Douluo: I’m Really not Strong

Chapter 207: Lick to the end, everything you need! 【One】

Chapter 207 is licked to the end, it has everything! 【One】

For mobile phone sales, Su Xian plans to divide this business into four.

Qibao Liulizong, Imperial Family, Wuhundian, and Shangyun Liantian each get a copy, which is sold at an ex-factory price of 2000 gold coins, and the net profit is divided into 50%.

In this way, he only needs to unblock network base stations and circuits everywhere, and even these things can be delivered.

As for Nangong Yunshan, Xue'an and others, each gave a hundred mobile phones. As for how they deal with it, this is their own business.

In the early morning of the next day, except for the farthest Shangyun, who could not reach the sky, everyone else came to Xiaoyao City.

Su Xian is also going to find a time, everyone has a meeting, tells them their thoughts, and negotiates about the mobile phone by the way.

Sales of mobile phones alone cannot have a huge appeal to them, after all, most of the money is already in their hands.

Their purpose here is more for a newly born secret, namely mobile phone technology.

The lack of in-depth knowledge of the coming era, even beyond their control, is unacceptable.

Regarding this, Su Xian did not hide any personal information, and planned to share the technology in the mobile phone with them, and also let people teach them various knowledge about mobile phones.

With the advent of the new era, he cannot do it all by himself. Even though the internal programming of mobile phones and other technologies have been penetrated, he is still the king of technology in this world!

Cutting-edge scientific and technological talents are always sleeping in his system, no matter how they learn, they are just a fur.

They think they are in control of the online world, but in fact they are controlled by the young master.

Hey~ Decentralization is actually for a better collection of power!

Keke...too much talk.

Bibi Dong, Xue Xueye, and Ning Fengzhi gathered together. In order not to cause conflict, Su Xian arranged them in different villas.

Xueye, the arrogant old man, must be villa number two!

Ning Fengzhi has never cared about this, villa three!

Bibi Dong, with emotion and reason, is of course Villa One!


do you have any opinion?

The teacher asked the senior sister to stare at me for cultivation. If you have the ability, you can go hard in front of Tai Shang! !

Just as it should be, Bibi Dong moved into Villa No. 1, and then Xue Wuji and Xue Mingtong moved to Villa No. 2, to receive the education of the love of Emperor Xue Ye.

"Junior brother, tell me, how do you arrange mobile phone work?"

Seeing Su Xian bringing Qian Renxue to his bedroom, Bibi Dong raised his brows slightly and spoke blankly.

"I'll talk about these things later, don't worry!"

Hearing this, Su Xianman waved his hand indifferently, then took out a food box from the storage ring, faintly steaming.

"This is Xueer's meal, do you like it?"

With a gentle smile on his face, Su Xian brought out the dishes.

They are all simple dishes, such as Sai Crab. They are not too difficult, but they are all made by Qian Renxue.

Qian Renxue did it?

Looking at these dishes, Bibi Dong's body stiffened suddenly, staring blankly for a while, then raised his head, "Why, there is something to ask Senior Sister me so soon?"

With a narrow smile on her face, Bibi Dong seemed to have no flaws at all. If Su Xian didn't know the identity of Qian Renxue, she really didn't know that she was trying to pretend to be confused.

"Well, there is something I want to ask Senior Sister."

Su Xian nodded, his name remained unchanged, as if it wasn't for a showdown today, it was just to talk about fellowship.

"Tell me, what's the matter?"

Glancing at the chopsticks, Bibi Dong's eyes moved a little, but he held it back, and asked absently.

"That's the case, the teacher has traveled in all walks of life for many years. If he fails to catch up with the wedding between me and Cher, can the senior sister replace the teacher?"

Su Xian looked at Bibi Dong with a smile on his face. If he had to use words to describe it, he should look like a species called Licking Dog at the moment.


Hearing this, Bibi Dong was shocked in his heart, his eyes widened, and he looked at Su Xian and Qian Renxue incredulously.

The surprised eyes were full of shock, but there was no light of joy. It seemed that something sad had been thought of again.

"Did you tell the teacher about this?" Bibi Dong asked coldly, biting his red lips.

"The teacher said that he went to other worlds and couldn't come back in a short time. Just as I said, he will wait for him to come back and make a glass of drink." Su Xian quickly replied.

"The other world?"

Bibi Dong's pupils shrank sharply, thinking about it, and then feeling reasonable. Taishang is always so fascinating.

However, this wedding... the teacher really agrees?

Looking up at Qian Renxue and Su Xian, Bibi Dong had mixed feelings.

Chihiro Ji, why is your daughter able to marry the one she likes, but I want to die alone? !

In an instant, a cold look flashed in Bibi Dong's eyes, and there was an impulse in his heart, wanting to take revenge on the two.

But in the end, she still didn't have a seizure, but took a deep breath, as if nothing had happened, she even squeezed a little smile from the corner of her mouth, and replied:

"If Master does not come back, as a senior sister, I will naturally go to your wedding, so don't worry."

Seeing Bibi Dong's promise, Su Xian suddenly stopped. He didn't know how to continue. The other party was really dripping.

As for Qian Renxue, she looked at Bibi Dong in amazement. She thought she would never agree, and she was even ready to fall out with Bibi Dong.

Unexpectedly, the other party just agreed. Did he consider his own daughter, or simply think it was the responsibility of the senior sister?


Seeing Bibi Dong's joy and anger at the moment, Su Xian sighed inwardly.

It seems that the showdown will have to wait a while, and he can't grasp Bibi Dong's emotions now.

Alas~ why do women suffer for women!

The showdown is simple, but he must control the results within a reasonable range, lest things get worse next.

That being the case, you can only rely on "hard licking" and be the king of dog licking once!

As the so-called licking dog, especially Su Xian brand licking dog, it has everything in the end, isn't it fragrant?

Qian Renxue gave Qian Renxue a wink and told her to stand still, Su Xian licked his face and smiled:

"Senior Sister, you should try Xueer's dishes if they are delicious."

With that said, Su Xian picked up the chopsticks and put some into the bowl for Bibi Dong...

Do not! How can this be the end!

Immediately, Su Xian picked up the bowl again and handed it to Bibi Dong.

"The dishes are a bit hot, sister, be careful."

Originally he wanted to feed two mouthfuls, but considering that he would sleep on the floor or the bed at night, Su Xian felt that he had better stop doing it.

Seeing Su Xian's great courtesy, Bibi Dong frowned slightly, and he didn't understand what he was doing.

Isn't it just agreeing to attend for Tai Shang, as for being so excited?

But soon, Bibi Dong focused on the dishes. After hesitating for a while, he picked up a piece and put it in his mouth tastingly.

"Well, it tastes good, I'm interested."

(End of this chapter)

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