thousand year soul beast auction, thief incense!

"Xue'er, go, let's also go to the Star Dou Great Forest!"

After making up his mind, Su Xian directly released the spirit of martial arts and killed Qian Renxue towards the Star Dou Forest with a look of sorrow.


One hundred thousand year soul beasts, you have a share when you see it, don't swallow it alone! !

(End of this chapter)

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