Douluo: I’m Really not Strong

Chapter 178: Poison Doctor: My Xiuer actor! 【three】

Chapter 178 Poison Doctor: My Xiuer Actor! 【three】

"The third potion is called the potion of immortality. As the name implies, once taken, it can make people immortal!"


If the potion of potential is dynamite and the potion of strength is the flower of the missile, then the emergence of the potion of age is undoubtedly a hydrogen bomb that exploded in everyone's mind.

In an instant, the sky broke and the earth broke, and the tsunami was violent!

Even the Title Douluo in the VIP room stood up at the same moment, their eyes fixed on the same place, and the muscles of their arms trembled with excitement and horror.

Immortality! !

Is there really anyone in the world who can live forever? !

The hot eyes seemed to burn everything in front of him, Bibi Dong gritted his silver teeth and clenched his jade hands into fists.

Even Jian Douluo and Ning Fengzhi, both of which had excellent temperaments, were panting hard at the moment, unable to hold back their restless heart.

That's... immortality! !

At the level of their Title Douluo, the life span is only a few hundred years, even Qian Daoliu is only a thousand years old.

Immortality is impossible unless it is a god!


"How can a bottle of potion make people immortal, I don't believe it!" Su Han stood up excitedly, his eyes stained with blood red, and he roared frantically.

As a poison doctor, he naturally studies pharmacology, and has knowledge of the medicinal materials that exist in the mainland. There is absolutely no medicine that can live long, or why was it discovered today!

"Yes, we don't believe how there is an elixir in the world!"

"I suspect that you are deliberately deceiving people. There is no way to verify this at all. It doesn't matter what you say."

"If there is an anti-aging medicine, the mainland has existed for so many years, why has never heard of a person being immortal? I don't believe it if I kill the old man!"


Following the speech of the authoritative poison doctor, the scene suddenly exploded, and everyone stood up and angrily questioned the authenticity of the potion of eternal age.

Seeing the loud voices on the scene and the crowd's scolding appearances, Xue Bingning's expression was still unwavering.

In the afternoon, when she heard the eternal potion, was it not such a horror, and did she not know how everyone would react at this moment?


He brought the wheat up leisurely, and the sound of Xue Bing Ning came from all directions, and instantly overwhelmed the noise of everyone.

"Everyone, we can't use the treasure of the old age potion for experimentation. If you don't believe it, you can not participate in the auction. Please consider it yourself."

Looking at the people blankly, Xue Bingning was not at all angry at the people's unbelief, but some of them were sad.

These treasures are placed in front of you, but you still don't know how to cherish them, they are truly violent!

Su Xian had already told her that this thing was really effective and would give her some after the auction.

The effect can also be proved, but now it all depends on whether they believe it or not. If they believe it, even if he bids too low, he can take it away, it's fate!

"I don't know who will get this age-old potion." In the VIP room, Su Xian scanned the surrounding VIP rooms, his eyes also jokingly curious.

This thing, he still has a bucket here, even if the first bottle is lost, it's okay, anyway, the taste is similar to that of cool white.

As the first person to eat crabs, without giving him some benefits, how can the reputation and goodwill of the auction be brushed up?

Moreover, this age-old potion can be "only five bottles", but it will become more and more expensive in the future~

Seeing that the auction house actually chose not to confirm, everyone was dumbfounded.

Originally they wanted to witness the miracle and see if it was true, but they didn't expect to get such a result.

Damn it! I don’t know if the co-authors are true or not, and it depends on whether they believe it or not!

Faced with this situation, although everyone is eager for the potion, no one wants to auction it.

If it is fake, wouldn't it be a big loss!

"one million!"

A fierce roar blasted from behind, and everyone looked over.

"Senior Su, are you sure this is true?"

"Yes, if it's a fake, you can't be held accountable if you die."


Seeing Su Han's offer, everyone immediately persuaded them, as if they were thinking about Su Han, but in reality they were thinking of making some words.

"Ha ha... Even if it is false, the old man believes that there must be a reason for it, but it is only 1 million gold coins, so it is a gamble."

With red light shining in his eyes, Su Han looked like a gambler who was willing to go. Seeing everyone shook their heads, he hesitated in his heart, wondering whether he should participate in the auction.


In VIP room No. 6, seeing the old thing like Su Han, Dugu Bo's eyes were full of contempt.

You are the first to question, and you are the first to ask the price!

Are you really good at acting!

Dugu Bo doesn't even need to guess, he knows what the old man is thinking, isn't he just afraid that the price is too high and he can't afford it.

When Su Xian came to look for him, he was there, and the old man knew nothing about the three spirit bones and the attached spirit bone.

Coupled with the highly compelling items at today's auction, he knew it was true almost all of the time, and he deliberately stood up and questioned it, just to make everyone suspicious and not dare to bid, so he could take advantage of it.

However, this time it will not be as you wished!

"five million!"

Without a second word, Dugu Bo directly raised the price to five million, and the dazzling red light was shining above the VIP room.


Su Han was dumbfounded when he saw someone bidding unexpectedly. He didn't show any flaws just now.


Take five million out to gamble, you are so stupid!

"Six million!"

"Even if this thing only has a little effect, the old man has to research it out!" Su Han gritted his teeth and said righteously.

"Seven million!"

Dugu Bo didn't intend to give in, and he was very enthusiastic about this potion of immortality.

After breaking through to Title Douluo, he discovered that it was getting harder and harder to improve his cultivation level, and he couldn't even improve to one level in a few years, especially those like Ju Douluo.

Obviously, Title Douluo's cultivation takes time to accumulate, even Title Douluo is only a hundred years in a hurry.

If he can live forever, even if he is a pig, he can become a **** at a hundred levels!

And he, Wuhun is the Jade Snake Emperor!

"Fuck, are you **** with Lao Tzu?"

Seeing that VIP room No. 6 was actually making an offer, Su Han was anxious, and greeted his family and friends inwardly, and then gritted his teeth and said again:

"Eight million!"

With the emergence of eight million, the atmosphere seemed to stop suddenly.

Everyone stared at VIP Room No. 6, but to their disappointment, Dugu Bo didn't seem to want to continue to bid.


Suddenly, two dazzling red lights lit up one after another, and everyone was startled.

"Okay, VIP room three bid 10 million!"

"The VIP room No. 2 then bid higher, and now the price has reached 15 million, is there anyone else willing to bid?!"

Seeing the start of the real competition, Xue Bingning also became excited, her face flushed like an apple.

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(End of this chapter)

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