Douluo: I’m Really not Strong

Chapter 200: Fraud gang commits crimes! 【two】

Chapter 200 Scams commit crimes! 【two】

Seven Treasure Glazed Tile School.

"what is this?"

Ning Fengzhi and the three of them looked at the base station tower that was erected, and their minds were dizzy. They didn't know what Su Xian was doing with them.

However, it should be something that was made by too much, so I think it should have some deep meaning.

Curiously, Ning Fengzhi followed the instructions written by Su Xian himself, and started to operate, and also entered the group chat.

Xiaoyao City.

Seeing Ning Fengzhi joined the group chat, Xue Mingtong and others suddenly became active.

"Third brother, do you understand?"

Xue Mingtong raised his eyebrows at Xue Wuji on the sofa, with a harmless smile on his face.

Compared with an ok gesture, Xue Wuji immediately began to type.

After a week of training, this guy typing faster than anyone else, and grabbing red envelopes faster than anyone...

All in all, everything is fast~

"Sect Master Ning is welcome to join the group chat. This group is specially built by the Taishang predecessors. The purpose is to give everyone a chance to communicate. Newcomers are also invited to join the group and consciously send red envelopes @宁风致"

In less than five seconds, a paragraph of text has appeared in the group chat, and there are instructions for sending red envelopes below.

Similarly, Ning Fengzhi also received this news.

Seeing that it was a group chat set up by Taishang, Ning Fengzhi was slightly upright. This is a senior, so I have to be cautious!

Red envelopes~

Ning Fengzhi looked at the instructions, and it seemed that all he had to do was to bind the bank card, and then began to operate.

His bank card returned 40 million, and there was still 30 million in it for emergency, but he didn't care about it.

"Haha... Sect Master Ning is here too, welcome. I just sent a red envelope of 500,000 gold coins to get how to send a text message. Sorry for being late."

When Ning Fengzhi bound his bank card, he saw one of the members of the group [Emperor One Emperor] sent a text cue himself, and Ning Fengzhi's expression moved slightly.

"Emperor Xue Ye?"

Ning Fengzhi had a vague guess, but when he saw that he could get specific instructions by sending a red envelope, he didn't doubt it, just because he didn't know how to send a message.

As for giving red envelopes, this is also one of the traditions of entering the group, right? Xue Ye has sent out half a million, then himself?

It’s not going to work if you don’t have it. After all, people who are too arrogant are still watching. The snowy night is 500,000 yuan, and the profit from the auction is so big, and... the potion of age...

After thinking about it, Ning Fengzhi sent out an 800,000 red envelope to see how he reacted. If it wasn't enough, just add some more.

"Daddy is very proficient in this business~"

Seeing that Emperor Xueye casually pulled half a million, Su Xian was also dumbfounded in the bedroom, admiring him inwardly.

Saying fifty thousand into five hundred thousand, you are cruel enough, you are trying to kill Ning Feng!

Hmm~ I don’t know if Ning Fengzhi will read the chat history, otherwise...

Hiss~ Daddy, wait for three seconds in silence for you~

"How much do you think Ning Fengzhi will send out?"

Stroking Qian Renxue's back, watching Qian Renxue's eyes staring at the phone shining brightly, Su Xian rubbed her forehead with a smile, and said with a smile.

"It's definitely not less than half a million." Qian Renxue lay comfortably beside Su Xian, with her head resting on Su Xian's shoulders, her eyes full of excitement and anticipation.

Seeing Qian Renxue like this, Su Xian couldn't help but couldn't help but swim with his palms.

"Don't make trouble, itchy~"

"It's okay, I'll scratch it for you again."


Downstairs, when he saw Xue Ye talking about half a million, the two brothers Xue Wuji were immediately confused, and immediately recovered.

Sure enough, people who have been pitted learn very fast!

There is no need to discuss this cooperation, just come!

"The emperor father is the emperor father, and the shot is only half a million, which is really domineering!"

"Father is the lord of a country, rich in the world, so naturally rich."


A fierce flattery began, Xue Wuji and Xue Mingtong seemed to have deliberately ignored Ning Fengzhi, just basking him like this, just waiting for him to jump into the bowl obediently.

Unbalanced mind? Feeling badly treated?

Sorry, Xue Ye sent a big red envelope, you must enjoy the svip treatment!

You can do it, you too!

Seeing that Xue Ye had a heated discussion with them, and had already started discussing "video", "photograph" and other words he had never heard before, Ning Fengzhi couldn't help feeling out of touch.

The mobile phone is a good thing in the future, after all, it can deepen the connection, and you can know it immediately when there is a stir.

Therefore, it is better for him to become proficient as soon as possible!

When Ma Liu opened a red envelope, Ning Fengzhi sent 800,000 directly.

Damn it!

In an instant, the group chat exploded directly, and even Xueye couldn't help but explode with foul language.


What a rich man!

Seeing that he had grabbed 150,000 and made 100,000 gold coins at once, Emperor Xue Ye was immediately excited.


As if an electric current rushed into the whole body, the excitement was even more comfortable than that of being an emperor.

"Sect Master Ning is really a local tyrant, I am completely convinced!"-[An Emperor Through the Ages]

"For such a big red envelope, only Sect Master Ning can have such financial resources, let alone, "Xue Wuji Code Characters Encyclopedia" is here!"-[Always convince people with reason]

Later, the white document was sent out, including the usage of Pinyin, Wubi typing, handwriting input, etc.

Even at the back, there is a pinyin list, which is really all available.

"These two hand-speed crazy demons."

Seeing Xue Ye and Xue Wuji so fast, Xue Mingtong's mouth twitched.

"The admiration of the younger generation to the predecessors is like a surging river that is endless, and like a Canghe overflowing out of control."-[Please call me smart]

Later, he also published a "Basic Operation Manual for QQ", which he wrote after studying for a few days.

The purpose...cough cough...inconvenience to say more.

Anyway, he just knocked a lot of sticks, professionally fooled Xiaobai for a minute, and made tens of thousands!


It was Xue Wuji's kind of brain damage, so he wrote the codeword manual and took a look at our brains~

Seeing that Emperor Xue Ye started to flatter himself, Ning Fengzhi's face turned red, and his heart could not help but flutter.

"Fengzhi, what the **** is this?"

Seeing that Ning Fengzhi was a little triumphant, as if he had encountered some great surprise, Bone Douluo couldn't help but ask.

Ning Fengzhi returned to his senses slightly, looked up at Gu Rong, and explained with a smile:

"This stuff seems to be a chatting thing. There is a group chat inside. You can talk to Emperor Xueye and the others here. I heard that Senior Supreme is also in the group."

group chat?

They don't understand this new term very much, but the Taishang is actually there, and it must be a good thing to think about it!

"Cough cough... Fengzhi, why don't you give it a try, just because I haven't seen a senior too, and I haven't been grateful for the soul bone thing yet." Bone Douluo said, the Sword Douluo beside him was also very interested.

Do you guys play?

What a joke, he sent out all the red packets, and he hasn't left to figure out how it is possible to hand it over.

"Ahem... I'll be grateful for you, because I also learn how to use it."

Ning Fengzhi slightly retracted his hand, and this learning is until the phone runs out of power...

(End of this chapter)

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