Douluo: I’m Really not Strong

Chapter 201: Hot group chat, Yang Mou! 【three】

Chapter 201 Hot group chat, Yang Mou! 【three】

That's right, Su Xian didn't provide power to Emperor Xueye and the others, and he didn't even have a charger or power bank.

As a result, the mobile phone is out of power, and they don’t have to play, especially when some people are playing happily...

Jie Jie... There is no battery when playing games and watching small videos. I think everyone knows what kind of experience this is.

That's right, Su Xian is trying to choke their best experience, or how can mobile phones make them rush to open the market from the upper level?

These fifteen mobile phones were given away for free, but other phones were not given away for free!

A mobile phone can be bought for thousands of dollars for later generations and sold for thousands of gold coins.

Hiss~ I seem to have become a wicked capitalist, it is a sin!

Well, when mobile payments become popular, you should start banks and issue paper money to destroy the current currency.

At that time, who has the final say in the Star Luo Empire depends on how he feels.

Economic sanctions, network blockades, power cuts, the Internet slander their royal family...

Then, I went to find the child to be the emperor, I believe the people will cheer for joy.

"Unexpectedly, I actually became so bad!"

Su Xian couldn't help but shook his head, only feeling that his holy body had been polluted, and he urgently needed the comfort of an angel to recover.


Su Xian was stunned when he heard someone add his friends.

"Three?" Su Xian raised his brow slightly.

Xue'an, Xueye, and Xueyou, if they didn't know the real situation, they thought they were a family!

Even if Xueye was left, he was in the group.

As for Xue'an, let's add it. As for Xueyou, there is nothing to say, let's add it together and make a friend.


I have a saying that Mom doesn’t know if it’s inappropriate to say it!

Express delivery from Baihe, Tiandou City has Xueye, Xue'an, Nangong Yunshan, Xueyou, and Dugu Bo.

These family fights were received almost simultaneously, and when Ning Fengzhi joined the group, they were already in the group.

However, they are all studying the instructions written by Xue Wuji, so they don't pay much attention to group news.

When I recover...

Tiandou City Shuijia, a young man in a blue skirt lying on his big bed, was playing with his mobile phone enthusiastically.

Shui Bing'er's eyes lit up when she saw the red envelope, but then she bit her pink lips and her face became a little aggrieved.

"With so many gold coins, the Seven Treasure Glazed Glass Sect is indeed rich, but unfortunately the Lun family didn't get it."

Slightly counted, the minimum amount actually started at 100,000, and Shui Bing'er felt even more wrong.

One hundred thousand gold coins!

Her one month's pocket money is only 1,000 gold coins, which is equivalent to her pocket money for ten years!

Thinking of this, Shui Binger's nose was sour and red, and tears rolled in his eyes.

"Hey, hey~ Guiqiu alone sends a red envelope to the little girl, thank you so much!"

With a bulging face, even if the steady Shui Bing'er was hit by a huge sum of 100,000, his character was gone, and only grievances were left.

Nangong home.

Nangong Yunshan looked at the news above and couldn't help but shook his head. Fortunately, the old man was wise and failed the tricky tricks of these two thieves.

Otherwise, the tragic experience of Ning Fengzhi, who was late to join the group, was his fate!

A set of combo boxing was taken away directly. Even if I was beaten, I didn't even know I was pitted. I still brag about how good the auction item is.

"This should be the girl from the Shui family, right?"

Seeing the crying expression of the girl named [Xueyou], Nangong Yunshan thought for a while and immediately locked the target on Shui Bing'er.

The Shui family and Nangongqiu have business contacts, of course, most of them rely on the Nangong family to make money.

Xueyou Nangong Yunshan still knows it. This is not like her tone. When she went to the auction, she took a baby girl, but she hated her.

Recalling the appearance of Shui Bing'er, Nangong Yunshan couldn't help thinking of Nangongling, who was equally gentle and dignified.


Thinking that he was a grandfather, Nangong Yunshan issued a ten thousand gold coin.

Hmm~ He is definitely not a "girly heart" flooding, just a little bit of heart.

"Thank you Grandpa Nangong!"

Seeing that there were ten thousand gold coins inside, Shui Binger was covering her mouth, full of surprise.

Immediately, she also immediately responded to Nangong Yunshan and added friends.

In the group, a sour smell spread, and the crusade began.

"Grandpa, we need an explanation!" — [Always convince people with reason]

"Yes, is the queen mother your own?"——【Please call me smart】

"Father-in-law, I also want to know about this, why don't you give red envelopes to our family?"——【Eternal Emperor】

"Grandpa, if I don't speak, I will watch silently~"——【Xiaoyao Princess】

"Senior Nangong can't favor one and the other."-[Ning]

"Old Yunshan, your bad old man is giving a red envelope to other girls. It is definitely a bad intention. If you don't send a million gold coins, you can see what bad news will come out from Tiandou City tomorrow."——【Lonely Cold]

"Support Dugu Senior!"

"Support upstairs!"


Nangong Yunshan:.......


What kind of thing is this? I just send out a red envelope. As for such verbal criticism?


Believe it or not, I quit the group? !


The charm of group chat, the privacy of your mobile phone, when you touch it, it already releases your character.

The release of this potential personality and the amplification of the original personality are the same whether it is a child or an adult.

Even the most sensible people will become children on the Internet.

The coordination of "personal self" and "main self", the integration of "virtual personality" and "reality", this is the complete person.

【Professional network media, academic terminology, don’t study it~】

It is also a very interesting thing to let others see who you are differently. Just take care of yourself and you will feel better.

Su Xian chatted with everyone in the group, and then changed to the group leader's large size, with the title of "Tai Shang" on his head, and started a new round of cutting leek.

Time passed, and in the evening, someone finally started asking key questions.

"Everyone, why did the mobile phone display low battery just now? What does this mean?"-[Ning]

Qibao Liulizong, Ning Fengzhi was watching a TV series [The Daily Life of the Richest Man], and suddenly this popped up, almost shocking him.

"Insufficient battery? Did Sect Master Ning not read the instructions on the phone?" —【Lovely Binger】

"Yes, it means that it has written on it. I still have 50% of the battery (beautiful)."

"Fuck! Guiqiu how to recharge!"——【Eternal Emperor】

"How do you charge your phone? @静的美男"——【Lonely Cold】


Following Ning Fengzhi's words, the group suddenly exploded, and they finally realized that such a fun thing also needs to be charged.

However, what are the plugs and connectors in this manual?

 Thank you [Hidden Emperor] [Xiaobai] for the reward!



(End of this chapter)

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