Douluo: I’m Really not Strong

Chapter 179: What external soul bone do you want! 【four】

Chapter 179, what external soul bone is needed! 【four】


In VIP room No. 4, Ning Fengzhi seemed to think of something and suddenly laughed.

"Fengzhi, what are you?" Jian Douluo frowned and asked.

"If I guessed correctly, that old guy Su Han should be acting on purpose."

"He should know that this eternal potion is real."

Ning Fengzhi replied decisively, a sharp light flashed in his eyes, as if he had seen everything.

"What?!" Jian Douluo exclaimed incredulously.

"Uncle Jian, do you remember that Dugu Bo asked us to borrow money?"

Ning Fengzhi smiled at the corner of his mouth. After a reminder, he continued:

"Dugu Bo borrowed money that day. It happened that Su Han and His Highness were there. After that, Dugu Bo went to the border with the army and heard that he robbed 35 cities in the kingdom of Barak!"

Speaking of this, Ning Fengzhi couldn't help laughing, "A Title Douluo is so short of money, what exactly does he need money for!"

With the sound of thunder, the smile on Ning Fengzhi's face instantly reduced, replaced by a wave of decisive confidence.

"You mean, they already knew about the auction?" Jian Douluo asked in surprise.

Hearing this, Ning Feng laughed without saying a word. When he was about to press the price, he suddenly stopped, and the smile on his face solidified.


He seems to have only 90 million left, and there are auction items in the back. What if the medicinal materials cannot be auctioned?

But this potion of immortality, he really didn't want to give up, after all, being able to live forever meant that he could live!


If I knew I wouldn't auction any power potions, I was blinded by 60 million gold coins!

"Twenty million!"

Just as Ning Fengzhi regretted, suddenly he stretched out his hands and pressed 2000 directly.

Ning Fengzhi:.......

"Uncle Jian, what are you?" Ning Fengzhi stared at Jian Douluo.

"What to look at, the old man participates in the auction by himself and doesn't need your money." Jian Douluo said proudly.

Ning Fengzhi:.......

"So, when you went out just now, did you apply for a bank card?"

Ning Fengzhi suddenly felt that a thousand horses of grass and mud were rushing past.

My Nima!

Co-author Uncle Jian, you are so rich, why didn't he see it before? !

I also offer one million gold coins a month...

Fuck, you guys are richer than me now!

"Ahem...There is also Old Bones' money here. He can't come this time, so he asked me to watch and bid some things to go back." Jian Douluo's face turned red and quickly explained.

"Ahem...Uncle Jian, how many gold coins do you have?" Ning Fengzhi raised his eyebrows and asked flatly.

"The two of me together, it's only forty million. I originally wanted to auction some good things back, but I didn't expect them to be so expensive."

With that, Sword Douluo also sighed weakly, feeling deeply helpless about the bid price of the auction.

The first is the air battleship, which cost 40 million.

Secondly, the potion of potential suitable for young people was shot for 3 million.

Third, Ning Fengzhi bid 60 million yuan for a titled Douluo-level power potion.

With these 40 million, they really can't take any good things to go back!

"Ahem...Uncle Jian, I think we'd better put the money together, and see if we can auction this potion."

Ning Fengzhi discussed with him amicably, deeply regretting in his heart.

Knowing that there are so many good things at the auction, he should have brought all the gold coins of the Qibao Glazed Tile School over!

Now, with only 150 million gold coins, there are 90 million left, who knows what else is behind!


Hearing this, Sword Douluo thought about it slightly, and then agreed.

If this potion is really able to live forever, it will be less effective if it is divided into several parts, but it will not hurt.

Seeing that the price began to soar in the blink of an eye, the three VIP rooms of No. 234 were competing, everyone was dumbfounded again.

Nima! Isn’t it true that it’s true? Your hands hurt when you have too much money, right?

Seeing that VIP room No. 4 had also been added in, the bidding emperor Xue Ye and Bibi Dong were also stunned. Unexpectedly, the former brought so many gold coins.

"thirty million!"

With a shiver in his heart, Bibi Dong did not hesitate at all, and directly increased the price by 10 million again.

In VIP room No. 3, Emperor Xue Ye has completely lost his temper. He seems to understand why Su Xian does not want to be emperor now.

In a word, what a shame!

Comparing power, not better than others, not better than money, and also not better than others!

Nonsence! What a bird emperor I am!

"Forty million!"

The numbers jumped again, adding another ten million.

Everyone was finally reduced to a melon-eating crowd, their eyes swaying between the bid amounts at the top of the two VIP rooms, like clocks.

Knowing that the other party wouldn't give up easily, Ning Fengzhi didn't bother to raise the price little by little, so he just paid 10 million directly, and it was up to who could not stand it first.

"Fifty million!"

In VIP Room No. 2, Bibi Dong didn't mean to give up at all.

Although her goal is to become a god, and then to have longevity, even if she doesn't need this potion, it is an opportunity.

The right of Wuhun Palace is not yet in her hands. She needs this, to compete with Qian Daoliu for the Elder Palace, to split the right that belongs to him.

"Sixty million!"

Ning Fengzhi thought for a while and increased the price again, then looked at Jian Douluo a little embarrassedly, "Uncle Jian, if the other party increases the price again, I can't do anything."

Adding Bibi Dong, he might get a price of 80 million yuan.

Even though the auction was successful, he still had only 50 million left.

And the fairy grass has not yet begun to be auctioned, this is only the fourth auction item, who knows what other treasures are behind!

"No problem, I..."

Sword Douluo also understood Ning Fengzhi's difficulties. Before he could finish speaking, the price jumped again, reaching 70 million.

The bid is still VIP Room No. 2, Bibi Dong!


Sword Douluo shook his head, he completely gave up.

In VIP room No. 4, Poison Douluo was very entangled, not knowing whether he should bid or not.

That's right, he suddenly felt that the external spirit bone was not fragrant anymore.

This aging potion is not much more useful than external spirit bones!

Why do you want to attach a spirit bone to protect the happiness of the whole family? !

"80 million!" After gritting his teeth, Poison Douluo suddenly had plans.


Seeing the auction in VIP room No. 6, I didn't expect a dark horse to appear at this time, and everyone suddenly felt that the melon in their hands was more fragrant.

"That guy Dugubo, don't buy external spirit bones?"

Su Xian was also stunned, he didn't expect that the attractiveness of this potion of immortality was so great that he directly chose to give up the external spirit bone.

However, after thinking about it, Su Xian could also understand that this spirit bone attached to it, it seems that there is no such thing as an eternal potion.

Title Douluo, because he is too strong, I am afraid it is nothing more than a dead word!

The previous chapter 33 or so wrote that the price of the external soul bone was wrong. There will be no one hundred million billion gold coins, more than tens of millions, because it can’t compare to a hundred thousand year soul beast [100 million gold coins]. Since it cannot be modified, sorry~



(End of this chapter)

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