Douluo: I’m Really not Strong

Chapter 208: Willing to die for her? 【two】

Chapter 208 Are willing to die for her? 【two】


She said... it tastes good! ! !

Hearing this, Qian Renxue's heart was overwhelmed. No matter how strong and hostile she was, Qiong's nose was also red and her throat choked.

This may be the first time she praised herself in more than ten years!

The first step to lick the dog, perfect!

Ma Liu came to the back of his mother-in-law Bibi Dong like a dogleg. Su Xian massaged her shoulders with both hands, and smiled: "Of course, this is Xue Er deliberately learned this for a few days, I know that Sister Sister you like to eat.

When it was over, Su Xian gave Qian Renxue a wink. The latter bit her pink lip and hesitated, and finally stepped forward to serve Bibi Dong a bowl of rice.

Looking at the rice in the air, Bibi Dong seemed to understand, and smiled bitterly in his mouth, but did not take it.

Turning to look at Su Xian, Bibi Dong smiled sadly, "Did the teacher tell you, or did she tell you?"

Suddenly, a cold killing intent swept through his body, and Su Xian's arm was also stiff, and he couldn't help feeling frightened in his heart.

Without the protection of the mecha, he really had a taste of food, and Su Xian directly activated the "Ling Ling Qi" integrated into his body to prevent any changes.

Noting the changes in Su Xian's movements, Bibi Dong let out a long breath, knowing everything in his heart.

It's no wonder that Su Xian will be so courteous. It turns out that Qian Renxue has been exposed!

Rao knew that he was here to kill him, so this guy also kept her by his side, would he still marry her?

As he muttered to himself, Bibi Dong was also very surprised. Thinking of himself back then, he couldn't help being mixed.

Once upon a time, was it not so stupid that I did not listen to the teacher and fell in love with that man with all my heart, and finally...

"Otherwise... Tell me first if there is any difference, and then I will think about how to answer, what do you think of Senior Sister?" Su Xian continued to pinch Bibi Dong's shoulder, and said seriously.

Hearing that, Bibi Dong did not respond, his face was neither sad nor happy, he seemed to be in a daze, and he seemed to be remembering something.

There are thousands of emotions in his eyes, and there is no word to tell.

"If you were to die for her, would you be willing?" After a while, Bibi Dong suddenly asked back.

Jewel's clear eyes were full of bitterness, and there was no smile at all. They seemed to be torturing. Seeing Bibi Dong's appearance, Su Xian's movements also stopped and came to Qian Renxue's side.

"I have said a lot of deceitful things, but what I said this time is absolutely true."

With a firm tone, Su Xian turned to look at Qian Renxue, facing Qian Renxue's curious and expectant gaze, Su Xian slowly shook his head.

"I will not die for her."


When these words came out, not only was Bibi Dong stupid, even Qian Renxue was dumbfounded, her face turned pale, and she almost fell to the ground.

How can he say this?


She clenched her silver teeth, Qian Renxue's eyes were reddish, tears gushing in her eyes, and she felt heartbreaking in her heart.

She couldn't believe that Su Xian would actually say this?

Isn't he the one who loves himself most? !

"So, are you using her?"

After a word, Bibi Dong's eyes were blood red, and the black air current surged around him, like a bloodthirsty demon.

Especially the evil and strange energy in his body is even more chilling.

Su Xian was certain that if it hadn't been because of the relationship between the Supreme Being, that Bibi Dong had a trace of reason, she would have gone violently at this moment.

"Silly girl, why are you crying."

Seeing Qian Renxue actually crying, Su Xian wiped her tears distressedly.

Seeing her staring at her in a daze, Su Xian smiled knowingly, her eyes full of sincere tenderness and affection.

"I said that we will grow old together, I will not die, and you will not die."

Noting Qian Renxue's dim eyes shining brightly, Su Xian continued to speak:

"For the future happiness of both of us, I will not choose to die for you, I will try to live for you, watching your hair reach waist, and putting on a wedding dress for me."

"Even if something happens in the future, if someone threatens you with my life, you cannot die for me."

"Death is a relief for the dead, but for the living, life is not as torment as death."

Slowly holding Qian Renxue's hands, letting her feel the warmth from her lover, Su Xian slowly took a sip of her and said softly:

"None of us should die for each other, because this is the most stupid way to either live together or die together, right?"


Hearing this, Qian Renxue burst into tears, and the dry heart fell into the rain, sweetly about to overflow.

Feeling uncomfortable, Qian Renxue hugged Su Xian tightly with her hands, her ruddy eyes rained like tears, but her face smiled like a child.

Seeing Qian Renxue like this, Su Xian also hugged him, with a sincere smile on his face, and he couldn't help feeling a little bit contented inside.

Although the question of Bibi Dong seems simple, if the answer is satisfactory, it is as difficult as heaven.

In particular, he answered that he would die for Qian Renxue, which is simply unconvincing at all. No matter what he said, Bibi Dong would not believe it.

In case she has another sentence, you can prove it yourself, that is really bad.

Therefore, you have to learn to think backwards, and suppress first.

Only in this way can there be a surprise of turning point, which is even more convincing!

Not only showed that he was unswerving, but also asked for the tears of Qian Renxue, and at the same time showed off his affection in front of Bibi Dong.

Alas~ this is what I used to do, wow!

Bibi Dong was also shocked, unexpectedly Su Xian came with a carbine, and both of her were caught off guard.

With a cold snort, Bibi Dong pretended to be sullen and said, "Greasy mouth is slippery, no wonder this girl is so coaxed by you!"

good chance! !

"What the mother-in-law said, I am sincere to Xue'er." Su Xian smiled and said seriously.


You have to learn to climb up the pole, don't change your mouth at this time, who knows which tendon will twitch after Bibi Dong.

"It seems that not only is the greasy mouth slippery, but also a shameless stink!" Bibi Dong didn't have a good air.

Su Xian:! !

Do you dare to say that being a teacher is shameless?

I have written it in the small book, and I will pack you up later!

But seeing that Bibi Dong didn't refute, Su Xian already knew Bibi Dong's attitude, and she seemed to be very satisfied with her son-in-law!


"I will not confuse the matter between the two of you in the future. Just assume that I have never had such a daughter. You can decide your matter yourself."

Looking at Qian Renxue, Bibi Dong loves and hates in his heart, just like the taste of beef noodles with sauerkraut in old altar, complicated and difficult to understand.

Blessing the two, she couldn't do it, and she couldn't separate the two. Finally, she waved her hand and sighed helplessly.


Staring at Bibi Dong, Qian Renxue didn't know how to speak, just a name, she had exhausted all her strength.

"Let's go!" Bibi Dong's body trembled visibly, not daring to be soft-hearted, but his gaze swept over and snorted dissatisfiedly.

"Mother-in-law, let's go first."

Seeing this, Su Xian hurried away with Qian Renxue, so as not to stiff the atmosphere, Bibi Dong could say that, already bearing the limit in her heart.

Watching the two leave, Bibi Dong smiled sternly, looked at the food in front of him, and ate slowly.

The crystal tears dripped down, mixed in the rice, and Bibi Dong didn't seem to notice it at all.

(End of this chapter)

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