Douluo: I’m Really not Strong

Chapter 160: I, Su Xian, want to be a king! 【One】

Chapter 160, I Su Xian, I want to be the king! 【One】

"You said you two, why can't you do it, Cengfan first place, do you have any qualities to be a prince?"

Seeing Xue Mingtong wanting to cry but not tears, Xue Wuji was smiling stupidly, Su Xian gritted his teeth, and immediately cursed directly.

"Especially you, Xue Wuji, you are not qualified as a prince, look at what bad things you did!"

"It's not that I said you, people have their heads on their necks, you are kicked by you as a ball, and your IQ is all over the place!"

The more I listened, the darker his face became, and Xue Wuji drooped his face, exuding an air of resentment all over, as if the baby didn't want to talk.

My Nima! This article has been turned over, okay, can you still mention the old things? !

After the conversation, Su Xian turned his head to look at Xue Mingtong again, still a little heartache in his heart.

This guy is a big trouble!

Xue Wuji did not have enough IQ, and was able to shut him down at home and prevent him from harming others.

Xue Mingtong is frustrated with the throne, what is this so?

Today I am going to ask for a kingship. You told me that I don't want to be the emperor, so tease me?


Isn't the little master's knife bad? Isn't Xiaoye's fist fierce?

"My third brother, isn't it okay to be an emperor? We are rich in all over the world, and enjoy the highest treatment in the world."

"You ask other people, which one doesn't want to be the emperor, that is, the eldest brother, I am kind and don't want to see brothers fratricide, so I gave you the throne."

"Hey~ Why don't you understand my good intentions, big brother?"

Holding his chest, Su Xian was so distressed that he almost squeezed out two tears from the onion.

As for Xue Mingtong, he was a little moved when he heard the previous few sentences, but when he heard the latter, he woke up suddenly.

Intuition tells him that there must be a pit inside! !

Don't understand your good intentions? ?

If someone else said this, he would believe it, but you...

Intimidation and temptation, black belly and brutality, despicable and shameless, everything is talking about you.

Give back your hard work?

Sorry, he didn't believe it!

"Brother, you are still honestly, why on earth do you not want to be emperor?"

Xue Mingtong mumbled and asked, he didn't believe that Su Xian would be so kind, but he didn't want brothers to kill each other.

After all, in the current situation, even if others are fighting for the throne, they are self-harming. No one would be so stupid.

"Of course to be the emperor..."

"Ahem... Forget it, don't talk about it."

Seeing Xueming staring at him shiningly, Su Xian suddenly woke up and changed his words quickly.

He will not speak out the pain of being an emperor like the other two protagonists, and finally make you all fear the throne one by one!

This baby, I will never let you return the throne, it is impossible to kill!

Seeing Su Xian wake up in the blink of an eye, Xue Mingtong's face was lost and bored. Originally, he thought he could put out something, but he didn't expect him to be so alert.

"Forget it, I'm tired of scolding too, today I came to ask my father to be crowned king, you all gave me a little bit of vision!"

Patting Xue Mingtong on the shoulder, Su Xian's expression was serious and meticulous.


Like thunder on the ground, Hong Zhong Dalü concussed in his mind, and Xue Mingtong and Xue Wuji were immediately confused.

Seal the king?

Damn it! You really don't want to be emperor!

"So, you guys will watch it later and tell me well..."

With that said, Su Xian ignored the dumbfounded two, and directly slammed into the main hall study.

"Third brother, I heard you right a moment ago, did your eldest brother mean Feng Wang?" Xue Mingtong asked incredulously, with surprise and surprise on his face.


Xue Wuji nodded subconsciously, then reacted, slapped it directly, and the crisp voice sounded painful.

"Fuck, why are you hitting me?!" Xue Mingtong roared.

"Ahem... let you know it's not a dream."

With that, Xue Wuji quickly followed.


Thank you so much! !


Inside the study in the main hall of the palace.

Xue Ye was dealing with the affairs of newspapers everywhere. Although he seemed to be very busy, he always had a smile on the corner of his mouth, as if he had eaten honey.

no way!

Their Heaven Dou Empire finally had a title Douluo sitting in town, and the opponent was so powerful that he was also comfortable as an emperor!

But soon, it is estimated that Emperor Xue Ye will not feel comfortable...

Yes, he is here!

"Qinghe, why are you coming to the palace, come quickly, and what's the matter with my father?"

Seeing Su Xian, Emperor Xue Ye immediately opened his eyes and smiled, waved his hand to let him come forward quickly, and didn't even care about his intrusion.

"Father, I came to want you to make me a king." Su Xian said sternly.

As soon as he said this, the smile on Emperor Xue Ye's face instantly solidified, and suddenly his evil spirit surged and his entire face was dyed black.

"Qinghe, do you know, what are you talking about?" Emperor Xue Ye held back his anger and gritted his teeth.

Once the king is entrusted, it will basically lose the possibility of 50% succession to the throne, which is tantamount to self-decision of wings!

"Father, I have already thought very clearly. Since I have already worshipped the teacher as my teacher, the teacher also said that my future achievements will definitely not be lower than Title Douluo."

"But if you want to be an emperor and deal with big and small affairs every day, how can you have time to practice!"

"One less emperor's heir to the empire, he won't lose anything, but one less Title Douluo has too much influence." Su Xian said earnestly.

Hearing this, Emperor Xueye was silent, he knew better than anyone that Su Xian was talking nonsense, but his last words deeply moved him.

Title Douluo is really too involved in the existence of the empire, especially after he became the emperor, this feeling became more and more clear.

"Qinghe, didn't you have your teacher? With his old man supporting the empire, you don't have to worry about it." The Great Xueye persuaded him.

With Su Xian's talents, abilities and methods, he was black-bellied and despicable. He was definitely a good seedling to be an emperor, and Emperor Xue Ye did not want to give up.

"Father, as the emperor, how can you think like this?!"

Hearing this, Su Xian felt even more heartache, and under Xue Ye's awkward gaze, he then shouted in a deep voice:

"The empire will always be the empire of the royal family. Other external forces are external forces. Ironing requires its own hard truth. How can you not understand the father?"

Emperor Xue Ye:.......

I have a sentence when my mom sells critics.

I, the emperor, don’t know about this, I don’t want to give up on you!

"Do you really want to make it clear?" Humu stared at Su Xian, and Emperor Xueye shouted coldly.

He had long known that Su Xian was not interested in the throne, and originally wanted to change his mind.

Later, Su Xian's deeds made him very satisfied, especially the appearance of Tai Shang, which gave him great hope.

But now, he has to reconsider this matter.

 Thank you [Hidden Emperor] Ten thousand rewards, plus more progress~



(End of this chapter)

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