Douluo: I’m Really not Strong

Chapter 210: On the eve of the technological revolution! 【four】

Chapter 210, the eve of the technological revolution! 【four】

"His Royal Highness, Shangyun's house is just a merchant's house. Doesn't it seem very good?"

Hearing that the fourth copy was actually left for Shangyun Liantian, Ning Fengzhi's face sank and he reminded leisurely.

Ning Fengzhi is not very angry at ordinary times. He is already taking care of the Shang Yun family's face. If he changes to the hot-tempered master, he will probably start cursing the street directly.

Special code!

What kind of thing is Shangyun's family, but it is a rotten wood decorated with money, so why can it take food from their mouths?

There was a Contra family, even the only Contra family was hired with money, and the main branch of the Shangyun family didn't even have a soul sage.

You are not polite, just go to a titled Douluo, and Shangyun's house is gone!

Such ants, dare to join them?

"The emperor's decision is somewhat improper, after all, the other party is from the Star Luo Empire." The Great Xue Ye couldn't help but reminded him.

Even if he changed to the Emperor of the Star Luo Empire, he would occupy a quarter of the cake, Xue Ye felt that it was not right, after all, it was not his own empire.

As for the Shangyun family in the Star Luo Empire, that's even worse!

The status of the other party is not at the same level as them, and the technology that allows him to have a share is too unreasonable.


Seeing Xue Ye and Ning Fengzhi's face so dark, Su Xian was also speechless. He glanced at Bibi Dong, whose face remained motionless, and suddenly understood.

"That's good, the technology will be shared by the three parties, and Shangyunjia is responsible for sales."

"After all, it has been negotiated before, and it is more convenient for the Shangyun family to do it inside the Star Luo Empire." Su Xian said quickly.

Hearing this, the three of Emperor Xueye smiled.

Immediately, a new round of strategic deployment negotiations began, including market division, remote base station construction, circuit transmission issues...

An interest-related meeting lasted from the morning to the afternoon, and the cooperation documents were also accompanied by the seal of the Quartet.

Coming quickly, and leaving quickly, the three went back with the team given by Su Xian.

There are a thousand technicians per person, and various machinery among them. The technological revolution in full swing is warming up in the Heaven Dou Empire.

"Relevant matters have been negotiated. Qibao City and Tiandou City will transmit electricity from Xiaoyao City. It is expected that the day after tomorrow..."

Just about to send a message to the group, Su Xian thought about it and deleted it. As far as the battery level of their phone is concerned, it is estimated that they are all turned off now.

Wow ka ka ka~ This tastes uncomfortable, let you experience my tragic experience as a student.

Mobile phones are about to become popular, so how can bank cards not keep up?

After sending off the three people, Su Xian asked Xue Mingtong to take the team to Tiancheng to apply for bank cards for the users who bought the mobile phones.

As for whether they are willing or not, it's up to them!

Anyway, the amount of money on the Internet is not what he said. He will send 30 million red envelopes by himself, and then change the qq to be unable to use the wallet without a bank card...

Hehehe, I am not afraid that they will not apply for a bank card!

Seven Treasure Glazed Tile School.

Seeing that the Sect Master came back with a thousand people in weird clothes, the inner and outer disciples were all surprised.

Cang Dang! Cang Dang!

Afterwards, the iron bell that hadn't rang for thirty years in the sect rang, and all the children of the Ning family gathered in the hall.

Everyone, look at me and I look at you, all at a loss.

"Fengzhi, what happened?"

As cousin Ning Sansheng spoke, everyone's eyes were on Ning Fengzhi.

"Ahem... The Seven Treasure Glazed Glass Sect has an urgent matter that needs to be dealt with recently, please cooperate with all of you. This is an order from my Sect Master."

Ning Fengzhi's face was serious, but when the words came out, everyone was even more confused, and Ning Fengzhi didn't bother to explain.

Seven Treasure Glazed Tile School, Qi Treasure City, has always had only one master, and that is him as the sovereign!

"From today, half of the children of the Ning family in the Qibao Liuli Sect must follow the arrangements of outside experts to assist them in setting up electrical wires and base stations for each family in Qibao City."

"If there are those who are unwilling to let you into the house, they will bear the loss in the future, and the Qibao Glazed Tile School is not responsible."

"In the end, the older generation of the Ning family stayed, and the others waited to be notified of the next ones."

Watching the crowd dispersed, leaving a dozen core veterans of the Ning family alone, Ning Fengzhi took out fifteen mobile phones.

"Dear clan elders, this is the treasure I brought back from the Highness of Xiaoyao City. I believe all clan elders will be very interested."

Ning Fengzhi smiled, as if he had already eaten everyone.

After a while, the Quiet Hall, as he expected, erupted in exclamation.

"This thing is so amazing that it can be called thousands of miles away?"

"Oh! This group chat is too convenient. If you have something to do with Fengzhi in the future, just talk to the group."

"This is music. I didn't expect it could be put in a box. It's amazing, amazing!"

"Fuck, can you tell me how to write?"

"Idiot, how do you write by hand!"


Seeing the originally serious scene, it turned into a vegetable market in the blink of an eye, Ning Fengzhi also shook his head helplessly.

"This mobile phone consumes a lot of power and needs internet. The signal tower in my backyard can only cover..."

As he spoke, Ning Fengzhi's face suddenly turned dark.


Are you so fascinated? No one listens to what you say?

"Uncle Jian..."

Seeing that the roar was useless, Ning Fengzhi turned to look at Jian Douluo, intending to shock everyone.

However, seeing Jian Douluo holding a mobile phone in one hand and waving a sword in his right hand, his mouth was still plausible...

"What is meant by no move, no move, since there is no move, how can you attack all?"

"What does it mean to win without a sword?"

Seeing the introduction of the sword demon Dugu Qiufei, Sword Douluo became more and more confused, as if he felt that the kendo he pursued was still so shallow.

Especially the swordsmanship he was pursuing was still at its original sword level, which made him even more astonished.

In the road of kendo, there is such an expert, it is not lonely!


Seeing Jian Douluo shaking his head and sighing, with a look of enlightenment, Ning Fengzhi's cheeks twitched, and he swallowed again.

Nima! This phone is poisonous!

"Forget it, let's talk about it when you wake up, I will go to the show."

Shaking his head and sighing, Ning Fengzhi left directly, planning to wait for them to wake up and talk about the wires.

Ok! It is estimated that the power is out, and their fighting spirit will rise.

The same scene was also staged in the inner courtyard of the imperial palace and Hewuhun Hall.

The powerful and fantastical capabilities of mobile phones are destined to be equally popular in other worlds and become the darling of the world.

As the saying goes, a new storm has appeared, how can it stand still?

 Thank you [Yu] 588 for the reward!



(End of this chapter)

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