Douluo: I’m Really not Strong

Chapter 161: Xueye helpless, Feng Xiaoyao King! 【two】

Chapter 161 Xueye helpless, Feng Xiaoyao King! 【two】


Looking at Emperor Xue Ye steadfastly, Su Xian nodded slowly.


Seeing this, the Great Emperor Xueye suddenly felt a little tired. His position was only obtained after a lot of hard work. He did not expect that one day his son would actually dislike it.

"I see, I will consider your request."

He waved his hand weakly, and Emperor Xue Ye wanted Su Xian to leave first before speaking. Then he covered his forehead with his hand, and his mood became very depressed.

"Father, if you can, remember to think about my fiefdom. I don't ask too much. It's best near Tiandou City." Su Xian reminded kindly.

The fief, this is what he is most concerned about at the moment.

The king is just for the fief, only in this way can he go to the fief and live his little life leisurely.

It's just a pity that the City of Entertainment has already been built, otherwise it could be built in its own fief, that would be great!

"It's alright, I will consider it."

Emperor Xueye waved his hand impatiently, wishing Su Xian to leave early, so as not to panic.

"Remember to hurry up, I can't wait too long. If it delays my cultivation, you will regret it, Emperor Father."

After taking two steps, Su Xian stopped again, seemingly worried about Xue Ye's credibility, and reminded again.

Emperor Xue Ye:.......


I just want to strangle you now! !

"Boom!" The Great Emperor Xue Ye roared with black glaze like ink.


Making a face nonchalantly, Su Xian left the study happily.

Originally, he thought it would be quite difficult, but he didn't expect, ah, that Emperor Xueye would be moved like this.

Throne, goodbye!

Fief, I am coming!

Wow, okay, okay~

"Brother, do you really want your father to be the king?"

Seeing Su Xian happily coming out, Xue Wuji and Xue Mingtong happily greeted them.

Suddenly there was great hope in the eyes of the two, as if they had seen their own future.

"Well, the father has already agreed to consider it, and you have to work hard."

As he said, Su Xian turned his eyes to Xue Mingtong, "Especially you, third brother, you have to come on, don't let everyone down."

"If you let your second brother take the throne, then you really can't support the wall with mud, worse than a pig."

Xue Wuji's face turned black: .......

My Nima!

You said yours, what did you call me for? !

Also, who is a pig? !


The corner of Xue Mingtong's mouth raised slightly, and he smiled and nodded. Yu Guang glanced at Xue Wuji, his eyes drifting with confidence.

At his level, it would be nice to be able to take care of yourself.

Still fighting for the throne?

Unless the father is blind, the throne will be passed to him!

However, why do you feel that the throne has become cheap?

Looking at the back of Su Xian's departure, Xue Mingtong really couldn't figure out what he thought. He didn't want to put a good throne, but instead wanted to become a prince.

Seeing Su Xian and Xue Mingtong both left, Xue Wuji gritted his teeth and then entered the hall study.

He can't be the emperor, and he should be a prince like the eldest brother, right?


It just happened to be able to leave Tiandou City, lest there be any more troubles, he still went to the fief to make trouble, no one cares about him anyway.

One minute later...


A figure flew upside down from the main hall, fell a dog gnawing shit, and then a roar sounded.

"Improper son of man!"

"From today, I have thought behind closed doors. Without my order, I can't take a half step out of the palace."

Xue Wuji:! ! ?

They are all princes, and they are all kings, why are they treated differently?

Ooooo~ I'm really too difficult!

Dragging her scarred body, Xue Wuji looked at the hall with a bitterly resentment, and left with a bruised nose and swollen face.


Two consecutive events broke the calm atmosphere of Heaven Dou City.

One hundred thousand year soul beast auction, the big prince asks for the king...

Especially the upper-class people, they know some inside stories, and they know they all have something to do with Su Xian.

For a time, Su Xian was pushed to the cusp of the storm and became a topic of nobility.

However, Su Xian didn't care about it at all.

Nangong Yunshan, Nangongling and others also came to meet Su Xian, especially Xue'an, but seeing Su Xian's attitude and determination, they were helpless.

The throne of the Heaven Dou Empire is indeed very noble, controlling the life and death of most people, but sometimes it can become a shackle, especially for the cultivation of soul masters.

After understanding Su Xian's "mind", they did not continue to persuade them.

The emperor is better or the title Douluo is better, it is not a good choice here.

But as far as the royal family is concerned, the emperor will never lack, but the title Douluo is lacking.

Seeing everyone's persuasion to no avail, Emperor Xueye finally issued an edict to make Su Xian the Xiaoyao King. The fief was in Mingya City near Tiandou City, which was regarded as an important place in Beijing.

As for the coronation ceremony, it was postponed because Su Xian was not yet an adult.

This time, Emperor Xueye didn't deliberately make things difficult for the king.

Perhaps it was because he knew that Su Xian would not compromise, and he was afraid that something might happen to him, so he followed Su Xian's wishes.

Or maybe it was for other reasons, who knows, the emperor's mind is always so elusive.

Su Xian didn't bother to think about it either. Right now, he was looking for something at home anxiously.


That's something with millions of gold coins. If you say you lose it, you lose it, and you don't even have a clue.

"What are you looking for?"

Seeing the mess in the room, Su Xian was jumping up and down in a hurry, Qian Renxue's expression was sullen but curious.

"I'm looking for a cell phone!"

Without looking back, Su Xian went on searching through the boxes and cabinets.

That's the most precious thing I got last time in a flash, I only used it once, can I just say that I lost it!

"Mobile phone? What is that?" Qian Renxue walked over and asked.

"The phone is..."

Su Xian couldn't help but blurted out, but suddenly stopped, not knowing how to explain it.

Mobile phones, communication technology products?

Then...Three thousand questions can be officially started. This is not a single sentence that can explain clearly.

"Don't ask, help me find a crystal doll, that stuff is old and expensive!"

Anxiously waved his hand, Su Xian searched again.

This gadget has a high level of technology, metal detectors and infrared rays can not be irradiated, and can only be found by the eyes.

"Are you looking for this thing?"

Qian Renxue twitched the corner of her mouth when she heard the four-character crystal doll, and then took it out of the storage ring.

After a slight glance, Su Xian's expression instantly solidified, and he blurted out subconsciously, "Why is this thing here with you?"

"Three days ago, Sister Yao'er quarreled you to sleep, and you smashed the door with it. I thought it was not a baby, so I put it away."

Qian Renxue slowly explained, looking at Su Xian with a look of helplessness, it was hard to keep such a precious thing.

Su Xian:.......

No wonder it was so smooth that day, I finally found the reason!

  ask for monthly pass



(End of this chapter)

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